Lion of the Blogosphere

Bogus rape statistics in the NY Times

From an op-ed by Timothy Egan:

As to the rapists claim, whites accounted for 71 percent of all sexual assaults in 2013, even though they are only 63 percent of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Latinos, though 17 percent of the population, committed 9 percent of sex crimes.

I have not been able to find any such statistics at the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

National crime data comes from two sources, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), and the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) from the FBI.

The BJS released a report Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010, and this is what it says:

Over time, the percentage of sexual violence committed by white offenders declined from 70% in 1994-98 to 57% in 2005-10. The percentage of black offenders increased from 18% in 1994-98 to 27% in 2005-10. White males consistently accounted for more than 82% of the total U.S. population and black males accounted for 11%. The NCVS did not collect information on the ethnicity of the offender. Therefore, Hispanic offenders make up an unknown portion of the white, black, and other race of offender categories.

The FBI reports arrests by the race or the ethnicity of the arrestee, and those statistics for 2013 can be found here.

According to the report, 20.7% of offenders arrested for rape were Hispanic, so Hispanics are overeprestented among those arrested for rape, because as Mr. Egan says, Hispanics are officially only 17% of the population.

I have a theory that Hispanic rape is less likely to be reported to police. This is because in approximately 80% of rapes, the victim knows the offender. And even when the rapist is a stranger, both offender and victim are likely to live in the same neighborhood (because criminals are usually too lazy to travel to another neighborhood to commit crimes). Thus in the overwhelming majority of rapes both the victim and the offender of are of the same race and social class. This means that Hispanic rapists are more likely to rape Hispanic victims who are disproportionately illegal immigrants and thus less likely to report the rape to the police out of fear of being deported.

While I do think that Trump is a bit of a bozo and has exaggerated the extent of Mexican criminality (in fact, blacks are much more likely to be criminal than non-black Hispanics), the FBI arrest statistics do show that for the top four most-serious crimes—murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault—Hispanics are overrepresented.

Will Timothy Egan be fired for reporting bogus data? Probably not.

Also, I may add that in this day of the internet, there is absolutely no excuse for reporting statistics in a news article and not providing a link to the source of those statistics.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

July 10, 2015 at 1:28 PM

Posted in Crime, Immigration

75 Responses

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  1. According to the report, 20.7% of offenders arrested for rape were Hispanic, so Hispanics are overeprestented among those arrested for rape, because as Mr. Egan says, Hispanics are officially only 17% of the population.

    The relevant question is whether they’re over represented after adjusting for age

    Lloyd Llewellyn

    July 10, 2015 at 1:34 PM

    • I don’t think that’s the relevant question given that’s something neither Trump nor Egan talked about.

      But strangely, the FBI under-18 arrest statistics show that Hispanics are less likely to be arrested for rape, but more likely to be arrested for the other three violent crimes. For crimes other than rape, Hispanics under 18 are still overrepresented for being arrested for violent crime.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      July 10, 2015 at 1:36 PM

    • You’re right I meant relevant to Trump and should have said that. Where did you get the figure for the total number of under-18 hispanics and non-hispanics and how accurate do you think that figure is?

      Lloyd Llewellyn

      July 10, 2015 at 3:11 PM

      • It’s from the FBI data that’s in the link I included in the blog post.

        Since it’s based on data reported by a huge number of local law-enforcement agencies, I am sure the data is not 100% correct.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        July 10, 2015 at 3:40 PM

      • It tells you the number of arrest of of under 18 hispanics (among the roughly half of arrests that report ethnicity). In order to tell if under 18 arrests are disproportionately hispanic you need the percentage of under 18 hispanics and non hispanics (in addition to determining if the half of under 18 arrests that report ethnicity are representative of under 18 arrests overall). OR am i wrong?

