Lion of the Blogosphere

Whiskey was right, women hate hate hate beta males

The E! Online review of Big Little Lies E04 written by Lauren Piester, who sounds like a woman to me:

2. Ed is also a bit of a creep. “I love sweat on women” is not the way to greet your wife’s ex-husband’s new wife, dude.

Ed is not being intentionally creepy, he’s just too much of a nerd to say or do something cool in the presence of a sexy woman. (The show assumes that he finds sweaty slim-and-toned scantily-clad half-black women with tattoos sexy.)

The woman who wrote this review is unable to have any empathy at all for Ed whose wife is using him as a big wallet to support her expensive lifestyle while she from time-to-time cheats on him with the theatre director. Ms. Piester hates hates hates beta males. But she has nothing bad to say about the theatre director for coming onto Madeline, because he’s good looking and sexy.

Meanwhile, mega-jerk Eric Northman gets to have hot sex with his hot faithful wife after he knocks her around a bit (which happens every episode). Eric Northman is only described as “the worst” by Ms. Piester, not at all creepy or anything like that. One almost gets the feeling that she just feels obligated to say something bad about Eric Northman because, you know, he does beat up his wife every episode, but secretly she has the hots for him so she can’t muster up anything that sounds like real outrage.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

March 14, 2017 at 10:32 AM

Posted in Television

129 Responses

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  1. It’s not women hate betas, it’s just that women hate losers. Betas build civilizations and make up the majority of artists, architects, academics, craftsmen and musicians. Creative/sensitive type men from these fields pull all kinds of tail when they make themselves interesting, productive and confident. This idea that “alpha” jerks have a monopoly on women is just not true. The have a monopoly on a certain kind of women aka the hot, mindless sluts. But those are the very women that you want to avoid in life. If one is really in need of that kind of woman they run about $200 an hour which is a hell of a lot cheaper than what they will cost you in wasted years and alimony payments.


    March 14, 2017 at 10:45 AM

    • “If one is really in need of that kind of woman they run about $200 an hour which is a hell of a lot cheaper than what they will cost you in wasted years and alimony payments.”

      Beautifully stated.


      March 14, 2017 at 11:29 AM

    • “The have a monopoly on a certain kind of women aka the hot, mindless sluts. But those are the very women that you want to avoid in life.”

      Can we make some sort of commandment out of that second sentence in your quote? It’s almost perfect, but I would change that “avoid” to “stay the fuck away from at all costs.”


      March 14, 2017 at 7:21 PM

    • Let’s hope penicillin continues to work on some of the stuff that could cost more than 200 per hour.

      Joseph Moroco

      March 14, 2017 at 9:45 PM

  2. Who is Eric Northman? Do you mean Perry? Perry is married to the Nicole Kidman character.

    Anyway, notice the context of the reviewer calling Perry “the worst.”

    “Perry (Alexander Skarsgård), however, is not about to let her get her career (and her power) back. Perry continues to be the worst.”

    He’s “the worst” because he doesn’t want his wife pursuing her high powered career, and getting all that “power back,” not because he beats her up and has rough sex with her. As always, the SJW women reveal themselves.


    March 14, 2017 at 11:11 AM

    • The actor who plays Perry played Eric Northman in the series True Blood.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      March 14, 2017 at 11:54 AM

    • I don’t quite grok the economics of this show. Skarsgård’s character is an example of that. He’s some kind of corporate road warrior (with a ridiculously large walk-in closet for a man) and he lives in Monterrey? You’d figure a guy like that would want to live closer to a major airport.

      In general, Monterrey looks like an expensive place to live but one that’s not convenient to places where you can make a lot of money. Seems like someone living in Perry’s house would be a wealthy retiree, or it would be a holiday home for a rich person living and working in Silicon Valley.

      David Pinsen

      March 14, 2017 at 5:36 PM

      • Just a soap opera, don’t expect hyper realism.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 14, 2017 at 5:38 PM

      • It took me a full two hours to take the Monterey Airbus down to Monterey from San Fran once.


        March 14, 2017 at 8:05 PM

      • Could it be that he’s such a high-powered corporate type that he has access to a small private jet that flies out of a nearby municipal airport?


        March 14, 2017 at 10:12 PM

  3. Creepy seems to be a far worse insult for women to use towards a man than abusive.

    Mike Street Station

    March 14, 2017 at 11:17 AM

  4. BTW, I don’t remember if you ever talked about that kid’s birthday party. What’s her name, Amabella (what the heck kind of name is that anyway?). That party was a truly sick display of affluence, and all those little Monterrey brats just assume it’s their god given right to have parties like that (though I did enjoy black, cigarette smoking SpiderMan). And the gift “bags,” which were giant baskets full of stuff. Ahhh, it’s good to be in the 0.01%!

    Anyway, I’m officially declaring that Reese Witherspoon is prettier than Nicole Kidman. She’s too short and doesn’t have the insane body of Kidman, but she’s really, really beautiful.

    PS – Did you know that Shailene Woodley was arrested for that stupid Dakota pipeline protest a while ago? Why are these Hollywood wimmins always such nitwits?


    March 14, 2017 at 11:21 AM

  5. The best evidence of this is Chris Brown who beat the motherhucking shativa out of Rihanna. There was almost a kind of going through the motions outrage from feminists.

    But as a black man, who is a sacred object for the Left, the sacredness and magical nature of these creatures outweighs the anti feminist violence.

    So now’s he still doing well.

    Any other race of man that did that would be banished. The NASA scientist with that tshirt a few years ago is flipping burgers.

    Its not women per se that make the rules though. Its an ideology. And ideologies have priests and ideology weavers. It might seem nonsensical actually…but its not. It makes perfect sense if you know the intention behind cultural marxism.

    The Philosopher In Transition Back to Philosopher

    March 14, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    • It makes perfect sense if you know the intention behind cultural marxism.

      Which of course doesn’t exist.

      This post needs some Red Pill/Blue Pill garage in order to represent the Big Three of every sexually inadequate “white guy” on the internet right whateeryoucallit.

      Namely –

      1 Women hate hate hate beta males

      2 Red pill/Blue pill and……


      The same self deceiving garage seems to often go together whenever a certain type tries to explain the world and his reasons for not being as successful in life as he feels entitled to be.


      March 14, 2017 at 12:11 PM

      • “Which of course doesn’t exist [Cultural Marxism].”

        Wut? I can show you fifty crystal clear examples of it without ever leaving the New York Magazine web site.

