Lion of the Blogosphere

Blacks are more conservative than liberal whites

From a New Republic article by Julia Ioffe:

“During times of unrest, black writers going back to the early 20th century have argued that the reason blacks are facing discrimination or police brutality is because they have not been acting properly in public—particularly young, poor people,” says Michael Dawson, a political scientist and director of the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture at the University of Chicago. “In the last 20 years, it’s been a criticism of baggy pants, rap music, hair styles. Back in my generation, it was Afros. I remember my grandparents telling me, ‘you should cut your hair.’”

Respectability, in essence, is about policing the behavior in your community to make sure people are behaving “properly,” so as to not attract unwelcome attention from whites—“with ‘properly’ being a normatively white middle class presentation,” says Dawson.

Acting like a respectable middle-class person instead of a gangster from the ghetto seems like common sense to me. But apparently, the author of the article seems to believe that blacks who say what sounds like common sense to me are victims of internalizing white racist attitudes.

Actually what this does demonstrate is that blacks are more conservative than people realize. You assume they are liberal because they vote for Democrats, but they vote Democratic because Democrats give them stuff (like affirmative action, welfare, Obama phones, etc.), because it makes blacks feel powerful when whites act subservient to blacks and Democrat do that much better than Republicans, and for reasons of black solidarity. But solidarity towards one’s group (whether that be one’s race, religion, country, etc) is a conservative feeling and not a liberal feeling.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

August 20, 2014 at 11:03 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

55 Responses

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  1. The irony is that Africans (i.e. from Africa) most definitely want to act like respectable middle class people. Are Africans not black? This is a topic rarely discussed in the media: the attitudes of African immigrants compared to African Americans.


    August 20, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    • “The irony is that Africans (i.e. from Africa) most definitely want to act like respectable middle class people.”

      Indeed, if being “respectable middle class people” includes no end of welfare schemes, medicaid fraud, romance scams, government program grifting, Islamic activism, illegal entry and visa over-stays, etc.


      August 20, 2014 at 12:45 PM

      • I can’t say that I am familiar with all of this, but do not deny it’s possible. I am talking about a segment of the African population that I have personal experience with, who came here legally and/or are citizens. They tend to be educated or value education greatly. I am not talking about Somali refugees (and the like) who were carted over here without any thought as to how they would integrate.

        Also, it is probably a little too easy to say “African.” There are differences in attitude between say, Nigerians and Ethiopeans, although both are African.

        I am also not saying we need more Africans or any other kind of immigrant. Just talking about cultural distinctions that are often glossed over.


        August 20, 2014 at 2:39 PM

      • Don’t forget identity theft, sales & income tax avoidance, and filing fraudulent federal income tax returns.

        E. Rekshun

        August 20, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    • ^This, absolutely.

      I don’t remember a time when the US MSM didn’t disambiguate race and class behaviors when it comes to African black tourists, immigrants, students, and international businessmen while they are in the USA. They do strive to be middle class. They don’t see it as white, they correctly see it as proper middle class behavior.

      The media tends to lump black Africans in with American blacks based on race even though African blacks have clearly different cultural anchors and views. It’s the US inner-city/first-ring-suburb “thug culture” that bothers so many middle class people when they witness it. The MSM and left liberals always ambiguate inner city thug culture (again culture not race) with the catchall term “racism”. This is exactly why unsuspecting middle class Americans might get apprehensive when in contact with foreign blacks, because they got their impression from the US MSM.

      They same people who hate racism bring us plenty of awful and inaccurate racist propaganda.

      I agree. Blacks don’t vote for liberal whites because they identify with them. Hardly, these two groups don’t like each other. They vote for them because the liberals bribe them with stuff and free services.

      bring it on

      August 20, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    • It’s true blacks have no concept of modern liberalism like gay rights. But this is because of low IQ. They also can’t grasp classical Enlightenment ideas such as property rights.

      The Undiscovered Jew

      August 20, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    • African-Africans certainly act better and can hold jobs better than American blacks. But they are still on every welfare program in existence.


      August 20, 2014 at 8:41 PM

      • Yes, all blacks with the exception of Caribbean blacks are overrepresented as gov’t workers in NYC. Plenty of African workers are employed under de Blasio. The Caribbeans seems to be the better of the blacks in terms of self sufficiency (not work for the gov’t).