        Lloyd Llewellyn

        July 10, 2015 at 6:09 PM

      • That should be: In order to tell if under 18 arrests are disproportionately hispanic you need the percentage of under 18 hispanics and non hispanics in the overall US population

        Lloyd Llewellyn

        July 10, 2015 at 8:09 PM

      • I looked up registered sex offenders in my zip code. Almost all of the guys who were hispanic were listed as white as well as an Asian guy. One black guy was listed as hispanic.

        Just an aside, my area is mostly white and Asian, but the sex offenders were mostly hispanic. A few of each of the others.

        not too late

        July 13, 2015 at 1:38 AM

  2. Please everyone contact the times by letter and Twitter and ask for the source of Egan’s statistic or a correction.

    I think it is a good time to have a conversation about BJS and FBI data.


    July 10, 2015 at 1:43 PM

    • Done. Recently I’ve been heartened by the Puppies campaign, Gamergate, and journalists like Milo Yiannopoulos. As much as I hate to participate, it seems that using SJW tactics against SJWs is the only way to move forward.


      July 10, 2015 at 6:16 PM

  3. Another evil person preaching to the choir. The numbers don’t matter- read the comments. It’s another exercise in two-minutes hate.

    They are simply building a case. Against trump. Against conservatives. Against all white men. If the points they bring us against you are false, does it matter? I’m not a billionaire, how can I stand up against these people?


    July 10, 2015 at 1:44 PM

    • Well then let’s fill up the comments page with the actual facts.


      July 10, 2015 at 6:52 PM

    • Drop them off in Detroit.

      Ooga Booga

      July 11, 2015 at 4:45 PM

  4. LotB: there is absolutely no excuse for reporting statistics in a news article and not providing a link to the source of those statistics.

    No link because there is no source. But we already knew that.

    E. Rekshun

    July 10, 2015 at 1:52 PM

    • The very prestigious publications think hyperlinks are tacky.


      July 11, 2015 at 1:21 AM

      • Truth is tacky.

        not too late

        July 13, 2015 at 1:39 AM

  5. Will Timothy Egan be fired for reporting bogus data? Probably not.

    He did his job correctly, why should he be fired?

    His job is to put out agitprop that fits the NY Times’ agenda and ideology.


    July 10, 2015 at 2:19 PM

  6. “Will Timothy Egan be fired for reporting bogus data? Probably not.”

    Timothy Egan presumably has an editor he reports to, and the NYT undoubtedly has fact-checkers as well. They’re putting out agitprop as another commenter has already pointed out, and it seems they no longer care if what they’re putting out is truthful or not. What counts is The Narrative.

    Now, another reason the GOP establishment hates Trump: for years, they’ve written off the black vote as an unattainable monolith that votes 90/10 for Democrats, and every single Republican consultant has staked his career on this as an indisputable fact. Trump has, in my view, the potential to deliver 20% maybe even as high as 30% of the black vote, because of what he is saying about immigration, along with blacks’ attraction to the “big man.” If Trump does that, it will embarrass the establishment, the elite GOP punditry, and the consultants.

    Trump could also pull a surprising number of Hispanics, especially the more established, assimilated Hispanics who are frankly embarrassed to be lumped in with their semi-literate peasant “cousins,” but who keep their mouths shut because you don’t let outsiders see that your “tribe” is not all in agreement. Any candidate on the GOP side who is able to get 20-25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote will be the next president. And right now, I don’t see anyone pulling that off but Trump.

    Sgt. Joe Friday

    July 10, 2015 at 4:43 PM

    • I remember reading a story about abortion in the middle east being epidemic and dangerous, blah blah. So I wrote to harpy reporter and told here how few people lived in the countries she said had all these abortion. I told her that was the equivalent of every woman 15-45 having an abortion every year. Now that can’t be possible. She said that was what the number was. I then wrote to the editor, a man, and told him what I told her. He agreed that the number could not be right.