        Do you have a forest/trees problem? Can you not see Cultural Marxism because it is literally everywhere, aggressively right in your face? Or are you arguing some spergy “well Marx never talked about any of this!” drivel?


        March 14, 2017 at 1:39 PM

      • Cultural Marxism only exists as an updated fantasy for people to say Jews are brainwashing the goyim in order to destroy Western Civilization.

        It’s just a code term used by alt right white guys to pretend to be intellectual.

        The people described as cultural marxists are NOT marxists in ANY way, cultural or otherwise.

        But that hasn’t stopped the white alt right from using it like a password to gain entry into some kind of club.

        Or are you arguing some spergy “well Marx never talked about any of this!” drivel?

        LOL. It’s marxism even if it’s not marxism because it’s ,…. CULTURAL MARXISM.

        It doesn’t exist. Find a more realistic threat to fixate on……and no not women “hate hate hating beta males.”


        March 14, 2017 at 3:59 PM

      • “The people described as cultural marxists are NOT marxists in ANY way, cultural or otherwise.”

        Oi, and there it is. You did exactly what I predicted you’d do. Listen Chico, you just don’t understand the term “Cultural Marxism,” and you’re too high on your high horse to realize you’re just being ignorant. It’s a term of art. EVERYONE knows exactly what it means, and hey no kidding it doesn’t have to do with the freaking proletariat or the means of production or any of that.

        You’re trying to wage a one man (or woman? I kind of agree with that hypothesis) battle against a term that has been widely accepted and understood in the Alt-Right and even beyond that. It’s an extremely useful term, a shorthand way of conveying an entire range of cultural crimes and misdemeanors. But keep on raging against it if that’s how you get your jollies.


        March 14, 2017 at 8:49 PM

      • I hate the term “cultural marxism”. You mean SJWism.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 15, 2017 at 12:23 AM

      • “Cultural Marxism only exists as an updated fantasy for people to say Jews are brainwashing the goyim in order to destroy Western Civilization.”

        I have heard some people say this.

        The Philosopher In Transition Back to Philosopher

        March 15, 2017 at 4:08 AM

      • No rifleman is not a woman. Women dobt pick names like that. Still less read a blog like this. The more prosaic explanation is that hes half magic negro.

        This explains the mid level cognitive ability.

        The Philosopher In Transition Back to Philosopher

        March 15, 2017 at 4:37 AM

    • ” The NASA scientist with that tshirt a few years ago is flipping burgers.”

      I think he was a European scientist. The project was a ESA comet landing.

      Which is remarkable. The guy who successfully lands a spacecraft on a friggin’ comet is forced to grovel before really stupid SJW’s, at the time of probably the most remarkable achievement of his life.

      Mike Street Station

      March 14, 2017 at 12:15 PM

      • It was truly a case of peak pussywhippin’. The thing is, he could have and should have told them to fuck off, but he groveled. Is he really flipping burgers?


        March 14, 2017 at 1:31 PM

      • I think “The Philosopher In Transition Back to Philosopher” was being a bit facetious about the burger flipping part. Although he should have told ’em to fuck off, he probably was under a lot of work pressure to grovel.

        Mike Street Station

        March 14, 2017 at 4:07 PM

    • But as a black man, who is a sacred object for the Left, the sacredness and magical nature of these creatures outweighs the anti feminist violence.

      So now’s he still doing well.

      He has (and had) an almost entirely black fanbase so white SJWs were unable to harm his career, even though they did and do want to.

      The NASA scientist with that tshirt a few years ago is flipping burgers.

      He seems to be doing OK:


      March 14, 2017 at 3:01 PM

    • The Philosopher loves Chris Brown.


      March 14, 2017 at 8:12 PM

    • Any other race of man that did that would be banished. The NASA scientist with that tshirt a few years ago is flipping burgers.

      His name is Matt Taylor and he never lost his job. He works at the European Space Agency. I remember that “controversy.” People were making fun of feminists.

  6. You are a single man in his 40s? who posts about video games, tv shows for teenage girls, killers with “beta male rage” and now how much you agree with “Whiskey” about women.



    March 14, 2017 at 11:59 AM

    • Dude, no one’s forcing you to read the posts.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      March 14, 2017 at 1:06 PM

      • You call Rifleman “dude”. But I’ve had my doubts for a long time. I suspect a more accurate description would be “Riflewoman”. They get bent out of shape every time these topics come up. No real explanation for their opinions. Just a lot of personal attacks questioning someone’s manhood. Sounds like the kind of attacks a disgruntled woman would make eh?


        March 14, 2017 at 1:54 PM

      • Just my humble attempt at an intervention.


        March 14, 2017 at 3:25 PM

      • Hundreds of millions of people play videogames and watch crappy TV shows, sorry that sometimes I’m just a normal schlub.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 14, 2017 at 4:16 PM

    • And yet you comment on this blog…


      March 14, 2017 at 1:57 PM

    • I think he might be in his 50s now.

      David Pinsen

      March 14, 2017 at 5:44 PM

      • If I’m correct in my chronology (based on what has been revealed here over the past 3 1/2 years) the Lion will turn 50 this year. Is this accurate?


        March 15, 2017 at 12:07 PM

  7. Lion,

    If you are going to make a blanket statement, I think it’s better to use real life data than offer movies/TV as proof. This is a common habit on blogs. Someone — usually a butthurt guy — delivers an observation as if it’s an axiom — and then offers a scene from a movie as proof.

    Women love betas. They marry them a lot. Newsflash: most women realize that they are average, so they marry average. Get out in the real world.

    BTW, in the real world, at least the media part of it, Trump hatred rules supreme. Actually it’s beyond Trump hatred. It’s the institutionalization of Obama worship. He may be out of power but the institutionalization continues apace. The chief fruits of this is rampant hatred of white people, and their replacement in all aspects of popular culture.

    The movie “Get Out” has just reached $100M in box office receipts (on a budget of $4.5M). And “Hidden Figures” was a smash hit on a lowish budget.

    All the alt-right shrieking in the world isn’t going to overcome the new facts that Hollywood has uncovered: that the early space program was brain-powered by sassy black women.


    March 14, 2017 at 12:29 PM

    • To continue my attempt to bring this blog back to the real world:

      Could anything illustrate the exhaustion of the liberal world order than the reaction to Geert Wilders perfectly sane defense of his culture, and Steve King’s brilliant tweet about culture and children?


