Lion of the Blogosphere

Strange school shooting in CO

There are two shooters. The younger shooter is a “transgender” girl “transitioning” to being a boy. Maybe, now, we can stop allowing people under the age of 18 to undergo such a freakish medical treatment!

“Although a motive has not been released, the two shooters reportedly harbored rage and anger toward their fellow classmates. At least one of the suspects also used legal and illegal drugs and had been in therapy.”

Maybe this is a new category, LGBT rage.

I suspect that both shooters were badly bullied because of how weird they are, and decided together to seek revenge.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

May 8, 2019 at 12:49 PM

Posted in Crime

56 Responses

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  1. White rage. Black rage. Incel rage. LGBT rage. Anti-Obama rage. Anti-Trump rage. Disgruntled employee rage. Umemployed person rage. Anti-socialist rage. Anti-big business rage.

    Notice a pattern?


    May 8, 2019 at 1:08 PM

    • Maybe Corey Booker can run on the need for a federal license for those who wish to feel rage, with a three day mandatory waiting period.


      May 8, 2019 at 1:57 PM

      • How about federally mandated mediation classes?


        May 8, 2019 at 4:15 PM

  2. Female school shooters are very rare, this should be ano interesting story


    May 8, 2019 at 1:14 PM

    • Was she on testosterone? If so, then it’s the ‘male hormone’ that made her do it.

      Half Canadian

      May 8, 2019 at 3:39 PM

      • That’s actually plausible- testosterone impacts areas of the brain that perceive threat. She was likely on a cocktail of psych meds as well.


        May 9, 2019 at 6:51 AM

    • Apparently, they are quite well done in Meriprolestan. At the moment, we know of no female school shooters in the French Canadian province and Spain. In all likelihood, a bat sh!t lady going postal in Toronbo and Londonistan will take place before a female shooter knocks up in Montréal or Barcelona and even in the City of African Lights known as Paris.

      Ok, what, who's this again?

      May 8, 2019 at 3:59 PM

      • Spain has youth unemployment rate of 33% because the socialist idiots tried to “go green” and destroyed their economy a decade ago. Barcelona is so overrun with tourists that there is graffiti on the walls telling foreigners to go home. Why don’t you live there again? Why do you live in a country with an English system of law instead of Napoleonic?

        Spain and Italy are great, no one is denying that. They need to pull their heads out though if they want to have a country in the future. Italy appears to be doing that. France has some rumblings. En espana?… vamos a la playa!!!

        Fact Checker

        May 9, 2019 at 2:42 AM

      • Fact Checker — JS isn’t Spanish, French or Italian. He’s a disgruntled, middle aged Puerto Rican. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with being disgruntled. There are certainly plenty of things one could rightly be disgruntled about. But do you think he’d be disgruntled if he were rich? I don’t. Therefore his discontent is a result of his own failures and not a legitimate grievance. It aggravates me when some loser leaves their shit hole to sponge off an economy built by others then has the temerity to badmouth them. He needs America a helluva lot more than America needs him.


        May 9, 2019 at 8:12 AM

      • People who were screwed by the modern economy are justified in being disgruntled.

      • Disgruntled or not, justified or not, he’s the most one-note poster I’ve ever encountered anywhere. No matter what the topic of the blog post, his comments are about how America and the entire anglosphere are prole, and the superiority of Spain and Quebec.


        May 9, 2019 at 8:37 AM

      • I live in a place colonized by value transference parasites known as Manhattan, like Lion.

        Is it “English speaking”? Is it “America”? I’m not so sure.

        One thing for sure, greater America doesn’t have anything to offer me – long term, where I could consider myself an American.

        Ok, what, who's this again?

        May 9, 2019 at 8:53 AM

      • @Destructure
        Just curious, how could you know the detailed background of this anonymous poster?


        May 9, 2019 at 11:22 AM

      • It’s quite interesting to note that Québec has been a exemplary model for “lesser” multiculturalism by certain individuals among the Alt-Right.

        For example, Faith Goldy, a well known female Canadian alt-righter from Ontario, wished English speaking Canada was more in line with Québec with its strong national, linguistic (and racial) identity, not fully understanding the history, that French Canadians dislike the Anglos just as much, if not more than the Muslims shot up by the Québec shooter, Alexandre Bissonnette.