        August 21, 2014 at 8:58 AM

      • And one thing about Caribbean blacks is their mix-raced ancestry. Not only do they have White ancestors, quite a number of them have Asian genes coming from the Chinese and Indian diasporas. That makes them a notch above Africans and black americans.


        August 21, 2014 at 9:02 AM

      • African Africans will regress below black American norms, the former are more purely African than the latter. Europe’s colonial black immigrants are known to commit terribly violent crimes.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        August 21, 2014 at 6:59 PM

  2. because it makes blacks feel powerful when whites act subservient to blacks

    I think this conclusion is a bit convoluted, even tedious.

    Simply, there are a good many people in this country who are just lazy and opportunistic.

    Socially Extinct

    August 20, 2014 at 11:21 AM

  3. Ok, then. Their rules. “YES, you are too good to study, behave and delay gratification like fussy uptight core Americans, therefore you are also too good to hold jobs that require these traits, and therefore disparate impact is actually a favor to you. Keeps you from being subjected to those nerdz!”

    We should run with this.


    August 20, 2014 at 11:24 AM

  4. Obama phones are horseshit, it was was program started under Bush to help unemployed find work, which you would probably be in favor of. Please avoid saying easily disprovable stuff like that. It is fodder for the proles who watch Fox and are no better than ghetto blacks.

    Dr. Grz

    August 20, 2014 at 11:32 AM

  5. Actually this whole “free stuff” meme is too lazy for you. The wealthy been taking “free stuff” from the middle class for the last 40 years. I will never understand why people overlook that and throw a fit about food stamps or some other minor program TO KEEP POOR PEOPLE ALIVE. What the wealthy are doing is pure, unnecessary greed.

    Dr. Grz

    August 20, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    • Mortgage interest tax deduction is a prime example. I benefit from it tremendously. Canada, for example, does not have this deduction in its tax code.

      The mortgage interest tax expenditure on owner occupied homes is $88.5B in 2008. Isn’t that what food stamps cost?


      August 20, 2014 at 2:44 PM

      • Removing MID would lower the prices of homes which would help the first-time buyer market (which is hurting badly).


        August 20, 2014 at 5:50 PM

      • I take it that you’re implying that the tax code has “loop holes” that benefit the non-poor. And if those “loop holes” were eliminated then tax revenue would increase, and those extra funds could be used on programs for the poor.

        Well, you could say that about church & charitable deductions or any tax deduction. The mortgage interest deduction was implemented to encourage home ownership which (supposedly) promotes stable and law-abiding neighborhoods. Deductions for dependents (supposedly) promotes stable families – the total value of this deduction certainly dwarfs the mortgage interest deduction.

        The tax code benefits the poor as well – “the EITC at a cost of $56 billion in 2013 is the third largest social welfare program in the United States.” (Wikipedia.)

        E. Rekshun

        August 20, 2014 at 6:31 PM

      • Mortgage deduction is the one benefit the middle class still get, so I’m sure it will be on the chopping block soon. Not really the point I was making but yeah, food stamps aren’t that much. Welfare isn’t that much.

        Dr. Grz

        August 20, 2014 at 9:41 PM

  6. Think of conservatism vs liberalism this way: (h/t Sailer)

    A conservative is loyal to his family first, then his extended family, then to his peers, then his neighborhood, city, country. Think about loyalty as extending concentric circles. A conservative SciFi movie would be independance day, showing people coming together from all over the world to work together to fight the aliens.

    A liberal is different. Similar to conservatives, loyal to family and peers, but his loyalty does not extend outward in concentric circles. At some point his distaste for his neighbors cannot be overcome, and the liberal will make cause with the distant other to defeat the person living next to him. An example of a liberal SciFi movie would be Avatar: where the hero turns his back on humanity, all of the people who need unobtanium back home, and allies himself with blue aliens he barely knows actually fighting to destroy the human colony because he doesn’t approve of his coworkers.

    Black people, like any other people have both conservative and liberals. The liberal impulse to aggressively move against neighbors just happens to correlate with the conservative impulse to back the members of the community up.

    So black people are more conservative than liberal whites. That’s kind of a definitional issue. But thats that the interesting question, black people may be more conservative than ‘conservative’ whites, who for whatever reason don’t stick up for their communities.