      March 14, 2017 at 1:32 PM

      • But do you approve or disapprove of Geert Wilder’s hair?

        The Undiscovered Jew

        March 14, 2017 at 6:17 PM

      • For higher office, disapprove. (The Rutte dude will probs win, by co-opting his message & having normal hair.)

        For attention-getting purposes, approve.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:41 PM

      • King’s tweet was a watershed moment. An establishment Republican has openly made an altright/race realist statement and as of yet has not cucked or backed down. I think that Trump has emboldened this and we can expect more statements of this kind to come from other congressmen from deep red, flyover areas.


        March 14, 2017 at 6:25 PM

      • We’ll see. Right now it’s still peak minority in the arts world.

        I’m very interested in the “Get Out” phenom. Guy makes an openly hate/kill whitey movie & he scores 100% on the Tomato-meter. Literally every mainstream critic sucked Peele’s balls. These hate whitey porn movies do great business. I hate that yet….

        …I have to admire Peele’s grit. He takes a $4.5M budget and turns that into (so far) a $100M movie, and more coming. That’s pretty admirable. Why can’t a white guy do that?


        March 14, 2017 at 7:44 PM

      • King is hardly “establishment.”


        March 14, 2017 at 6:41 PM

      • The Rutte dude will probs win, by co-opting his message & having normal hair.

        But I thought the Lion said voters vote only logic and facts.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        March 14, 2017 at 8:21 PM

      • Did he? Lion?


        March 15, 2017 at 2:04 PM

      • TUJ is being sarcastic. You are supposed to know that the opposite is true, that voters vote based on emotion and not logic.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 15, 2017 at 2:13 PM

      • King’s tweet was a watershed moment. An establishment Republican has openly made an altright/race realist statement and as of yet has not cucked or backed down.

        He kind of did, emphasizing he was talking about culture, and that if “we” adopted other people’s babies, we could raise them as assimilated Americans. Which is true, in a lowest common denominator sense, but which misses the reality that culture and biology impact each other significantly.

        David Pinsen

        March 14, 2017 at 8:26 PM

      • I don’t have cable so you’ll have to clue me in. I wrote what I wrote based upon his tweets. I later saw on a website that he did cuck out on a cable show.

        To be charitable what he might have been driving at is that the US can indeed assimilate “other people’s babies” if the numbers are small enough and if the core culture is confident enough. Since the numbers are not manageable and the core culture is under assault, those conditions don’t apply.

        The KMD crowd would say that my grandparents were just as unassimilable as the African/Hispanic tide of today. I can tell you that he’s wrong. We’ve assimilated to the point of disappearing as Jews. But the numbers were smaller, and the culture my grandparents emigrated to was strong & confident.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:08 PM

      • “Why can’t a white guy do that?”

        A white guy did do that. His name is Quentin Tarantino and the kill whitey movie in question was called “Django Unchained”


        There hasn’t been a successful kill darky movie since W. D. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” (although the final scene in Harmony Korine’s “Spring Breakers” comes close.)


        March 14, 2017 at 9:26 PM

      • By “do that” I meant make a honest movie about race in America, well-acted and low-budget.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:09 PM

      • But do you approve or disapprove of Geert Wilder’s hair?

        I can’t even really decide. In fact this phenomenon of unusual male hairstyle seems to occur far more often than one would think.

        SJ, Esquire (formerly Samson J).

        March 14, 2017 at 9:32 PM

      • Not if you are running for a serious office. Srsly, dude.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:09 PM

      • Wilders looks a lot like Jimmy Page does nowadays.

        Zep Head

        March 15, 2017 at 7:21 AM

      • “By “do that” I meant make a honest movie about race in America, well-acted and low-budget”

        “Crash” won the Oscar in 2004. It had a budget of 6.5 million $$$ and box office of almost 100 million.


        March 15, 2017 at 4:57 PM

      • You are supposed to know that the opposite is true, that voters vote based on emotion and not logic.

        And she is supposed to know when the Lion is being sarcastic or serious.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        March 15, 2017 at 5:00 PM

      • In fact this phenomenon of unusual male hairstyle seems to occur far more often than one would think.

        Wilders’ hair has been unusual for a while now. Like his politics his fashion trendsetting has been well ahead of the curve.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        March 15, 2017 at 5:04 PM

      • There hasn’t been a successful kill darky movie since W. D. Griffith’s “Birth of a Nation” (although the final scene in Harmony Korine’s “Spring Breakers” comes close.)

        Taken ?


        March 15, 2017 at 7:24 PM

      • “Kill darky” wow. It’s almost as if you’re saying they deserve revenge.


        March 16, 2017 at 2:38 PM

    • “Women love betas. They marry them a lot.”

      Once they are done riding the Alpha carousel, yeah.

      “Newsflash: most women realize that they are average, so they marry average.”

      ???? Not anybody under 30. They resign themselves to marrying average, if they have a baby itch. Many don’t marry at all anymore. The more educated, the later they marry.

      “BTW, in the real world, at least the media part of it, Trump hatred rules supreme.”

      This and the remainder of your comment is spot on.


      March 14, 2017 at 1:35 PM

      • Once they are done riding the Alpha carousel, yeah.

        Homoerotic nonsense.

        Typical that you guys not only demonize women but you obsess on the genitalia and sexuality of other males.

        The two are ALWAYS related!


        March 14, 2017 at 3:34 PM

    • “Someone — usually a butthurt guy — delivers an observation as if it’s an axiom — and then offers a scene from a movie as proof.”

      I don’t think anyone considers a scene from a television show “proof”. It’s just that a widely viewed television show provides a common frame of reference. Certainly more so than if Leon had began his observation with “And one time at band camp…”

      “Women love betas. They marry them a lot. Newsflash: most women realize that they are average, so they marry average. Get out in the real world.”

      When women are sowing their wild oats they look for alphas. When women get ready to settle down their priorities change. Betas provide the security they need to have a family. And research confirms that this is indeed what’s going on. Of course, there are only so many alphas to go around anyway. So most women would be forced to marry betas regardless of preference.

      “BTW, in the real world, at least the media part of it, Trump hatred rules supreme. Actually it’s beyond Trump hatred. It’s the institutionalization of Obama worship.”

