Lion of the Blogosphere

30-year-old who won’t move out of parents’ house

Looks like the judge, today, signed an eviction order.

What happens to this guy after the police forcibly remove him from his parents’ house?

* * *

The guy was smart enough to do his own legal research. Although not very good research, it probably indicates an IQ above 100. Too bad the modern economy has no use for people like him. Or maybe’s just too lazy to work. Probably, at this stage of no work history, the only kind of job he can get is a minimum wage retail job.

* * *

Lots more info here:

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

May 22, 2018 at 12:40 PM

Posted in Law

95 Responses

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  1. New York has extremely friendly tenant laws. Any idiot can fight a eviction case if they just show up and ask for adjournments and make excuses for not paying rent.


    May 22, 2018 at 1:14 PM

  2. Guy’s a loser. But could get a reality show. Who knows?


    May 22, 2018 at 1:34 PM

    • According to Daily Mail now, this is custody battle fall out. He needs to be poor enough to keep his free lawyer.


      May 22, 2018 at 6:40 PM

      • You get government paid lawyers representing parents in custody battles in NY? And, how would being forced to pay rent as opposed to getting free rent increase your assets?


        May 22, 2018 at 9:54 PM

      • Sorry, it’s his court fees he needs to be poor to get waived. If he gets a job that will let him pay his rent, he will also then be expected to pay the fees.

        Also, he got fired from his retail job because he was expected to work weekends, but Saturday was his day to see his son.

        I can’t say whether these are valid reasons or just excuses. Clearly his parents aren’t buying it.


        May 23, 2018 at 12:23 AM

  3. Much like the “racist” lawyer, potential employers will Google his name and .. that’ll be the end of that.


    May 22, 2018 at 1:37 PM

  4. If he was in Italy, he would be living with his parents with no stigma and might have a girlfriend regardless.

    There’s a social net, because in Italy, Italians are your own people everywhere.

    American multipluralism, status positioning and capitalism forces everyone in a work-slave mentality.

    And people are too stupid to embrace a more socialistic gov’t that could encourage self-actualization.

    The only worse region in the world than the Anglosphere, when it comes to the industrialized world are the East Asian nations. No doubt, East Asians are very strong proponents of Anglosphere consumerism and its work-slave mentality.


    May 22, 2018 at 1:51 PM

    • Government socialism is a huge problem. Descaled government safety net could work.

      But what specific policies are you advocating?

      Universal healthcare? Unnecessary, just break the medical monopolies and force price transparency

      Universal income? Bad idea, too many unforseeable unintended consequences and probably not enough money to do it

      What else you got?

      Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

      May 22, 2018 at 2:20 PM

      • I got this, A Work Play Program – Universal income doled to an inner city minority and outlying prole, only if he/she visits a museum and write a report of their visit. And they would do this on a weekly basis, and it needs to be submitted to a gov’t agency who review what they wrote. No marks, submission is a prerequisite for the release of payments.

        This program gives losers something productive to do and an appreciation of human endeavors, and it should be implemented to discourage more value transference parasitism. The Gov’t pays you to work on something pleasant. Narcissism/Greed is not good if doesn’t lead to human progress.

        Of course, this is a fairy tale!


        May 22, 2018 at 4:23 PM

      • There is clearly a push on the Universal Basic Income idea from up high. It is because they know in the next deflationary crash Quantitative Easing and fiscal stimulus will not be enough to stop the money supply from collapsing. They will print money and hand it out to people, i.e. “helicopter money”. They are deliberately circulating this idea now in preparation.


        May 22, 2018 at 4:27 PM

      • If you go back to the gold standard an implement an optimal tax code that optimizes economic growth and tax revenues. then much of these problems would go away.


        May 22, 2018 at 8:22 PM

      • “If he was in Italy, he would be living with his parents with no stigma and might have a girlfriend regardless.”

        Bullshit, he would be expected to kick in some lira. The guy was a lazy bum. He deserved to be kicked out. Pathetic incel!


        May 22, 2018 at 10:15 PM

      • Ok that’s not bad. Sort of like picking up litter but self actualizing.

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        May 22, 2018 at 10:22 PM

    • “And people are too stupid to embrace a more socialistic gov’t that could encourage self-actualization.”

      Wrong. An adult child living in a home paid for by Mom and Dad is the opposite of socialism. Socialism is stealing money from productive people at gunpoint (i.e., taxation) and giving it to losers.