    August 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    • Good analysis. I’m sure you’ve heard this one: “Liberals hate humans and love humanity. Conservatives love humans and hate humanity.”

      The conservative leadership isn’t actually conservative. They hate prole and petit bourgeois whites as much as their fellow elites across the aisle.

      The Anti-Gnostic

      August 20, 2014 at 2:09 PM

      • Republicans love proles for their votes. Sort of the prodigal son who loves his dad because he can waste his money.


        August 20, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    • Leftists behave this way because many have a pathological moralism. They want to emulate the idea of God who takes a dispassionate view of all things, favoring none over the other. But the morality impulse exists because it had a survival benefit. Taken too far, it is self-annihilatory.


      August 21, 2014 at 7:49 AM

  7. “But solidarity towards one’s group (whether that be one’s race, religion, country, etc) is a conservative feeling and not a liberal feeling. ”

    Your nailed it. Tribal instint also.


    August 20, 2014 at 12:06 PM

  8. “Actually what this does demonstrate is that blacks are more conservative than people realize. You assume they are liberal because they vote for Democrats, but they vote Democratic because Democrats give them stuff (like affirmative action, welfare, Obama phones, etc.), because it makes blacks feel powerful when whites act subservient to blacks and Democrat do that much better than Republicans, and for reasons of black solidarity. But solidarity towards one’s group (whether that be one’s race, religion, country, etc) is a conservative feeling and not a liberal feeling.”

    A perfect explanation for why blacks act and vote the way they do. I was around a lot of blacks in the military and found them very conservative on issues that don’t involve race like gay marriage, gender roles and even the death penalty (when it does not involve blacks). Of course, all this is subordinate to race and that is why they vote for pro-choice Dems over pro-life Republicans even if they literally believe in Jesus and the Bible (as almost all do).


    August 20, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    • America’s relationship with blacks and their liberal affiliation is a Catch-22. A significant number of non-blacks dislike them regardless of their origins and socioeconomic situation.

      So while the Liberals are destroying the black community at our expense and we hate that, liberalism has made them obsolete at the same time.


      August 20, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    • That’s a good summary and matches with my experience that blacks are small c conservatives, in the most general sense; meaning more traditional, church going and so on. And within their own community, are quick to call out and shame the pathologies that white conservatives like to bring up. However when outsiders – whites- do it, they get defensive on those issues.

      Mike Street Station

      August 20, 2014 at 4:38 PM

      • Exactly. You are not supposed to air dirty linen when the white folks can hear. But that is a double-edged sword. The longer middle class black folks keep silent on Ferguson and Trayvon, the more their silence is taken as tacit agreement. The reality is that many (if not most) are desperately trying to get out of the sh!tholes that other black folks create. In fact, abandoning the ghetto and moving in with the white folks has its own special name: “integration”. [Of course, when white folks do the exact same thing for the exact same reasons it is called “segregation” and is bad.]

        There is a black classist organization called “Jack and Jill” which exists to keep rich black boys and girls away from ghetto gangbangers. Upper middle class and rich black women charge significant fees to join ($5-10,000), thereby keeping out black trash. They have their own dances, trips, celebrations and even some obligatory guilt-ridden outreach to ghetto blacks. They know that Ferguson is Ferguson because of ghetto disfunction, but they benefit so much personally (i.e. more riots = more scholarships/jobs for black kids who are “high achievers” — i.e. THEIR kids) that they really have no interest in changing things, merely mouthing the words and encouraging white guilt.

        And ghetto blacks know this. That is why ghetto blacks call the NAACP the “National Association for the Advancement of Certain People.

        Class struggle in the black community is rarely displayed where white folks can see it. It is rich black folks that push open borders, not poor black folks. The Congressional Black Caucus, for example, is gung-ho on legalizing the millions of Mexicans who are taking heir ghetto brethren’s jobs. Why should they care? Jack and Jill kids are members of the black elite and will never suffer from competition with Mexicans. And if they play their elite-Mexican-elite-black-rainbow-coalition right, the CBC may be able to get even more from white folks.

        To truly understand race politics, you have to study the class issues at least as much the race issues.