      “Trump hatred” and “Obama worship” are definitely real. But I also think they’re symbolic. Trump symbolizes everything they hate. Which is to say they hate America as well as whites in general and the working class in particular. I think a lot of the upper echelons even hate the middle class.
      I read a review for Get Out that described it as a “race movie” and wanted to see it for myself. It struck me as a second rate, racist version of The Stepford Wives. As has been said a thousand times, “If the races had been reversed…”


      March 14, 2017 at 2:36 PM

      • Oh, you saw it? How does it end? I get the impression that it ends with all the whites being exterminated. True?


        March 14, 2017 at 5:05 PM

      • Of course. Make a movie portraying white people as evil to justify massacring them. Racist revenge fantasy.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:16 PM

      • I have a gut feeling that Get Out is approaching peak anti-white. Its hatred is so blatant and in your face … how can anyone (other than professional critics, of course) fail to notice it? There also seems to be a subconscious or veiled incipient self-awareness on the part of the film-makers. The sidekick character keeps riffing about bizarre conspiracy theories that are supposed to sound ridiculous, and it’s hard not to notice that the movie itself is operating on the exact same level of that.

        That said, I have to say that the (basically all-white) audience I saw it with didn’t show any evidence of getting woke. Sounded like Get Out had them eating from the palm of its hand, laughing at its jokes, grumbling at its skewering of nice white liberals, gasping at its horror twists, and cheering on the revenge murders.

        Greg Pandatshang

        March 15, 2017 at 11:27 AM

      • “Oh, you saw it? How does it end? I get the impression that it ends with all the whites being exterminated. True?”

        How does he do it? C’mon, spill the beans and be as gruesomely detailed as possible. I’m not gonna see this POS and I’ve got a thick skin.

        Did the blacks in the audience cheer as he sliced up the white meat?


        March 15, 2017 at 2:12 PM

      • Dude, the whites in the audience cheered. That’s a slight exaggeration, I guess, but it sure didn’t seem like the movie lost them at that point. I will say that the audience when I saw the Hateful Eight literally applauded the interracial sexual assault scene. This is just about the only time I’ve ever walked out of a movie theater. (The same audience laughed out loud every time Kurt Russell would elbow Jennifer Jason Leigh in the nose, which was several times). Anyway, I don’t think there were any black people in the audience for either movie.

        The one-man anti-white pogrom at the end of Get Out is less exultant and has fewer victims than the one at the end of Django Unchained, but it’s more tactile and bodily, less cartoon violence. The father of the family is stabbed with some large pointy object, I forget what. The mother (Catherine Keener) is stabbed in the face with scissors — that happens just off camera — maybe this kind of grisly violence against an older woman runs the risk of turning the audience against our hero? The brother, I think, gets the same scissors. The girlfriend character (Brian Williams’s daughter) ends the movie alive but gutshot and bleeding out (also halfway strangled) on an isolated road as the good guy drives away. Maybe she’ll survive to seek revenge in the sequel! “Get Back”? “Get Whitey”?

        The Stepford Uncle Tom characters also meet violent deaths at the end, but these are less deliberate on the main character’s part. One commits suicide and the other dies in a car crash that she causes by attacking the hero while he tries to help her.

        Greg Pandatshang

        March 15, 2017 at 3:50 PM

      • I’m not putting money in their pockets either. Saw it for free.

        White girl brings her black bf to her family’s home in the country to meet her parents. The father is a neurosurgeon and mother a psychiatrist. There are also a couple of strange servants; a black maid and gardener. Later that night the psychiatrist mom hypnotizes him with some trick where she stirs/taps her tea cup with a spoon.

        The next day a lot of old SWPLs show up for a party. One of them is an older woman married to a young black guy who reminds the bf of someone he used to know. When the bf takes his pic the flash gives the guy a fit, yelling at him to “Get out!” The bf is shaken up and wants to leave but the gf talks him out of it. Meanwhile, all the old SWPLs who showed up for the party have an auction using BINGO cards. haha

        The guests leave and the bf insists on leaving, too. The gf agrees and he starts packing. While the gf is out of the room, the bf finds a box of photos which show his gf in relationships with the gardener and maid. Now, the guy is really freaked out. They rush down stairs where the brother corners him with a LaCrosse stick while the gf frantically looks for the car keys. When bf freaks out and starts yelling she gets a little grin on her face and dangles the keys. She had them the whole time. When the bf attacks her brother the mom taps her tea cup and he faints.

        He wakes up strapped to a chair watching a video. The video explains that they’re basically going to replace part of his brain with the guy who won the auction. The bf will be trapped in his own body with the new owner in control. The video ends with the tea tapping noise and the bf faints.

        The father preps the old guy for surgery while the son comes in with a wheelchair. When the son unstraps him the bf knocks him out. The bf had stuffed something in his ears and only pretended to be unconscious. He grabs a stuffed deer head off the wall, walks to the operating room and stabs the father surgeon with the antlers. Then he locates the mother, smashes her tea cup so she can’t use it and kills her.

        As he’s driving away, he accidentally hits the black maid and puts her in the passenger seat. The daughter chases the car with a gun. As he’s speeding off, the maid attacks him and he wrecks the car killing her. He crawls out and the gardener starts beating him. The bf pulls out his camera phone and the flash snaps the gardener out of it. The gardener grabs the gf’s gun, shoots her and turns it on himself. Then his best friend pulls up and they drive off. The end.

        PS: The strange blacks had already been operated on. The maid and gardener were the grandparents. And the camera’s flash momentarily disoriented the new brain giving the old brain a few seconds of control.


        March 15, 2017 at 5:19 PM

      • “I have a gut feeling that Get Out is approaching peak anti-white.”

        And I have a feeling I’ve been hearing this for 25 years. The end is nigh! But it never is.

        I think the whites in the audience who cheer this have been so gaslighted and porned out that they’ve convinced themselves it’s edgy art. It’s thrilll seeking. What a surprise they have in store for them. They’ll end up as burnouts, all of them.


        March 15, 2017 at 8:29 PM

      • Actually, the reverse of this movie already exists. It’s Kate Hudson’s The Skeleton Key.

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        March 16, 2017 at 1:52 AM

      • That’s funny, I thought of that, too. I don’t think anybody but you and me (and maybe Jordan Peele) remembers Skeleton Key. I thought it was fairly entertaining and original, which means it’s underrated because I think it was dismissed at the time and has been forgotten since. I often think of that creepy “It is time, Lord …” half-sung incantation.