      I think some of this is innumeracy on the part of journalists.

      not too late

      July 13, 2015 at 1:45 AM

  7. peterike

    July 10, 2015 at 4:47 PM

  8. OT, via heartiste:

    “When the two met on a train, Spires showed Sutherland just how beautiful diversity can be by stabbing him over a dozen times and stomping on his head until he died. I don’t know what Sutherland was thinking as his blood culturally enriched the floor of the car, but I’m sure it was #BlackLivesMatter.”


    July 10, 2015 at 5:46 PM

    • The murderer was 5’5″ and 125 pounds, police reported. That is really nothing. No gun, small knife like a pocket knife. This Kevin fellow must have been unimaginably soft.

      I am not a big guy but I still have almost 50 pounds on the turd. I am pretty sure I would have helped and stopped this, but then I think for myself unlike the pathetic versions of humanity we have now. If you hug a much smaller person with all your strength, they will be subdued and won’t be able to stab.

      A train car full of people, and nobody did anything, even though the kid was a tiny shrimp. This is pathetic in the extreme, much more than the Kitty Genovese incident, because people were so close.


      July 11, 2015 at 10:33 AM

      • The extreme passivity shows that Washington liberals (and we do know that 90% of Washingtonians are liberals) are absolutely terrified of black youth almost to a person.

        Liberals are more indebted to the police than they ever know.


        July 11, 2015 at 10:50 AM

      • The victim had a neuromuscular disease called Charcot-Marie Tooth disease. It causes extreme weakness and affects motor control. People with it walk funny which probably attracted the criminal’s attention. I’ve noticed black criminals in particular target the weak for violence, i.e. women, children, elderly, handicapped, mentally ill, etc.

        Still, your point is well taken. The victim was a very well-connected Democrat operative who worked very closely with politicians in Connecticut. He was also a social justice warrior who had recently written long-winded facebook posts spouting “institutional racism” propaganda as well as bashing the confederate flag and Southerners specifically. So my sympathy is muted to say the least. It strikes me as an ironic bit of poetic justice.

        In The Righteous Mind, political psychologist Dr Jonathan Haidt explains that liberals rank very low in group loyalty. From my other readings, cities rank very high in liberalism. So it’s not surprising that a bunch of cosmopolitan liberals would stand around with their thumb up their butts while that little pygmy stabbed and kicked that guy top death.

        I can’t count how many articles I’ve read about these social justice warriors getting raped and/or murdered by the little dears they love so much. Part of it is foolishly putting themselves at risk by going where it’s not safe. The other part is being so soft it actually provokes attacks. Not that everyone who is attacked is soft. But, given a choice, most criminals would choose the easier mark. People normally don’t attack and rob those whom they think can kick their ass. Particularly unarmed.

        I recently read about a new movie coming out in September called Green Inferno where SJW’s go down to save the amazon rain forest and end up getting eaten by cannibals. I’m normally not much into horrors but I’ll definitely be seeing that one.


        July 11, 2015 at 12:52 PM

      • i wonder how tall kevin was.


        July 11, 2015 at 10:06 PM

      • Often a slightly built African American will initiate the attack while half a dozen burly African Americans lurk close by to ambush a Good Samaritan who steps in to rescue the victim.

        Mark Caplan

        July 12, 2015 at 11:19 AM

      • Haidt is a psychologist and therefore I knew ahead of hearing him recently on Philosophy Talk. The overwhelming impression was one of a garrulous airhead.

        “conservatives” have nothing in common geographically or historically.

        A N Korean or PRC conservative and a Soviet conservative and a pro-slavery Confederate or Brazilian conservative have nothing in common with a contemporary American conservative.

        Whereas all “progressives” agree that Sweden is their utopia.

        The fact of the matter is:

        self-described “conservatives” have always lost. and they always will, because they’re always just critics. Their agenda is determined by ‘progressives” and all the “conservative” does is criticize/whine.

        pink floyd norris

        July 12, 2015 at 7:39 PM

      • Were the people on the train men, or women and children? Would you expect women and children to help, or just the men? These reporters don’t report the details that make a story make sense. By calling the people witnesses, you have no idea the makeup of the group. Were the witnesses little kids? old ladies? cancer patients? soldiers fresh from a tour in Iraq? ghetto folk? other pencil-necked geeks?