      Only people with an IQ above 115 can self-actualize; everyone left of 100 is a talking animal that’s made painfully anxious by free time — for talking animals, leisure is a burden, typically ameliorated by staring at a smartphone 24/7 and taking drugs.


      May 22, 2018 at 2:41 PM

      • Exactly. It would be like socialism if this guy got free housing, healthcare, food stamps, income, etc. from the government via the government taxing strangers. But this guy isn’t on welfare; his family is supporting him. It’s blacks and other minorities who disproportionately get government benefits taxed from the white majority and other productive people. What we really have is a kind of minority fascism, not socialism.


        May 22, 2018 at 4:15 PM

    • JS. Living with your parents is not a stime in East Asian society also. Italy is not an excepytion. It’s common for East Asian married sons to live in same home with his parents if he is employed in same city. Provides lots of social safety net. Like Italy.


      May 22, 2018 at 3:42 PM

      • East Asians seem to flood the Anglosphere in droves. Apparently, they find it to their liking.

        Most Western Europeans croak with what they see in America, England and Australia.


        May 22, 2018 at 5:00 PM

    • That’s not really an example of socialistic government. Socialistic government tends to replace natural family and social arrangements and relations with the state. Socialistic government promotes policies and welfare that incentivizes dissolving family relations. For example, pensions and government healthcare and services so families and people don’t have to take care of their elderly relatives.


      May 22, 2018 at 4:08 PM

    • Aren’t italian men presumed to be gainfully employed, though? I can’t tell what this rotondo guy does. Probably sells dope.

      Mrs Stitch

      May 22, 2018 at 4:48 PM

    • An aging guido who still lives in his parent’s house, likes to do research, and has a long dark ponytail? Who does this guy think he is – Maryk? LOL

      Incidentally, his family name, “Rotundo” is the real family name of the gymnast Mary Lou Retton. Apparently, they chose Retton over Rotundo because it was hard being a guido in West Virginia decades ago. (And it’s a sign of how long I’ve been reading LOTB that I now use “guido” as a synonym for “Italian.”)


      May 22, 2018 at 8:31 PM

      • If you watch the clip of him talking to the judge you’ll hear a part where he says “I don’t understand.” This was after the judge had used the term “forthwith.” The judge proceeds to define the term and the young guy gets a bit annoyed claiming that this wasn’t what what he didn’t understand. I found this funny. It’s as if he was saying, “I may be an unemployed guido, but I’m not a candidate for ‘The Jersey Shore.” I know what “forhtwith” means!”


        May 22, 2018 at 8:38 PM

      • Do you think he is a Lion reader? Maybe not. His parents offered him a measly $1100 to move out into the real world, better known as Meriprolestan.


        May 23, 2018 at 1:01 AM

  5. My smartest high school friend moved back in with his parents, mostly spends his days getting high and playing video games. Only steadyish jobs he ever held were in retail. I could definitely see him pulling this move.

    I’d peg my friend’s IQ in the ~150 range. He is (or was) somewhat smarter than me, able to ace tough calculus exams without really studying, doing the homework, or knowing what particular day they were on.

    He’s not really incel and does get laid occasionally. Could get laid significantly more if he applied himself, but applying himself is clearly not his strong suit.


    May 22, 2018 at 2:15 PM

    • This guy sounds cool, but most people will probably not realize how cool he is because they are not on his wavelength and he doesn’t have demonstrated social status (is there any other kind)?

      Fact Checker

      May 22, 2018 at 2:51 PM

    • High IQ but short time horizon. Someday his parents will be in assisted living or dead, and what happens to their loser layabout son then?


      May 22, 2018 at 3:01 PM

      • “Someday his parents will be in assisted living or dead, and what happens to their loser layabout son then?”

        He would inherit their house and savings!

      • If he would quit smoking pot, he could in fact live quite cheaply off his inheritance. If he can’t quit, he might be screwed. The life of a video gamer shut-in is quite low-cost, at least until health problems accumulate. They’re perfectly happy in a basement studio apartment in a low-rent area, living mostly on ramen. He pirates all his games, so the only entertainment costs are Internet and occasional hardware updates.

        Come to think of it, I actually know another guy, former coworker, with a lower IQ but more future time orientation who pulled this lifestyle off much better. Worked until he was maybe 35, saved the majority of his money, and now his investments support his very low cost of living, which consists of pot and video games. I think he also cooks actual food, so his diet is much better than my HS friend.