        Greg Pandatshang

        March 16, 2017 at 3:27 PM

    • What the red pillers hate is the fact that 5/10 looking women sleep around with 9/10 looking men in their 20’s and only settle for the 5/10 man after they are past 30. At least that is the big metro area middle class pattern these days.

      That is a fairly new thing and seems to be a valid complaint. Of course the men would do the same thing and screw upwards if they could for a decade before settling in their league, but they can’t. So they WISH they could be hypocrites. That they are bitter and whiny does not mean they are wrong!

      And this is bad for society and should be strongly discouraged by the gov. Not with Muslim style sex laws but by huge cuts in public spending that supports the pink collar jobs women use during their hypergamy years that tax men in the private sector.


      March 14, 2017 at 3:28 PM

      • What cuts in public spending would reduce the number of pink collar jobs in the private sector?

        David Pinsen

        March 15, 2017 at 12:35 AM

      • If I didn’t know better I’d think “Pop” was a Russian bot crafted to sound like a bitter gamma incel.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:13 PM

      • Cutting student loan programs would reduce pink collar education jobs at private colleges. Cutting DOL and labor regulations would reduce private sector HR and compliance jobs. Cutting Medicaid and ending the mental health mandate would reduce private sector jobs mostly held by women.


        March 15, 2017 at 3:48 PM

    • The chief fruits of this is rampant hatred of white people, and their replacement in all aspects of popular culture.

      Don’t underestimate Michele Obama in all this.

      Remember she’s the one who probably convinced Barack that “Trayvon could have been their son/him”.

      Also she hosted the showing of “Hidden Figures” in the White House.


      March 14, 2017 at 3:31 PM

      • Do you remember, waayyyy back in 2007, that there was a tape of Michelle in which she used the word “whitey”? Do you remember Larry Johnson, an ex-CIA guy, who got a lot of attention because he went all anti-Bush rogue? He said he knew on good authority that the tape is real.

        Old Larry got punked, and looked like a fool, but I wonder whether that damn tape was real. I wouldn’t doubt that it was real and it got axed.


        March 14, 2017 at 5:07 PM

      • My sense of things is that Michele’s role is the Obama Admin. is way overstated. I have it on good authority that she doesn’t like whites but she doesn’t like politics either. I believe she really did want Barry to get a lucrative corporate or corporate law gig and let her live in style among the Chicago black elite and that his ambitions displaced a lot of that. We got from her the kind of statements and attitudes we would get from 99 % of black women; don’t care for whitey much and would rather live de facto segregated lives. I don’t have any problem with that. As Sailer says, there’s a reason we have different nations. I’d prefer it if those who would rather live segregated existences, like Michele, were more free to speak their minds.


        March 15, 2017 at 3:16 AM

      • My sense is that Michele’s effect on the Obama admin was profound. Much more power than Hillary with Bill.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:14 PM

    • Lion uses “beta” to mean omega, the sort of man who’s never had a girlfriend.

      David Pinsen

      March 14, 2017 at 5:47 PM

      • A lot of HBDers do. Beta is really fairly high on the status hierarchy.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:40 PM

      • Well, it’s not like there’s going to be one rank on the status hierarchy for each Greek letter. Most people just use an alpha-beta-omega system, where beta is guys who have something going for them but still aren’t very attractive, while omega is guys who have nothing going for them and nobody wants. Naturally, most of the population falls in the beta category, although, given that low status people tend to be sort of invisible, there are probably also surprising numbers omegas around.

        You sometimes also hear people talk about gamma males, the guys who are struggling to stay in beta territory, who are still unappetising to women when they’re in the mood to settle down with a nice, normal guy. Heartiste might call these men lesser betas.

        Not sure, but Lion’s “beta male rage” phenomenon might be mostly a trait of the lesser betas/gammas. Betas in the top half of the distribution could reasonably feel like they’re doing okay, (can look forward to marrying one of the cuter early-30sish bachelorettes). Omegas might be insulated from rage to a certain extent by feeling that they were never really in the running.

        Greg Pandatshang

        March 15, 2017 at 11:03 AM

      • LOL. I was an omega before the first girl, and I’m STILL one.


        March 15, 2017 at 7:56 PM

    • Women love betas. They marry them a lot

      Non sequitur. If you replace “love” with “settle for”, then you have something.


      March 15, 2017 at 2:13 PM

  8. One could write a book on how women use the word “creepy” to denigrate men. Basically, women using it two ways. First, to describe a man who gives them the “stranger danger” vibe. A guy who is clearly behaving in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened i.e. leering, stalking, etc.

    And, second, women use it to describe a guy who likes them and may simply be shy, awkward, unattractive, etc. By labeling him “creepy” they’re really expressing their contempt for a guy who’s done nothing except not be smooth or attractive enough to turn them on. By labeling him “creepy” they’re essentially equating him with rapists and pedophiles.

    This second description has less to do with anything the guy has actually done wrong and more to do with contempt for a guy who doesn’t make them wet. I understand how it works from the standpoint of evolutionary psychology. Basically, it’s not in the genetic interests for a female to reproduce with an inferior male. So they feel revulsion at the advances of an inferior male.

    Whiskey was indeed right, women do hate beta males. Most women, anyway.


    March 14, 2017 at 1:30 PM

    • Whiskey was indeed right, women do hate beta males. Most women, anyway.

      Whiskey is wrong in almost everything he has ever written and women don’t hate beta males…AT ALL.

      You have the process reversed…

      MEN hate average “beta” women because most men over evaluate their worth and think they deserve a supermodel.

      Most dudes are ugly and generally unattractive in personality and dress and style as well. But they still think they deserve women “out of their league”.

      Whiskey and Lion make one fundamental mistake – they define omega type males as beta. That is, creepy loser types get put into average/beta category just because they are not “alpha”.

      Whether that’s “beta male rage” nonsense or women “hate hate hating beta males”.

      Take away the sexual rage and entitlement of mediocre males and all this talk about women hating beta males etc etc would go away.

      But it wont because yeah, there are lots of ugly, creepy overentitled delusional males out there. And internet porn is only making matters worse than ever.


      March 14, 2017 at 3:49 PM

      • evidence?


        March 14, 2017 at 5:53 PM

      • Rifleman,

        There is no such thing as male hypergamy. Female hypergamy, though, is quite real. It was enabled by the sexual revolution, which divided the relationship market into the market for marriage and the market for sex. In the sexual market, women trade up…the result is that, at every level of attractiveness, there is a shortage of women. This shortage is generated by the belief that every woman who is a 5 can do better than a man who is a 5. And this is true…a woman who is a 5 can sleep with a man who is a 6,7, or 8. This happens due to the shortage of women in these categories as well, created by the female hypergamy of their corresponding women.