        You, know, it does matter. These writers are not reporters. They are more like novelists than investigators.

        not too late

        July 13, 2015 at 1:52 AM

      • It might have been enough for someone to just loudly say “let’s get this fucking guy” to have events unfold quite differently.

        On considering the victim, however, I find myself no longer in a state of rage but one of ironical detachment. Thus were you visited by the Kindly Ones, Kevin.


        July 13, 2015 at 10:20 AM

      • The extreme passivity shows that Washington liberals (and we do know that 90% of Washingtonians are liberals) are absolutely terrified of black youth

        DC has some of the most criminal blacks in the entire country. The police don’t shoo them away from the few strips of ‘good’ areas: crazy homeless blacks can be seen wandering around the K street area while people wait for buses.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        July 13, 2015 at 9:23 PM

    • kevin’s boss in tweet said that his murder was a “tragic” and senseless. will find that tweet.


      July 12, 2015 at 10:14 AM

  9. I just read a few of Timothy Egan’s other articles. The lying is surreal and relentless. Pretty much every paragraph is some transparent reframing or distortion. Read his take on TX voter ID law. It is incredible that people read this material and take it seriously. What a hideous person.
    It occurred to me that it is all over. There are tens of millions of people who find this approach admirable – they either believe him or willfully ignore the truth and repeat these lies enthusiastically. Something has to give before much longer. People are descending into poverty, losing freedom, and even dying because of these lies. USA can’t stay together much longer given this.

    Copperhead Joe

    July 10, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    • It’s okay. They’re just Republicans, you know.


      July 13, 2015 at 10:27 AM

    here are the first year since hispanics broken out as perps


    July 10, 2015 at 6:12 PM

  11. Egan addressed sexual assault whereas Trump spoke of rape. The two crimes are related but not the same.

    CNN recently “fact-checked” Trump’s allegations. Trump spoke of the high rate of Mexicans committing crimes in the US whereas CNN checked only violent crime, thereby ignoring identity theft, Medicare fraud, tax fraud, document fraud, driving under the influence, and other crimes that Mexicans have proven themselves so adept at committing.

    Mark Caplan

    July 10, 2015 at 7:38 PM

    • identity theft, Medicare fraud, tax fraud, document fraud,

      Illegals commit those crimes at near unanimity in order to get jobs. And they’re not harmless. It ruins the finances of the people whose identities they steal.

      driving under the influence,

      DUI is one of my pet peeves because thousands of people are seriously injured and killed every year. If you look at crime rates, alcohol related crimes (along with property crimes such as vandalism) are among the very few crimes that whites commit at higher than average rates. And I don’t doubt that whites drink and drive at above average rates. However, hispanic DUI’s are lumped in with whites and hispanics probably drink and drive at the highest rate of anyone. It’s not taken seriously in central america so they think nothing of doing it here. illegals have killed a LOT of americans with drunk driving.


      July 11, 2015 at 2:46 AM

      • Richard Posner points out that non-passenger deaths from drunk driving are very small. In other words, most drunk drivers end up killing themselves and their passengers, not third parties. People who, presumably, made an informed decision to drive or ride with an impaired person. He argues that our current enforcement system is wildly inefficient.–posners-comment.html


        July 11, 2015 at 4:31 PM

    • and it’s all irrelevant. what trump actually said was that he had been told by border guards that criminals (including rapists) were coming over the mexican border from all over the world.


      1. he wasn’t talking about mexicans specifically.
      2. it was hearsay.
      3. rape was only one of many crimes.

      pink floyd norris

      July 12, 2015 at 6:13 AM

  12. This report focuses on sexual violence that includes … rape or sexual

    Sexual assault … includes grabbing or fondling.

    Sexual assault also includes verbal threats.