        Funny enough, he was married (no kids), but his wife, of course, left him after this life choice. Lucky for him, she had her own assets so there was no divorce theft.


        May 22, 2018 at 4:03 PM

      • I know grown kids who moved back home to “take care” of their parents and got the house. But u know others whose parents got reverse mortgage…lol.

        Mrs Stitch

        May 22, 2018 at 4:51 PM

      • Maybe. They may have other kids, or they may leave everything to their grandkids or to charity. Inheritance isn’t guaranteed.

        Black Death

        May 22, 2018 at 7:52 PM

      • “He would inherit their house and savings!”

        Not if they cut him out of the will.


        May 22, 2018 at 10:16 PM

      • “He would inherit their house and savings!”

        The gamble there is that they don’t have any expensive end-of-life medical conditions, or that they don’t spend all their money on assisted living, leaving a bankrupt estate.


        May 26, 2018 at 2:57 PM

    • If he really has a 150 IQ, then he should be able to get a computer science degree from a mid-tier public school with no effort. Then he can find some easy-peasy freelance work to do with his comp sci degree.


      May 22, 2018 at 6:56 PM

      • He dropped out of college (an upper-mid-tier public school) after a few semesters. I think he was getting something like a C-average while applying minimum effort. He was the kind of guy who would look at the syllabus on the first day of class, calculate how much homework he had to do in order to pass (assuming he aced the assignments and the exams, which he always did), and then do exactly that much homework.

        But at some point he flunked a class or two. I think he might have failed to show up to some exams entirely, or else maybe he got a B on an exam or something and that was enough, combined with not doing the homework. Maybe he accidentally took a class where homework was the majority of the grade.

        I can’t entirely parse the college dropout decision. I mean, he was able to show up for crappy retail jobs, at least for a while. If he’d applied the same effort to college, he’d have graduated for sure. I’ve never been able to get him to discuss any of his life decisions with me though.


        May 23, 2018 at 8:47 AM

    • IQ in 150 range and no ambition to attend college and isn’t bored playing video games? With that kind of IQ schools would be anxious to have him to boost their average entering freshman SAT score.


      May 22, 2018 at 11:17 PM

      • There are video games for every level of intellectual engagement. There are games with as much strategic decision-making as chess, for example. And there are games with about as much intellectual engagement as squishing bugs with your finger.

        So I don’t think IQ has much to do with whether you get bored playing video games.

        As I noted above, he got in to college easily but dropped/flunked out due to exercising even less discipline than he did in HS.


        May 23, 2018 at 8:55 AM

      • “There are games with as much strategic decision-making as chess, for example.”

        Plus there’s actual computer chess. But I found that boring after a while. I never got good at it.

      • The biggest problems with chess:

        1. The starting position is fixed, which means a lot of the game is repetitious as you learn openings to find your way out of that same starting position. Bobby Fischer advocated a system to randomize the starting setup so that you had to invent your own openings on the fly.

        2. At most beginning/intermediate levels, the game is about not blundering. A single error decides the game. That’s less fun than winning by way of coming up with a better plan and executing it in spite of some errors.

        3. The game is pretty abstract (though not quite as abstract as something like Go), and humans tend to prefer less abstract games.

        Computer strategy games usually fix all these problems.


        May 23, 2018 at 2:00 PM

      • Civ 4 (with BTS expansion and K-Mod add-on) what a game!

    • …so he has a very high IQ but is extremely low in conscientiousness.


      May 23, 2018 at 7:22 AM


    Jordan Peterson has become an existential threat to the leftist narrative. He now has the power to fight with them on almost even terms. If he survives the next two months of leftist barrage, it means he is a permanent part of the increasingly multipolar political world. They are ramping up all their gunships to destroy him, but they are probably already too late.

    Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

    May 22, 2018 at 2:17 PM

    • Jordan Peterson is a globalist shill deployed in an attempt to get young white men back onto the reservation and embrace diversity aka their own destruction. Jordan Peterson is controlled opposition, nothing more.


      May 22, 2018 at 3:29 PM

      • “Jordan Peterson is a globalist shill deployed in an attempt to get young white men back onto the reservation and embrace diversity aka their own destruction. Jordan Peterson is controlled opposition, nothing more.”