        The problem with this is simple and dire: women confuse the market for sex with the market for marriage. The woman who is a 5 thinks that if she sleeps with a man who is a 6, 7 or 8, that she, too, is a 6, 7 or 8. The reality is she is not, so she will not be able to convert her easy sex life into a marriage with the men to which she is genuinely attracted. She, instead, will continually be pumped and dumped until she ages past her peak years of attractiveness and can no longer pull the attention of the men she genuinely loves, usually at around age 30. The vast majority of women have gambled away their 20’s on this very high risk strategy in hopes of finally getting a marriage with a high value man.

        Traditional, monogamous marriage and morality short-circuited this problem. While biological hypergamy still existed, men did not date or marry beneath them and sex outside of wedlock was frowned upon, so there were few opportunities for women to carry on open affairs with lots of out-of-league men. Marrying young and having children young also sucked out their narcissism and they focused inward on their families instead of competing with other women. The system worked…which is why the Cultural Marxists did everything they could to attack it.

        Unmarried women riding the carousel until they age past their peak years of attractiveness are some of the worst human beings you will ever meet. Their personalities harden because they need to filter out the men that they previously rejected, who are now the only men that will actually talk to them. To marry one of these shrews is a guaranteed divorce. These women should never be rewarded with marriage.

        Why do we focus on television? Because television is how the people who run the country, the ruling class, communicate with the masses. It is nothing but propaganda, where what you watch is exactly the kind of world the elite want you to believe can be created. So, 50 Shades of Grey is about a billionaire who loves a woman who looks like a housekeeper. Sex and the City has 40 year old women sleeping with baseball players and marrying investment bankers. Big Little Lies has a a woman marrying a beta-male provider while pining for her alpha male ex. See, woman? You, too, can have a life like this.

        The reality is different. Billionaire alpha males marry models, like Donald Trump did. Most women will end up as crazy cat ladies after 13 years of riding the carousel. Look at Ashley Judd. Why is she so angry? Because her husband, a former race car driver, dumped her ass, married a far younger and hotter woman, and they just had their first kid. She knows there are no race car drivers or kids in her future, so we get to watch her act out that realization in public by demanding other women make the same mistakes she did. And she is a very successful and beautiful woman, who did not lock down her options when she had the chance. Imagine the results for the less gifted. It’s a society of Meg Griffins.

        Cultural Marxism is about engineering this decline, by triggering female hypergamy and letting it run wild. Once that reproductive and youthful window closes, you will have this army of women permanently, because they have no choice but to be committed to this course of action, just to avoid the despair of their own circumstances. This even operates internationally, where NGO’s try to “educate” women in various third-world countries, like Nigeria. Boko Haram was created to fight this.

        Whiskey and others make the claim that women are far more valuable than men and that is how all of this is enabled. They are partly correct. Women, in their prime youthful and child-bearing years, are more valuable than men, but that quickly inverts once women lose those years. The women who have missed those windows really have no idea the living hell that is coming for them in the decades to come. Childless, unattractive women, with bitter personalities, causing problems in a resource poor and declining civilization, will get burned at the stake, like the witches of Salem. Count on it.


        March 14, 2017 at 6:30 PM

      • “what you watch is exactly the kind of world the elite want you to believe can be created.”

        The elites gave us fifteen years of reality TV, and we got a reality TV guy as POTUS.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 14, 2017 at 6:41 PM

      • ha


        March 14, 2017 at 6:46 PM

      • Map:

        Damn, son.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:31 PM

      • Map, fantastic comment. Totally wasted on Riflegirl, I’m sure. But fantastic comment just the same.


        March 14, 2017 at 8:53 PM

      • Why are “loser” type guys creepy?


        March 14, 2017 at 9:03 PM

      • Map, epic comment. And 100% correct.

        Andrew E.

        March 14, 2017 at 9:04 PM

      • Map,

        <blockquote50 Shades of Grey is about a billionaire who loves a woman who looks like a housekeeper.

        Dakota Johnson (daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith) looks like a housekeeper?

        David Pinsen

        March 15, 2017 at 12:44 AM

      • “The woman who is a 5 thinks that if she sleeps with a man who is a 6, 7 or 8, that she, too, is a 6, 7 or 8.”

        Because I’m into music and read a fair number of music biographies, the underlying motivation for the groupie phenomenon always eluded me particularly because, even if I love a woman’s music, Carol King for instance, that doesn’t translate into any kind of interest in sleeping with her. The above quote is pretty much what I’d come to conclude, that women somehow see themselves as being judged by the guy they are with, more than men (though certainly men with trophy wives care a lot).


        March 15, 2017 at 2:59 AM

      • Curle — I’d suggest an alternate theory. From an evolutionary standpoint, women have more invested in sex than men do. A man can theoretically have hundreds of children and all it takes is 5 minutes apiece. But a woman spends 9 months followed by many years of child rearing. For men, sex is a commodity. But for women it’s a major investment. Therefore, women have to be a lot more selective than men. Women can’t afford to invest years raising some loser’s bastard. So, when it comes to fornication, women are wired to be selective. And fame tricks the primitive mind into thinking that person is “special”. That’s why some scrawny bass player with oatmeal for brains has groupies even though they spend half their life high as a kite.

        However, when it comes to settling down, different instincts kick in — nesting instincts. At that point, it becomes about finding a stable provider. This is where betas beat out the alphas. Women want to fornicate with an alpha but some womanizing lethario isn’t really husband material. They want a guy who’ll stick around for the long haul providing for the spawn. Woe be unto him who falls short of that mark. The number one cause of divorce isn’t infidelity but money problems. Now, most women won’t divorce a husband for going a few months without a job. But the instinct exists. So if she loses faith in the guy and thinks she can do better on her own or with someone else then she will. And here’s an interesting factoid — lots of divorces happen right after the youngest child leaves the nest. And it’s mostly women filing for divorce. So when women no longer need the financial security of said beta… Briffault’s Law.


        March 15, 2017 at 3:39 PM

      • “fame tricks the primitive mind into thinking that person is “special”. That’s why some scrawny bass player with oatmeal for brains has groupies”

        In a Darwinian sense, the scrawny bass player IS successful.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 15, 2017 at 5:31 PM

      • David Pinsen,

        For a billionaire, yes, Dakota Johnson does look like a housekeeper. Her face has mannish features, especially the jaw line.