        August 21, 2014 at 1:56 PM

  9. I wonder if we’ll ever get to the point where liberals start making the case for segregation. White people obviously can’t control their seething hatred for people of color, and they ruin their lives. Saving them from the horrors that they face when they’re forced to confront white people is the only way to achieve social justice.

    Far-fetched, sure, but have you read any of the “yellow fever” articles that have been circulating in feminist circles? We’ve already reached the point where interracial relationships and marriages are a new form of bigotry.


    August 20, 2014 at 12:40 PM

  10. Terrific post. Democracy fails because people vote with their tribe and not on the issues. Thus World War G is the center of US policy worldwide, while the most devoted Democrat constituency is pretty much not down with it at all.

    Is World War G the reason Obama suddenly discovered he hates Russia with every cell of his being when just in 2012 he was creating laugh lines mocking Romney for being concerned about Russia?

    “The 80s called!” ROTFL!

    Russia is not causing even a fraction of the global mayhem they caused back in the day. Indeed, Russia could probably be a useful help against extremists in the middle east. They know about dealing with Islamic extremism, they are a strong nation, and they are *right there*! But given how much resistance they get for everything, why on Earth would they try to help?


    August 20, 2014 at 1:06 PM

  11. “because it makes blacks feel powerful when whites act subservient to blacks.”

    Blacks must feel powerful 24 x 7.


    August 20, 2014 at 1:16 PM

  12. Some more evidence for this:

    “Researchers: African-Americans most likely to use physical punishment”

    “In a study Gershoff co-authored that examined 20,000 kindergartners and their parents, she found that 89% of black parents, 79% of white parents, 80% of Hispanic parents and 73% of Asian parents said they have spanked their children.”

    –The following explanation is particularly interesting given the mere 16% rate difference between the official racial/ethnic groups.

    “Some researchers have suggested it’s a legacy left by the brutality of slavery. Some say it’s rooted in fear – that if parents don’t use force to demand obedience, someone else will. Others said African-American parents, in aggregate, are disproportionately lower-income, have less education and are more likely to follow a religion that implores them not to spare the rod for fear of spoiling the child – all factors that correlate with use of corporal punishment, regardless of race.”


    August 20, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    • When I grew up, it wasn’t unusual for parents to spank their kids. There’s been a big push among educated sorts to make this illegal.
      African Americans are less likely to have college degrees, and so they’re less likely to have been exposed to this type of thinking.

      Did like the appeal to slavery. Like white kids had never been beaten by their parents before.

      Half Canadian

      August 20, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    • I refuse to believe the Asian Parent percentage is that low. Every asian-american child I know received corporal punishment from their parents. Not a chance it is lower than white and hispanic people.


      August 20, 2014 at 5:55 PM

  13. Actually what this does demonstrate is that blacks are more conservative than people realize. You assume they are liberal because they vote for Democrats, but they vote Democratic because Democrats give them stuff (like affirmative action, welfare, Obama phones, etc.), because it makes blacks feel powerful when whites act subservient to blacks and Democrat do that much better than Republicans, and for reasons of black solidarity. But solidarity towards one’s group (whether that be one’s race, religion, country, etc) is a conservative feeling and not a liberal feeling.

    It depends on your definition, but I would define conservatism as supporting the powerful & liberalism as supporting the powerless so supporting black people is liberal, even if you’re black yourself. I agree that whites are less tribal, but then they can afford to be because they’re powerful.


    August 20, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    • “It depends on your definition, but I would define conservatism as supporting the powerful & liberalism as supporting the powerless.”

      1930 called. It wants its politics back.


      August 20, 2014 at 4:01 PM

      • 1930 called. It wants its politics back.

        I’m not naive enough to think democrats actually do support the powerless, but I think that’s the spirit of true liberalism.


        August 21, 2014 at 7:08 AM

      • I would call that more the spirit of communism-lite. Help the working class but without the more radical communist ideas like a revolution to overthrow the government and banning of private business.

        Liberalism today means global warming, affirmative action for minority races, vegetarianism, gay marriage, etc.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 21, 2014 at 8:50 AM

      • Liberalism today means global warming, affirmative action for minority races, vegetarianism, gay marriage, etc.