        I understand that conspiracies must take place in the corridors of power, but you can’t just assume that everything that happens is all part of their dastardly moustache-twirling plan. He’s been developing his ideas and worldview over a long time. His lectures have been on youtube for a long time. The way that his profile and influence has grown is easily explicable as an example of the internet doing what dissidents always hoped it could do–connecting people with a message with people who want to know. Jordan Peterson is a good news story for us.

        Completely unrelated, but I noticed today that the picture of Grenfell Tower with a white sheet wrapped round it looks uncannily like Megan Markel in her wedding dress.

        prolier than thou

        May 22, 2018 at 5:09 PM

      • What makes you say that?


        May 22, 2018 at 5:35 PM

      • Vox Day has Peterson’s number.


        May 22, 2018 at 8:27 PM

      • “globalist shill”

        You can get away with saying that here. On other alt-right websites you probably call him a Judaized intellectual.

        Lion – Peterson has been hounded not only by the left but by the miserable, wretched losers of the alt-right for not hating Jews.

        “Oh, and great self-promotion too, I’ll give him that.”

        Not really. He was a successful but obscure academic until he got famous accidentally because of the public fight he had with trannies.

        He stayed famous because he’s an honest man with core principles. He doesn’t react to bullshit artists. He is what he is.

        I am not a big fan of Jungian ideas but that’s irrelevant. I respect honesty and adherence to a core, humanist, non-hate position. That’s why I like him and I think he will survive fame.


        May 22, 2018 at 10:21 PM

    • In the last week, self-described progressive lefties such as Stephen Fry and Russell Brand have both come to Jordan Peterson’s defence. The conversation is shifting, has already shifted, but for what it matters Peterson is hardly a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He is simply a smart, articulate man who is effective at poking the left in the eye.


      May 22, 2018 at 3:56 PM

      • > He is simply a smart, articulate man

        I haven’t reviewed him in detail but much of what I’ve seen makes no sense. “The bible is Jungian archetypes.” Um, no. Much of the rest of his shtick just seems like common sense but he delivers the message like a snake handling tent preacher and gets the rubes fired up.


        May 22, 2018 at 4:56 PM

      • Jordan Peterson is a hodge-podge of Jungian psychology, Tony Robbinesque /Randian self-helpism, white beta male empowerment, Neil Straussian Game Con-Artistry, dumbed down evo-psych for the masses, and paleoconservative platitudes given a slightly new alt-right-ish veneer. Nothing more, nothing less.

        Oh, and great self-promotion too, I’ll give him that.


        May 22, 2018 at 6:50 PM

      • Why is the game/pua a con?

        Have you ever tried it?

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        May 22, 2018 at 10:27 PM

      • I’ve no truck with Peterson, I’m glad he explains the importance of IQ to resistant Lefty romantics. But, Brand’s biggest accomplishment is getting his hands on Katie Perry’s assets and Fry’s just the Paul Lynde of the current year. Not sure their support counts for much; most people heavily discount the opinions of actors.


        May 22, 2018 at 11:26 PM

    • Jordan Peterson is not really on our side. He is a cuck who just isn’t completely insane like the rest of academia. The fact that he and other approved “conservatives” like Ben Shapiro are being promoted within the New York Times as being edgy should tell you something. They are being promoted because they pose no real threat whatsoever. That is why they want the youth to tune into their milquetoast ideology instead of taking the real position aka hard right HBD paleoconservatiam aka the alternative right. Peterson would never get this much ink if he were not an asset to the guardians of the neoliberal world order.


      May 22, 2018 at 9:15 PM

      • If Jordan Peterson’s ideas became the new left-wing mainstream, that is a good thing.


        May 23, 2018 at 12:08 AM

      • There is always something more extreme to aspire too but let’s face it, supporters of extreme ideas will always be in the minority and culture shifts are usually done within the masses that tend to congregate around the centre of the political scale. For that type of influence Peterson is very useful exactly because he is not extreme right.


        May 23, 2018 at 3:31 AM

      • If Peterson became the new normal, we’d just be back to the 80s, with a 50s immigration policy.

        I can live with that horrible outcome.

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        May 23, 2018 at 9:22 AM

      • Liberals aren’t promoting him, they thought he’d be an easy scalp pour encourager les autres. Now that he is famous they are trying to undo the Frankenstein they created. Again pour encourager les autres.

        Paul Ryan's Sickly Old Lap Dog

        May 23, 2018 at 9:23 AM

    • Peterson is everywhere allofasudden.

      I like him.


      May 22, 2018 at 10:17 PM

  7. “What happens to this guy after the police forcibly remove him from his parents’ house?”