        Women never grow out of alphas. Their “nesting instincts” kick in when they’ve aged past their peak years of attractiveness and are forced to settle, usually in their 30’s. This is the beta “winning” by marrying the used-up scraps.


        March 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM

      • MEN hate average “beta” women because most men over evaluate their worth and think they deserve a supermodel.

        Negative. The majority of men who have unrealistic expectations “get real” before they graduate high school. Hell, a lot of guys wouldn’t want a woman with supermodel good looks, anyway; they’re high maintenance and random dudes are always hitting on them. Nobody wants a girlfriend or wife who (intentionally or otherwise) plays the part of a dog in heat every time she leaves the house.


        March 15, 2017 at 8:06 PM

    • Again, “beta” is the wrong word here. But certainly, defining women getting asked out at work as a form of sexism is ridiculous, as many women meet their husbands at work, and it’s hard for a man to determine whether an advance will be welcome until he makes it.

      When everyone is expected to work a lot of hours, it’s unrealistic to expect there to be no fraternization.

      David Pinsen

      March 14, 2017 at 5:50 PM

    • “One could write a book on how women use the word “creepy” to denigrate men.”

      “Kaluuya is, in truth, a creepy-looking actor most notable for his jet-black skin and bloodshot giant white eyeballs.” — Steve Sailer


      March 14, 2017 at 6:32 PM

      • Sailer wasn’t using “creepy” in the same sexual context women do. Kaluuya does, however, give me a bad vibe. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that boy gnawing on a femur.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:04 PM

      • When women use it, the implication is that a man is somehow dangerous or perverted.


        March 15, 2017 at 7:53 PM

      • They often are.


        March 16, 2017 at 2:38 PM

    • You don’t have to write a book on it. It is pretty simple.


      March 15, 2017 at 2:14 PM

  9. Lion will enjoy this given his musing on class and proles etc.

    Part way through the interviewer brings up the whole “class thing”.

    Paul Auster is Lawrence Auster’s cousin.


    March 14, 2017 at 2:15 PM

  10. guys who get called creepy are usualyl ugly. behaviour is filtered through the lens of the halo effect our appearences create; good looking guys acting like total creeps (abusing women etc.) are sexy seven shades of gray types, while ugly guys hitting on a chick are just creeps. being alpha or beta isnt much more than just looking a certain way and achieving a degree of normalcy/social competence.

    james n.s.w

    March 14, 2017 at 2:17 PM

    • you are correct sir, but it’s even more complicated than that.

      1. women vary more than men in what they find attractive.

      2. women tend to explain their attraction in moral/personality terms. men tend to explain theirs in physical terms. but in both cases the attraction is concrete. it’s a combination of looks, voice, intelligence, class, status, personality, etc. whether this “self-interpretation” difference between men and women is innate or cultural, idk.

      3. there are more female gold diggers, but they’re rare. in general people are matched for everything. people like people like themselves even if they’re ugly. ultimately all love is narcissism and all sex is masturbation.

      duh troof

      March 14, 2017 at 4:10 PM

      • It’s eighty five percent looks for women under thirty, and probably ninety five percent for women under twenty five. And for some, it’s everything. Even in small towns you find women who make six figure incomes (as pharmacists, FNP’s, etc) who are married to guys that mostly just piddle around doing odd jobs, often seasonal work that leaves them with a lot of downtime.

        I guess the average woman wants to marry a man who makes more money, but a lot of them are content to just support a husband they’re attracted to. And it’s not like most of them are bad guys; many of them make good husbands and fathers, and they take care of business while the wife works fifty plus hours a week. They just ain’t what you’d call ambitious.


        March 14, 2017 at 7:47 PM

      • Mugabe is that you?


        March 14, 2017 at 8:10 PM

      • Anglo Prole women are boring with unremarkable careers in the age of feminism.

        I’ve met young women from the other side of the continent selling 1st editions of Descartes, Voltaire, throw in Don Quixote and Thomas Hobbes.


        March 14, 2017 at 10:13 PM

      • but a lot of them are content to just support a husband they’re attracted to

        This is what I see. After a dozen years of reading the Manosphere, I believe the concept of hypergamy is a bit abused. I think to a certain extent the best one might say is that lots of women would be happier with a different social arrangement than the one they’ve got, but this doesn’t mean they’re not reasonably content to support some bozo.

        SJ, Esquire (formerly Samson J).

        March 14, 2017 at 10:30 PM

      • Anglo Prole women are boring with unremarkable careers in the age of feminism.

        I’ve met young women from the other side of the continent selling 1st editions of Descartes, Voltaire, throw in Don Quixote and Thomas Hobbes.

        Selling books is a remarkable career?

        David Pinsen

        March 15, 2017 at 12:55 AM

      • Jamie Johnson’s dad suggested that Jamie could get a job as a dealer in rare books in the movie Born Rich.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        March 15, 2017 at 12:45 PM

      • @Stealth

        >I guess the average woman wants to marry a man who makes more money

        Well I think everyone would rather marry someone who makes more money than less money, ceteris paribus. It’s just that with salaries becoming more equal, it is becoming more difficult for all women to marry up.

        I know someone who reads the blog. He found an ugly woman in medical school, married her, followed her around the country, and is now her househusband while he raises their daughter.


        March 15, 2017 at 2:38 PM

      • Remarkable in the sense that book dealing in rare books was always a male profession, especially among middle aged and above men.

        Then you must learn to set a market value to the book, determine its authenticity and date, and then operate a bricks and mortar bookshop on top of everything else.

        The average American woman has a boring office career in the age of feminism. Most book wormettes in America work in bookstores like Barnes n Nobles and used independent bookstores like the Strand, where they don’t learn anything, just crappy customer service.


        March 15, 2017 at 6:28 PM

  11. Whatever happened to Whiskey? I always felt like he got picked on a lot.


    March 14, 2017 at 9:01 PM

    • He mentioned he was on dialysis in a comment on Sailer’s once. Maybe he took a turn for the worse.

      David Pinsen

      March 15, 2017 at 12:53 AM

    • I really liked him.

      SJ, Esquire (formerly Samson J).

      March 15, 2017 at 11:26 AM

    • He got picked on a lot because he put himself out there, which is respect-worthy, if you ask me.

      SJ, Esquire (formerly Samson J).