        But every one of those causes seems to be about helping the powerless. Global warming is considered evil because it’s thought that powerful corporations get rich at the expense of powerless animals like polar bears. Affirmative action & gay marriage are considered good because they empower historically disenfranchised groups. Vegetarianism is good because it saves the powerless cows from being eaten by the big husky redneck etc. So it seems to me that defending the underdog is the common thread running through virtually all liberal views which is ironic because liberals are some of the most elitist people I know.


        August 21, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    • Just as the Left consists of several factions, so too does the Right. Many on the Right are Traditionalists and the destruction of social values concerns them way more than economic politics. They do much more, personally, to help the poor than those on the Left. Another group is Libertarians, and a third is merely concerned with making and keeping money. But a large group rarely discussed are the Fascists who believe that the weak should gradually be eliminated to keep from dragging down all of us. They regard the rich and powerful as people who are doing things right and are no threat to the survival of mankind.


      August 21, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    • Robert Frost defined a liberal as a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel. That’s the best definition I’ve heard.


      August 21, 2014 at 11:56 AM

  14. Blacks can also tell that white liberals are push overs. White liberals have internalized the notion that they’re responsible for black poverty. While white conservatives seldom speak about it openly to blacks, blacks can sense that white conservatives feel very little responsibility for black social pathologies, and think that blacks need to own up for their misbehavior and start working if they want to escape poverty.

    The same is true for Hispanics. In general, Hispanics don’t identify with white liberals or share their values, but they will still vote Democrat because white liberals are more eager to give away free stuff than white conservatives are. Furthermore, Hispanics can tell that white liberals are ashamed of American history and culture, and are happy to have Hispanics live and expand in America until the country is no longer a predominately white one. In contrast, Hispanics can tell that white conservatives generally aren’t too thrilled to have Hispanic immigrants around, and dread the idea of American whites becoming a plurality or even a minority.


    August 20, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    • You have a great analysis there. I previously said Hispanics don’t care for liberals but are happy to get their freebies. Hispanics should teach proles a lesson that voting for Republicans is a sham, and strength in numbers happens only with liberal policies. However, White identified liberals are on an extinction mode because they are self hating, and perhaps this comes from being around with proles, where they develop a self annihilation superiority complex.


      August 20, 2014 at 4:21 PM

      • I think, as I explained above, it’s their desire to emulate god (even though most are Atheists) in their morality. Jesus really was a Leftist, but one who was also an ascetic, which most of the Left are not. The Right is all about survival.

        I like to thing of a boat containing survivors of a shipwreck, with more people than the boat can contain, and so some are in the water holding on to the boat. Rightists would cut those people loose because they are going to swamp the boat and kill everyone. Leftists will insist that those in the water be pulled into the boat, which will result in catastrophe.


        August 21, 2014 at 8:18 AM

  15. Respectability, in essence, is about policing the behavior in your community.

    HA! From the pc perspective the problem is that there is a black “community”. From the white racist perspective as soon as blacks act white their “community” will cease to exist, they will be integrated.

    Black Africans have a culture. They brought it with them. The descendants of slaves have no culture. This and de facto segregation will exaggerate whatever heritable inclinations blacks have.

    Duke of Leinster

    August 20, 2014 at 7:21 PM

  16. The only true conservatism is the conservation/empowering of one’s family and peoples. Therefore, every race is conservative except whites.


    August 20, 2014 at 8:40 PM

  17. OT, but here is an astonishing cell phone video of the Kjamie Powell shooting. Fair warning: it is extremely graphic. Really puts into perspective a lot of things that get talked about on here.


    August 20, 2014 at 8:57 PM

    • Not a single instance on that tape would give one even a scintilla of suggestion that “blacks” had a single conservative bone in their bodies.

      All the evidence suggests that the modern “black” individual desires radical autonomy. “They” are equal to “white” liberals in their desire for total descent. “They” only differ in place of origin and ultimate motivation. Their mutual goal is reached via vicious regress. “Black” radicals slaughter willing “whites” as the former loses its humanity and as the latter goes extinct.


      August 21, 2014 at 2:10 AM

  18. Blacks as Conservative as Republicans on Some Moral Issues

    Still, there are enormous differences in ability and behavior.


    August 20, 2014 at 9:29 PM


    Interestingly, according to Marginal Revolution blacks are more egalitarian (or liberal) when it comes to handing out trophies in children’s sports, even though they tend to be pretty good at them.