    He can move into his local Starbucks.


    May 22, 2018 at 2:30 PM

    • LOL, true. Even McDonald’s has 30 minute no loitering rules – and that’s for customers.

      Ask me how I know.


      May 22, 2018 at 4:44 PM

  8. According to Pew Research Center,” Living with Parents” is the commonest arangement for individuals 18-34 years old, so he’s really not that unusual in that regard. I imagine that he’s lazy and sociopathic and has reisited pressure from his parents to do something useful such as getting a job or attending classes to try to make something of himself. He’d rather stay at Mom and Dad’s hotel with free room and board and lots of other goodies. The guy obviously isn’t dumb, but he uses his talents to manipulate his parents to the point that they’ve finally told him to hit the bricks. If he applies himself, he might do OK, but he’s so narcissistic and sociopathic that he’d rather try to manipulate the system than actually try something constructive. Lots of jobs are going begging now, so he ought to be able to find something if he tries. Fat chance!

    Black Death

    May 22, 2018 at 2:39 PM

    • By that age they’ve got an attitude, they’re not qualified for anything and no job is good enough. Really hard to get on the career ladder at that point and he probably carrying around a lot of fear and paranoia.

      So, time to go back to school and get that Cooley law degree!

      Mrs Stitch

      May 22, 2018 at 4:56 PM

      • Then he can be six figures in debt, unemployed, with a useless toilet law degree.

        Oswald Spengler

        May 22, 2018 at 6:13 PM

      • “Morpheus: I feel I owe you an apology. We have a rule… We never free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It’s dangerous, and the mind has trouble letting go. I’ve seen it before, and I’m sorry. I did what I did, because…I had to.”


        May 22, 2018 at 7:44 PM

    • “Lots of jobs are going begging now, so he ought to be able to find something if he tries.”

      What kinds of jobs are you referring to?


      May 22, 2018 at 8:34 PM

      • It’s a rightwing talking point. Officially unemployment is really low but wages have not gone up at all, so employers are hardly begging.


        May 23, 2018 at 5:50 AM

  9. OT on the scary AI revolution: Google’s recent tech demo of an AI assistant that can phone and converse with real world businesses was almost certainly faked.

    In a recent piece, the publication highlights how receptionists at most businesses are trained to identify the business itself when answering the phone. To prove its point, Axios called over two dozen hair salons and restaurants (the same types of businesses Google called in its demo) and every time, the receptionist immediately gave the name of the business.

    In both of Google’s calls, that didn’t happen.

    Axios also notes the lack of ambient noise in the background on both of Google’s calls. In a hair salon and a restaurant, you may expect to hear things like hair dryers or silverware clanking but neither was present in Google’s demo.

    Also curious is the fact that neither the hair salon nor the restaurant asked Google’s AI for a contact number.

    Axios asked Google for the name of the salon and restaurant used in the calls to verify that both are indeed real businesses. Even when guaranteeing (in writing) that the names of both establishments wouldn’t be publicly identified, a longtime Google spokesperson declined to provide either name.

    Axios then asked if either call was edited, even if briefly to censor the business name. The spokesperson declined to comment but said they would get back to them. She didn’t, so a follow-up email was sent that copied another member of Google’s communications team. A reply was sent saying they’d get right back to Axios but that didn’t happen, either.

    This commenter echoes my thoughts:

    I guess it’s too late to say this, but I really did suspect it was fake all along. Technology progresses in increments. All of the sudden a company (even google) pulling this off seemed extremely unlikely. The A.I. basically would have passed the turing test.

    You won’t see a seamless AI real world conversation like this for 20 years, if ever. Every step of the way there are countless things that can, and do, go wrong.

    Fact Checker

    May 22, 2018 at 2:45 PM

    • What I thought was that they did many many calls and picked out the 2 that went okay out of hundreds that were disasters. I’m pretty sure it’s within the capability of modern technology to create an AI assistant that can successfully BS its way through a 1 minute phone call 5-10% of the time.

      But yeah, now that I see the arguments, I would not be surprised if the calls were totally fake. Why would they do that though? Eventually this product will be released and the truth will come out. Maybe this is just a case of someone trying to keep his job an extra few months.


      May 22, 2018 at 4:42 PM

    • How hard is the Turing test, really?

      As much as I hate to admit this, I do have one very prole guilty pleasure: I listen to “soundboard” prank calls on YouTube.