      March 15, 2017 at 11:27 AM

  12. you cant really express it as a percentage. looks are just the first clearance. if you pass you move on to round 2 where your personality will be assessed. the better your grade was on test 1 the more leeway you have to pass test 2. if you fail test 1 90% of the time you will never, ever, ever pass test number 2 no matter how great you are as a person.

    james n.s.w

    March 14, 2017 at 10:09 PM

  13. *be allowed to move on to test 2, rather

    james n.s.w

    March 14, 2017 at 10:10 PM

  14. As many have already said, I don’t think it is generally true that women hate beta males. If you want to marry a supper model, yeah you need to be a wealthy alpha male.

    What has changed in the last 50 years is more college educated women pursuing careers. Some of those women are making good salaries. They generally are looking for a man that makes more than they are making. Lots of beta males don’t make enough money for these women. On the other hand, the men that are making more than they do, are looking for a non-career wife. These successful women frequently remain single. I have seen a lot of marriages between successful women and not so successful men fail.

    In the 1950s women were expected to stop working when they had children. That is much rarer today. Republicans have been complaining that the labor force participation rate has been declining in recent years. The labor force participation rate was around 58% in the 1950s. It peaked at around 67% in the late 1990s and has declined to around 62.5% during the recession. It may be picking up now as the economy gets better, but if you want to go back to the 1950 when women stayed home and took care of the kids, you are going to have to accept a lower labor force participation rate. It is the increase in two income families that has been a driver of economic growth in the the last 50 years. Trump claims he wants to boost GDP growth but it is hard to see how you can accomplish that if we go back to the 1950 labor force participation rates.


    March 15, 2017 at 12:39 AM

    • The real bottom line is that most women shun men who are unattractive.

      High earning men are usually of beta status — boring, predictable, and a wallet.


      March 15, 2017 at 6:36 PM

    • Hypergamy still exists even with successful, career-oriented women. Women are still looking for men that are more successful than they are. The greater the level of her baseline success, the thinner the population of eligible men available to her.

      This is also part of the Cultural Marxist project: artificial elevation of the woman above the man. Promote women into career paths above men so the pool of men become less attractive.


      March 15, 2017 at 7:10 PM

      • I’m waiting for the country to fall into pieces. It’s a sham anyway, most women don’t create value, let alone have interesting roles. Most boring betas who remain in America are the sheeps, and dysfunctional alphas and omegas will create havoc for them.


        March 15, 2017 at 7:46 PM

      • JS, its not just America. It’s the whole western world, including your beloved sanctimonious Canada.

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        March 16, 2017 at 2:19 AM

  15. The level of propaganda on TV is astonishing.

    Take “Supergirl,” the CW show. Every episode has some theme treating the aliens on Earth as if they are refugees escaping war and famine. Supergirl’s primary enemy is some organization called Cadmus, headed by a Luthor and her adopted father. This organization is rounding up aliens with the goal of either destroying them or sending them off-world in a human-created starship.

    The thing is, this is a complete departure from the original story line from the first season. The aliens originally arrived on earth because there was a breach in the Phantom Zone, which housed a giant prison. The breached forced the prison structure to crash on earth and Supergirl had to round up all of the criminals. The writers conveniently forgot their own history and completely changed the status of the aliens to make political points.

    Oh…and Supergirl’s adopted sister is a lesbo; Jimmy Olsen is Black; the tech nerd is involved with a hot alien…and on and on.

    Yeah…there is no agenda in entertainment.


    March 15, 2017 at 5:56 AM

    • The difference between Supergirl season one and two is…Trump.

      Season 2 introduces a female President, to whom Supergirl remarks, “I don’t see how anyone could have voted for the other guy.” Supergirl is an illegal alien committing multiple felonies by using fraudulent ID. She better not be voting.

      Mike Street Station

      March 16, 2017 at 11:16 AM

      • And the female president is a closet alien.


        March 17, 2017 at 6:56 PM

  16. Women don’t hate beta males. Women don’t feel anything for beta males, other than being ‘creeped out’ when beta males attempt to clumsily sexualize a relationship on no foundation.

    If a woman gets into a relationship with a beta male, she often likes to use him like a literal tool, but that’s another discussion and its not so much hate that this will likely devolve into but lack of respect and resentment (for lack of sexual interest despite being trapped in the relationship, and in spite of any amount of money).

    That being said, don’t judge a book by its cover. Many seemingly beta males, who might look like accountants, do fine with women one on one. Some guys can perform when and where it counts.

    One would have to admit that disinterest is functionally worse than hate. It’s always better to be viewed as a hated sexual object than as a piece of furniture. Shallow hate is an emotion that can go sexual with above average passion.

    It’s not that hard to avoid being perceived as furniture, in spite of other beta-like tendencies.

    Step 1. Learn what shit tests are and how to pass them. You’ll still fail sometimes, but you’ll get better with time and with practice. You need this skill for step 2.

    Step 2. Learn direct game. Consult Alan Roger Curie’s material to start. A recent hollywood demonstration of the results of this type of game, though perhaps condensed in time, was in the film Bad Santa 2. Thornton tells Hendricks what he wants to do to her, she kicks him out of her car, and then circles back. It’s textbook. First shock, then rejection / shit test, then rationalization and being led by sexual emotion. It works, in my experience. And even if she doesn’t sleep with you (and usually not right away), you will nevermore be seen as a beta in her eyes should you pass any immediately forthcoming shit test. From then on, register how much more she likes you. And you can even tone it down from any lewd proposition. Commenting on her tits is sometimes enough.

    Believe it or don’t, but this is the simplest method for game because it doesn’t require changing other parts of your personality or putting on an eight step clown show. Naturals will always be naturals, but if you aren’t then you have several options. This is the best one, imo.

    Everything that is required is condensed into this, and it projects the core of what a female’s perception of alpha is. Simply, it denies her the notion that you are intimidated by her, or are afraid of losing her (guys who are afraid of losing a sexual opportunity with women treat them too gingerly). This lack of fear conveys to her that you have opportunity with other women. Women chase sexual selection status when younger, and so this game works well on younger / thrill seeking women. I would feel comfortable with it on most women into their early forties; adjusted for her and your temperment. But it does take a lot of personal mental integration and practice. The process will likely be at least a couple of years.

    That’s my quick dissertation on how no guy needs to be seen as ‘beta’, ie: non-sexually threatening, by women.


    March 16, 2017 at 6:37 AM

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