    That’s a broad category that dilutes rape-rape with verbal threats.

    It takes blacks over-representation in rape-rape and balances it with some white “grabbing” and “verbal threats” to achieve statistical equality.

    Anyway, it’s based on a survey, and not court convictions, so it’s not very reliable.


    July 10, 2015 at 7:42 PM

  13. Aren’t most “Hispanics” counted as White in crime statistics?


    July 10, 2015 at 8:11 PM

  14. From the BJS report that Lion quoted: ” White males consistently accounted for more than 82% of the total U.S. population and black males accounted for 11%.”

    That’s awfully imprecise language for an official report–white and black males together make up 93% of the US population?!!


    July 10, 2015 at 11:39 PM

  15. Totally off topic…

    But I’d quite like to read the Lion’s take on a somewhat stale topic.
    Where does a clown like Brian Williams classify on the American class ladder?

    There is probably an essay in there somewhere.
    How did he get so far with such “humble” educational credentials with less than 20 credits accumulated across three higher education institutes before dropping out for good?

    Is he just an empty vessel with pretty face for the establishment to package their propaganda to distract and entertain the prole masses?

    From Wikipedia
    Williams was born in Middletown Township, New Jersey,[3] and reared in a “boisterous” Irish Catholic home.[13] He is the son of Dorothy May (née Pampel) and Gordon Lewis Williams, who was an executive vice president of the National Retail Merchants Association, in New York.[14][15] His mother was an amateur stage actress.[13] Williams is the youngest of four siblings.[16] He lived in Elmira, New York, for ten years before moving to Middletown, New Jersey, when he was in junior high school.[17]

    Williams graduated from Mater Dei High School, a Roman Catholic high school in the New Monmouth section of Middletown.[18] While in high school, he was a volunteer firefighter for three years at the Middletown Township Fire Department. Also while in high school, he was the Editorial Editor for the school newspaper.[19] He suffered an accident during a football game which left him with a crooked nose.[20] His first job was as a busboy at Perkins Pancake House.[21]

    After high school Williams attended Brookdale Community College, after which he transferred to The Catholic University of America and then George Washington University.[22] He did not graduate and instead interned with the administration of President Jimmy Carter. He later called leaving college early one of his “great regrets.”[23]

    Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    July 11, 2015 at 12:00 AM

    • If you are going to steal from Wikipedia at least take out the citations.


      July 12, 2015 at 10:47 PM

  16. What are we going to do about the huge number of black women in America being raped by white men?


    July 11, 2015 at 12:04 AM

    • Agitate instead over the manhandling (by police) of young black women attending pool parties that turn into chaotic affairs. Remember, this was the most important topic in the world a couple of weeks ago, at least according to the prestige press.


      July 11, 2015 at 4:38 PM

    • “What are we going to do about the huge number of black women in America being raped by white men?”

      haha hilarious. comment of the day.


      July 11, 2015 at 10:07 PM

    • how come ya taste so good?

      pink floyd norris

      July 12, 2015 at 6:08 AM

  17. The BJS has a lot on the race of VICTIMS, not recent offender statistics. I did find the BJS had rape statistics for 2008. They didn’t segregate by hispanic, but whites represented 54% of reported rapes.


    July 11, 2015 at 12:14 AM

  18. identity theft, Medicare fraud, tax fraud, document fraud,

    Illegals commit those crimes at near unanimity in order to get jobs. And they’re not harmless. It ruins the finances of the people whose identities they steal.

    driving under the influence,

    DUI is one of my pet peeves because thousands of people are seriously injured and killed every year. If you look at crime rates, alcohol related crimes (along with property crimes such as vandalism) are among the very few crimes that whites commit at higher than average rates. And I don’t doubt that whites drink and drive at above average rates. However, hispanic DUI’s are lumped in with whites and hispanics probably drink and drive at the highest rate of anyone. It’s not taken seriously in central america so they think nothing of doing it here. illegals have killed a LOT of americans with drunk driving.