      Here is a prank call conducted with a Judge Judy soundboard. Note that “Judy” has only a limited number of responses:

      Also note that the callers are oblivious to the fact that they are not conversing with a real human being. They assume that “Judy” is crazy, but they seem not to realize that she is simply a recording.

      Now, yes, a human being is choosing the soundbites, but the general stupidity of the populace ensures that most folks are easily fooled by a small selection of canned responses.

      In this call, a debt collector engages “Judy” for a full ten minutes before finally giving up in frustration:

      An enhanced “Judy” soundboard vs. a New York cab driver:

      There are many thousands of such calls on YouTube. There must be hundreds of different soundboards. Most of them are “victim” soundboards of various individuals who were originally prank-called with one celebrity soundboard or another.

      The most famous “victim” soundboard, Fred Herbert the Bail Bondsman, began with a Joe Pesci soundboard call to an angry black guy (dubbed, appropriately enough, Angry Black Guy). ABG then “called” Herbert, who owned a small chain of bail-bonds outfits in Southern California. Herbert assumed that ABG was Gregory Stevens, a “black gentleman” who owed him money.

      Herbert calls various Gregory Stevenses, none of whom owe him anything:

      Over the next nine years, Herbert was called hundreds if not thousands of times by various pranksters. Many of these pranksters posed as legitimate customers for the sole purpose of adding new material (such as names, addresses, and phone numbers) to the soundboard. In the end, the soundboard grew to encompass hundreds of clips.

      Despite their dubious legality, many of these calls are hilariously perverse. If nothing else, they provide a glimpse into life on the left side of the bell curve.

      Some of the pranksters have a misguided sense of justice. They carry out harassment campaigns against “villains” such as predatory debt collectors and telemarketing scammers.

      One such scam operation, a provider of “free” travel excursions, was called thousands of times over several years.

      Recordings of a chirpy young black female “ticket agent” were consolidated into the “Cruise Scammer” soundboard. (In one clip, she asks a potential customer, “Have you ever *swimmed* with the dolphins?”)

      But anyway…

      Stan Adams

      May 23, 2018 at 3:12 AM

  10. OT: When you’re so beta you can’t even do your beta rage homicide competently…


    May 22, 2018 at 2:59 PM

  11. He probably can’t get a gf and therefore feels no motivation and I think it is as simple as that. Case closed.


    May 22, 2018 at 3:35 PM

    • Undoubtedly. An incel is likely to become reward/effort oriented rather than status-oriented. And being reward/effort oriented has a name: laziness.


      May 22, 2018 at 6:08 PM

      • I just had a look at the article.

        This is a very strange young man. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was mercilessly bullied growing up – he looks like the sort that would have been targeted from an early age.

        I’m willing to bet he feels entitled to live for free because of whatever suffering he endured while young.

        Of course, that way of thinking is only self-defeating – he’s now 30 years old, with nothing to show for himself. He’s also gotten his name (not a common one) permanently enshrined on the internet for any potential future girlfriend or employer to look up with a quick google search.

        What a sad story.


        May 22, 2018 at 10:47 PM

    • He has a young child and wants to remain unemployed so he can receive legal aide in his ‘custody battle.’ Probably also wants to avoid paying any support.


      May 23, 2018 at 6:50 AM

  12. We have a movie about that in France since long called Tanguy. A guy who decide staying for ever at his parents home. Conservative parents don’t have this problem : no guy would accept havinc curfew, lunch and/or dinner time, and lot’s of demanding scheduled life habits that the conservative people impose on themselves and others. It’s only the liberal parent who get this problem.


    May 22, 2018 at 3:59 PM

    • Yup: in conservative, non-Western cultures parents have no problem with their kids living with them until the age of 35 but it comes with a ton of responsibility…as in, your parents monitoring and controlling every minute of your day.


      May 22, 2018 at 6:53 PM

    • Can you suggest the best over-the-top service for locating French movies? Can you make additional recommendations? I like French movies.


      May 23, 2018 at 8:33 AM

  13. I lived with my parents until I was 29. I am now 33 and ‘retired’, as I was able to save so much during those years. Unfortunately, sounds like this guy didn’t plan far ahead — even if he been making minimum wage, I bet he could have done an extreme early retirement.


    May 22, 2018 at 10:09 PM

    • I am now 33 and ‘retired’

      Do you have health insurance? If so, is it through obamacare and how costly? Serious questions because the cost of health insurance is what’s prohibiting my early retirement.