    August 20, 2014 at 11:15 PM

  20. Check out this moral reeducation piece by Huffington Post:

    The comments section is FULL of black women calling BS.


    August 22, 2014 at 5:58 PM

  21. “Actually what this does demonstrate is that blacks are more conservative than people realize”

    I disagree.

    Blacks demonstrably lack a natural conservative instinct except when hardcore Muslim. The rules are very strict and clear for Muslims, and this is what blacks need to create any type of real community. The natural instinct seems not to exist. A strict religion is needed for them, and even then it doesn’t work very well. See Somalia. The case of the black conservative granny is understandable given the fact that she was likely burnished against the granite rock of pre 1960s white conservative communities and thus learned what it took to at least approximate middle class behavior. There was much less tolerance for what we see out of blacks today, and that lack of tolerance would certainly inform blacks that it isn’t worth it to give into their behavioral instincts but to have higher standards for themselves. Once the reward increases for their natural behavior, as it has, they revert to their natural behavior. The conservative black granny is an unnatural product of conservative white America, not a natural emanation of black conservatism.

    Next, solidarity toward individual benefit is not conservative for several reasons. When the group is only being leveraged for individual gain, as is the instinct of blacks, the group falls apart as soon as any group member pulls ahead. Therefore, the group is politically false despite any lip service to the contrary. Blacks clearly don;t care about other blacks except to sue as a vehicle to improve their individual lives. Proof of that lies in the difference between white community behavior patterns, in general, and black community behavior patterns. In a true (ie: effective) conservative group or community, the individual does not abandon the group once success is achieved. You will see them pour money back into the group. The group is the important entity, not the individual.

    What i read, as you did, is that Dawson equates acting “middle class” to being white. The implication being that black low class behavior is natural behavior for blacks that cannot therefore be helped and should, instead, just be accepted under the umbrella mandate of tolerance. I agree with him on the former point, and disagree on the latter.

    I would define acting middle class, beyond specific superficial fusselian ‘class flags’ that anyone can mimic, as successfully participating in impulse and presentation control in addition to a base level of community interpersonal co-operation that could include boy scout troops, helping the elderly, helping your neighbor with small tasks when requested, watching each others kids in a responsible manner, treating the neighbors kids like your own, town-watch, keeping the lawn nice so that the neighbors property values are preserved, not committing crime in the community, not intimidating nor alienating people in the community (relates to dress and hair standards), keeping the noise down, keeping the sidewalks and streets free of litter, knowing your neighbor’s names, keeping your car both noise free and free of prole accoutrements like colored rims that could reduce property values, working toward ever increasing community trust, and generally watching out for one another.

    The above is what community solidarity looks like. The above is what conservatism looks like. The above occurs to a high level only with the assistance of same-culture and similarities in natural behavior.

    Decidedly, it’s not what black communities look like.

    I view increasing class status as something that is propelled forth by increasing community effectiveness. I hold that as community effectiveness rises, community wealth rises (wealth being a result of increasing class and not the origin). Of course, the TOOS class requires less community because they can now make up for human co-operation with money, but it still unquestionably helps them should they be able to stay “connected”. Some maintain ethnic community connections.

    The point is that Dawson is right that middle class behavior, and that of the effective community, is white behavior that blacks have a difficult time truly adopting. Therefore, he’s also right in stating black motivations for middle class behavior is not attracting white attention, even if other motivators are available that include drastically improving the black community quality as well as social and political status in the USA. Dawson actually outs and belittles them when he states that their motivation is simply the paranoid short-time horizon concern of avoiding white scrutiny.


    August 23, 2014 at 2:33 PM

  22. To be clear, my picture of what a middle class community looks like, or better stated: what a politically and socially effective ethnic community looks like, is not limited to my statements. Going deeper, a successful conservative community will also enforce family cohesion (because this enforces group cohesion) by promoting successful marriages and providing social and even financial disincentives for cheating and divorce (if legally possible), it promotes sexual conservatism (to avoid socially and economically dysfunctional family units), and would promote inter-generational information sharing toward increased business and political effectiveness between generations.

    Of course, these latter requirements are all more advanced in their community execution. Thus, why I first stated the middle class requirements as residing mostly in community awareness and assistance type actions. You have to walk before you can run, and blacks are still crawling.


    August 23, 2014 at 2:44 PM

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