    July 11, 2015 at 2:45 AM

  19. San Diego’s justice system has a hispanic catagory that is only used for darker/shorter hispanics.

    Roughly 25% of criminals in the San Diego jail with spanish surnames are listed as white.

    While a few of these whites look fully European, others are just somewhat tall and fairly light mestizos.


    July 11, 2015 at 3:38 AM

  20. Immigration’s gender imbalance causes a surplus of Hispanic men here.

    So there’s a surplus of WOMEN south of the border.

    A cute Peruvian grad student was on fb yesterday showing off a couple of Canadian guys who were spending a few weeks there on an exchange. They were completely average-looking bespectacled goofs who wouldn’t get a second look in the West and her cute friends were leaving comments like “OMG!” and “Introduce me to them!!”


    July 11, 2015 at 11:25 AM

  21. I wonder if Egan thought he’d be fact checked like LOTB has done. My guess is no. He was expecting high fives. No one in the MSM would be able to correct him w/o fearing the lash.

    Kudos to Lion for not letting bs get through by calling itself righteous.


    July 12, 2015 at 12:40 AM

  22. 2 problems :
    1) the stat is for girls over 12, and in France the average age of raped girl is 6 (raped by famille). So you must double the stat

    2) the stat is per year. And it’ s note the same girls raped every year.

    So the 2 per thousant convert easily in a 10% and that’s the number of raped women in their lifetime, Half of them having being raped a 3-6 and a quarter at 15-25. The adult women raped in a garage by un unk

    Bruno from paris

    July 12, 2015 at 5:32 AM

  23. By an unknwon person is the exception …

    Bruno from paris

    July 12, 2015 at 5:33 AM

  24. Listen mates, when I was in Rikers about 5% were whites, 70% black and the rest Hispanics and all sorts of mongrels. Now, this is not a survey, or statistics, or research, or anything – this is just the way things are in an 80 man cell and a 500 man mess hall.


    July 12, 2015 at 12:34 PM

    • There’s an article in this week’s NY magazine about rikers and a former inmate concurs with your observation.

      I also got the impression from the article that the guards there aren’t very bright and tend to hearken from the hood themselves. Also a surprising number of them are women. Over 50% IIRC.

      slithy toves

      July 12, 2015 at 3:32 PM

      • True, the guards are thugs. A lot of whorish women guards. Ghetto niggers. Animals.


        July 12, 2015 at 4:27 PM

      • One thing I must say, I was given the best medical exam in my life. They checked for everything! Worth going in for that exam alone.

        This is funny, my pulse was and is 50, so a black nurse thought I had a heart problem. I mean, just look at my muscles, are you so stupid as not to realise it an athletic heart? Geez…..


        July 12, 2015 at 4:35 PM

      • How many Jewish prisoners were at Rikers?

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        July 12, 2015 at 6:50 PM

      • Actually, when I said two were Jewish I’d meant orthodox with yarmulkahs. There was one more Russian Jew in my cell. He was in for domestic violence, a really nice chap. He had no money to post a bail and was there awaiting trial.


        July 12, 2015 at 9:49 PM

    • I was the only one in my cell of about eighty. In the mess hall of about 500 there was one more. That’s all I can speak for.


      July 12, 2015 at 7:25 PM

  25. I assumed Trump was referring to the sky high rate of rapes for women crossing the border. It’s so likely they’ll be raped by their traveling companions/ coyotes/ men they hitch rides from that they go on birth control beforehand. Gang rapes are also common on “la bestia,” the trains illegals stowaway on through mexico.

    The preemptive measure of birth control was widely reported by the liberal media last year. But what all those articles failed to point out is that if 80% of women “going north” are being raped, the rapists are entering the country along with them. Its not just the coyotes assaulting them.

    slithy toves

    July 12, 2015 at 3:45 PM

  26. The NY times became a click bate tabloid like the rest of them. You should check their article about the firing of Ellen Pao, CEO of reddit, blaming it on sexism, nerd shaming, omitting the fact that firing a woman started the whole debacle, completely ignoring that she lost the court case, as if it is just another evidence for sexism. It is a joke and you shouldn’t even bother correcting them.