      Rotondo is probably flat broke. If NY is one of the states that expanded Medicaid, then he probably can receive Medicaid at no cost. My home state, Florida, did not expand Medicaid; most adult males are not eligible for Medicaid in FL.

      E. Rekshun

      May 23, 2018 at 11:44 AM

  14. Wasn’t living with your mom forever the backstory in the movie Psycho?


    May 22, 2018 at 11:30 PM

  15. Generic Ballot down to +4 for the Dems. ResetEra responding with a mixture of fury and rage. They claim that the polls are rigged.

    Otis the Sweaty

    May 23, 2018 at 12:45 AM

  16. Does anyone see the irony that they are trying to kick out their son, while he is trying to get custody of his son?

    This guy sounds like a real piece of work. I doubt he ever actually had full custody of the child, most likely some visitation that has now been reduced to supervised visitation. I feel bad for the mom, she gets to deal with litigious harassment for the next 18 years.

    he’s also suing best buy.


    May 23, 2018 at 6:47 AM

  17. The Kennedys live next to each other in their compounds. They are smart.


    May 23, 2018 at 7:31 AM

  18. Lion, why don’t you move in with your mom, you can save tons of money?


    May 23, 2018 at 8:27 AM

    • His commute would be horrible.


      May 23, 2018 at 9:38 AM

      • As soon as my job ends, I’m going to retire someplace nicer than Staten Island.

      • Staten island is very nice, but Larnaca is much nicer and has very affordable real estate. I may get myself a place there as one of my retreats. I was thinking of Sicily or Ladispoli also. Not gonna live there the whole year, obviously. The body needs lifting weights (kettlebells), cardio(running,swimming) , stretching (yoga), sun (Israel, Cyprus, Italy), cold (showers, Alps). The soul and mind need religion and culture that’s Israel, Italy and Greece. Where do you think of going?


        May 23, 2018 at 10:26 AM

      • Your next recommendation?

        Have enough money saved up so one doesn’t end up retiring with proles/undesirables.


        May 23, 2018 at 11:01 AM

      • As soon as my job ends, I’m going to retire someplace nicer than Staten Island.

        What’s your plan for health insurance?

        E. Rekshun

        May 23, 2018 at 11:46 AM

      • I say make sure that you yourself aren’t an undesirable, lol.


        May 23, 2018 at 11:50 AM

      • ‘What’s your plan for health insurance?’
        Medicaid, obviously. I mean, Lion has been paying taxes all these years why should my illegal Tajik have it and my Lion not? It’s only right and just that my Lion should have it too.


        May 23, 2018 at 12:48 PM

      • There is Medicaid if you make below 150% of the poverty line, and subsidized Obamacare if you make more than that. In states that have not accepted the Medicaid expansion you may not be eligible for Medicaid, and theoretically you are also not eligible for Obamacare so you are screwed, but it is my understanding that the government leaves you alone if you claim Obamacare but then make less than 150%.

      • Yakov — I praise you for coming across as a genuine person and not as a hypocrite. Quite a number of Trump supporters are just hypocrites who can’t compete for status and money. Only liberals have real status in America. Complainers are sore losers.

        Look at this babe: An ardent Trump supporter with bleached blonde hair and she lives in one of the most degenerate of liberalvilles – Los Angeles.

        Should people take her seriously? Only stupid people do!

        Regarding the Manhattan Lawyer who complained about Mexicans speaking Spanish — He apologized and told the world that he loves NYC for its incredible diversity and that’s why he moved there.


        May 23, 2018 at 12:59 PM

      • ‘Yakov — I praise you for coming across as a genuine person and not as a hypocrite.’

        Thanks, whereas it’s true in the scope of what we have been discussing on this blog and I can understand how you’ve arrived at this conclusion, I don’t think that I can agree without reservation.


        May 23, 2018 at 3:11 PM

  19. This is a picture of the couple:

    His mom is a RN, we don’t know what his dad does for a living.

    It’s clear that they are more of the high prole quality, like most proles, regardless of income, they lack the insight when it comes to providing a good environment for their children.

    Proles only spoil their kids with petty stuff and that’s as good as it gets.


    May 23, 2018 at 11:47 AM

  20. Why is this such a big deal that everyone is getting in this case?


    May 23, 2018 at 12:00 PM

    • They just ruined their son’s life.


      May 24, 2018 at 2:26 AM

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