Lion of the Blogosphere

Koch brothers no more

The younger brother, David, died. The older brother, Charles, is still alive.

As I’ve written before, the Koch brothers were nose-holders. Meaning they held their noses dealing with the stinky conservatives because conservatives give them lower taxes. Now there will be only be one brother holding his nose when Republicans talk about prole stuff like Jesus and immigration restriction.

(I’m not sure how the Koch brothers felt about guns. Liberals complained that the gun lobby received money from the Koch brothers, but it was always indirect money. I think they may have felt an obligation to support gun rights because technically libertarians are supposed to support the Second Amendment, plus the NRA is a powerful organization for getting proles to vote Republican, but I’m sure they were disgusted by those proles collecting AR-15s. If anyone has any specific information, please share in the comments.)

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

August 23, 2019 at 9:16 AM

Posted in Obituary

24 Responses

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  1. They’re Libertarians so they aren’t Prole Publicans.

    David has done more for liberal institutions that the run in the mill SJW rabble rouser or just any NYT writer with their BS newspaper.

    Ok, what, who's this again?

    August 23, 2019 at 9:29 AM

  2. Apparently, he was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer 27 years ago and was lucky to have lived as long as he did. I guess not all billionaires survive to achieve living mummification like Sumner Redstone.

    Mister Triple 800

    August 23, 2019 at 9:57 AM

  3. Think of all the astroturf conservatives who are shedding tears today. Paul Ryan? Ben Shapiro?


    August 23, 2019 at 10:36 AM

    • Especially a guy like Ben Shapiro. He lives in one of the most kooky liberal areas in America, namely Los Angeles, while banking on the world that Middle America is hurting and conservatism is under attack.

      The same with Michael Savage, who lives in San Francisco and pretty much lost his mojo for his conservatism. Maybe people were able to connect the dots that conservative voices from a liberal area is phony at best.

      They’re no different from the Lexus or Limo Liberals who live in their pricey neighborhoods, and rant how working and middle class Whites are racist towards blacks, because they don’t want them as neighbors.

      It’s like me living in a luxury apartment in the heart of Times Square, then complaining about the throngs of people in my area.

      Ok, what, who's this again?

      August 23, 2019 at 1:36 PM

      • Just because someone lives in Manhattan doesn’t mean they can’t be conservative. Lawrence Auster lived in Manhattan and he was an arch-conservative.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 23, 2019 at 2:56 PM

      • They can, but it seems rather disingenuous.

        If anyone could elaborate, what are some of the key elements of being a conservative in Manhattan?

        It’s the most diverse region in America, with all kinds people from all walks of life sharing space in one area.

        Ok, what, who's this again?

        August 23, 2019 at 3:26 PM

      • Ben Shapiro is a fraud.

        Michael Savage is the real deal.


        August 23, 2019 at 10:45 PM

      • “If anyone could elaborate, what are some of the key elements of being a conservative in Manhattan?”

        Same as anywhere else, believing that parasites, or groups of parasites, shouldn’t be encouraged in their wealth transfer schemes.


        August 23, 2019 at 11:50 PM

      • You’re really reaching. Savage never took anything but a hard line on immigration. Not only has he never given quarter to the “social justice” argument, he’s also never credited the lie about “crops rotting in the fields” or the notion that we need more people because whites have low fertility. He moved to SF in 1974 when “liberalism” here meant it was a union town (railroads, breweries, steel mfg.). If you live in a place with the best climate in the world and some of the most beautiful scenery, why would you let your political opponents run you out? Moving to Kansas would establish authenticity for you? By the way, the presence of the cosmopolitan Other is not what crashes conservative values. It’s the wrong kind of whites. My Persian friend in Berkeley says, “there’s too much freedom here.” Just imagine if he’d been mayor of SF when AIDS hit.


        August 24, 2019 at 12:22 AM

  4. Fucking traitors. All they cared about was their bottom line, not what mass third world immigration could do to their country or party.


    August 23, 2019 at 11:13 AM

    • I don’t want to give my location but in one of the park we walk on weekends I am starting to see group of 8-12 all east Asian women, all about 6-7 months pregnant walking together in evenings. They might be citizens but could be the “birthright citizen delivery package” deal. With the crackdown on lots of those services in orange county maybe the agents have moved out their operations.

      Sure these are 3rd world migrants (is China 3rd world ?? ) but these women pay probably 25-50k for the whole package so are quite resourceful. Far better to have these families than from Mexico or Central America, Africa or Eastern Europe.


      August 23, 2019 at 7:58 PM

      • Far better to have these families than from Mexico or Central America, Africa or Eastern Europe.

        False dichotomy. We don’t need any of them.


        August 24, 2019 at 2:55 AM

      • I am only interested in intelligence, diligence, and civility regardless of race, so I’m all for masses of northeast Asians coming here.


        August 24, 2019 at 11:26 AM

      • @ Rob

        Then you are dumb. Look at China to see what the Chinese are capable of.


        August 25, 2019 at 12:08 AM

      • Rob — The tibetans, mongolians and uighurs would disagree. You could ask them but you’d better do it quick. The Chinese are currently exterminating them.


        August 25, 2019 at 3:40 AM

    • Calm down Brendan. The Koch brothers singlehandedly stopped Obama from achieving anything major at least domestically. They deserve a lot of credit for fighting the so called “green agenda”. They also aided in the GOP takeover of Congress in 2010. Their boy Mike Pence is Trump’s loyal vice president and second in command as well. They’ve done a lot of good especially at the local/state level fighting against public schools, civil rights, high taxes, government bureaucracy, and green politics. The Koch brothers were the least cucked among mainstream GOP donor types and were generally neutral toward Trump while many big donors were openly hostile.


      August 25, 2019 at 2:54 AM

  5. Their father took them big game hunting in Africa when they were young. In fact, he actually died from a heart attack while hunting in Utah. That doesn’t mean they’re into hunting or even care. But as avid a hunter as their father was, I kind of doubt they’re against it.


    August 23, 2019 at 11:24 AM

  6. There is another brother, so “brothers” is still applicable.

    And the Koch groups already work across the aisle. Charles worked with Van Jones on a project.

    Lion of the Turambar

    August 23, 2019 at 11:30 AM

  7. Both parties have their rulers and their proles. Country club Republicans like David Koch don’t hang out with red necks just as elite Democrats like Michael Bloomberg don’t hang out with blue haired SJWs or welfare queens. I don’t know why you insist that conservative proles are less desirable than leftist proles. In my experience the Democrat underclass is far more repulsive.


    August 23, 2019 at 1:07 PM

  8. MEH 0910

    August 23, 2019 at 4:09 PM

    • Tic Tok

      Mike Street Station

      August 23, 2019 at 6:18 PM

    • The treatments she is getting are palliative in nature (to reduce suffering): 3D radiation treatment + inserting a bile duct stent. This all means her pancreatic tumor is large and inoperable. She is actively dying.

      My 2c

      August 24, 2019 at 2:13 AM

      • Good catch. The vile MSM is deceptively reporting that she “had surgery” while neglecting to mention that the surgery didn’t involve removing the tumor but rather mitigating its effect on blocking the GI tract. My grandmother had something similar and it was mere months before the end.


        August 24, 2019 at 12:00 PM

  9. MEH 0910

    August 31, 2019 at 10:28 PM

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