    July 12, 2015 at 6:54 PM

  27. off topic but regarding post scarcity and the empirical failure of Anglo-Saxon economic policy lion might be interested in these:

    The phenomenon of the bs job is not universal according to Peter Fleming.

    pink floyd norris

    July 12, 2015 at 7:43 PM

  28. OT: the self-actualization mantra is now keeping even prole whites from sticking with decent-paying factory jobs.


    July 13, 2015 at 10:03 AM

    • If we live in a post-scarcity economy, maybe people don’t need to work in factories. That’s what robots are for.

    • I think it’s understandable that people want to be creative and feel important. The highest wage mentioned in the article was $20 an hour which is $800 week. What kind of life these people are having? I really don’t understand this. I mean illegals make $12.00 cash and the factory is paying it on the books?

      I like feeling powerful and in control too. But on factory floor you are nothing, absolutely nothing. I agree with that. It’s really a stupid job that doesn’t even pay. Just today my HVAC supplier asked me to install three AC in his new store because he is just too busy and tired to do it himself. Now, this is power! When a supplier offers you a job like this this is a validation of your skills. Plus, he told me that he wants me to make money on the job and charge a fair price. I’m gonna make $800 on this one day job. This is power, this is validation, but it’s also a lot of hard work to get to this point. The kids need better advice, but maybe the culture of hard honest work is disappearing and no advice will make a difference?


      July 13, 2015 at 10:55 AM

      • Realistically, there are only so many people who can be HVAC technicians. If everyone started doing it, compensation would plummet and you’d be making minimum wage.

        But for the most part, people with the future-time-orientation to become a skilled blue-collar worker like you are instead pushed into college. The non-college graduates are inherently lazy because they ignored that society told them they must go to college to have a future.

      • But for the most part, people with the future-time-orientation to become a skilled blue-collar worker like you are instead pushed into college.

        I think the mechanical aptitude of white proles is not heavily dependent on their IQ or future time orientation. I’ve watched 80 to 90 IQ skilled white proles do amazing things to fix gizmos for me.

        The Undiscovered Jew

        July 13, 2015 at 9:14 PM

  29. Look immigration is a policy of dispossession and ultimately genocide against white people, that’s all. It’s driven by racism and nothing else. Its supporters are mostly racists and those who collaborate with racism out of fear or for profit. Timothy Egan doesn’t care whether Hispanics commit more rape, or use more welfare, or are good for the economy, just as leftists in Europe don’t care about the rape habits of Muslims or their view on women. They only care that they’re not white. It does no good to argue with him about stats because stats are irrelevant to the real issue.


    July 13, 2015 at 6:47 PM

  30. Despite the long time Brown Elephant in the room of the ‘National Conversation’, Trump is the first recent likely presidential candidate to articulate the thoughts and feelings of the majority without bowing to the unspoken liberal rules on speech. He’s also the only one to openly assure a rejection of a middle ground strategy that would in-part cater to Latinos but sell out the core identity interests of conservatives. This is what the Republican base wants, and it is the strategy that represents their perceived interests. Thus, the enthusiastic support for Trump. Everyone else is a sell-out or a coward, by necessity or choice.

    This is a large problem for liberals and RINOS. Before, they were able to control the social tone of the country, even with Republicans in office, through their control on what constitutes socially acceptable speech. Trump has ignored that control, making him a larger threat than just his potential to inhabit the White House. Thus, the liberal apoplexy marked by invented statistics and full bore use of their most prized semantic weapons.


    July 14, 2015 at 10:17 PM

  31. […] it does without a link on the NYT’s web page, shows once again that the NYT and other MSM types just expect us to take their word for things, whereas I’m always linking to and citing […]

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