        Québec is often seen as poor, provincial, and less dynamic due to its strong national identity that doesn’t focus too much on Anglo prole capitalism.

        Ok, what, who's this again?

        May 9, 2019 at 11:44 AM

      • “People who were screwed by the modern economy are justified in being disgruntled.”

        Did I not say there were “plenty of things one could rightly be disgruntled about”??? Outsourcing and immigration are certainly valid reasons. But you can’t immigrate and then badmouth the country you immigrated to. Especially when immigration is half the problem.
        Armando — Because he types with a greasy accent.


        May 9, 2019 at 9:12 PM

    • It was male privilege wot dun it.


      May 9, 2019 at 8:28 AM

  3. The obvious problem with the “badly bullied” speculation is that at least for the last 15 years, kids have been bombarded with the “respect difference!” theme. More likely they imagined “hate” just as blacks do.


    May 8, 2019 at 1:40 PM

    • In all fairness, most people don’t imagine “hate” all on their own. They’re repeatedly told that it’s the case by relentless propaganda from the msm and entertainment industries.


      May 8, 2019 at 5:19 PM

  4. It’s a Denver suburb. Would we really expect a lot of LGBT bullying there? Even if someone tried that’s the sort of thing that liberal school staffers would bring the hammer on nowadays.

    When Columbine happened people thought Klebold and Harris must have been bullied too, but it turned out not to be the case. They were just psychopaths. I see the trans thing as a clue that the new shooters were also just mentally ill.


    May 8, 2019 at 2:03 PM

    • There’s a lot of misinformation about Columbine, I don’t believe that they weren’t bullied.

      • It’s not whether they were bullied. It’s how much were they bullied?
        And if they were @$$holes, that’s going to attract conflict.
        I agree that there is no way to ascertain what actually went on.

        Half Canadian

        May 8, 2019 at 3:41 PM

      • Bullied at the nerdy STEM school? Or is this one of those schools where they try to turn ghetto kids into geniuses by putting them in classes and regimens generally favored by Asian STEM parents.


        May 8, 2019 at 5:20 PM

    • You are referring to the theories of Dave Cullen, who has published a best-selling book about the case. He claims that Eric was a swaggering ladies’ man who “got lots of chicks” and “outscored the football team.”

      I have studied Columbine since the day it happened. I maintain that the boys were bullied by the so-called “jocks” at the top of the social hierarchy and that the bullying ontributed to their feelings of extreme social alienation. I also maintain that Eric, who failed to get to a date to the prom after asking six different girls, died a frustrated virgin.

      (That being said, yes, psychopathology was a major factor, probably the key factor. Lots of kids are bullied; vanishingly few make a serious attempt to blow up the cafeteria during lunch period.)

      Dylan Klebold told his father that the jocks didn’t bother him all that much because he was 6’4″, but that they gave Eric Harris hell.

      In this video, Eric is the guy wearing the black “Tour ’97” T-shirt. Pay attention to his body language:

      When Eric sees the larger boys approaching, around the 0:15 mark, he stops talking and tenses up. (Note that his friend Mike Vendegia sees them first. He stops looking at Eric and stares straight ahead.) He stands as erect as he can, steeling himself for a confrontation. But as he nears them, he lowers his head and cowers like a dog. (Some claim that he is “ramming” through the wall of jocks in a macho manner, but I disagree.)

      Also note that the jock on the right side of the screen is flipping off the camera. It’s hard to see, due to the pixelation, but if you look closely you can tell that his middle finger is extended. So the mutual dislike and contempt between the “popular” crowd and the “outcasts” was very real.

      Around the 10:50 mark, Eric is humiliated in front of the other boys when a girl who had promised to meet him instead walks out of the room without saying a word.

      Around 11:24, he slouches and lowers his head until his chin is resting in his hands. His body language indicates that he is giving up, accepting defeat. He has already lost – that girl has already walked up the stairs and out of his life, at least for the moment – so there’s no point in puffing himself up any longer.

      Examine Eric’s facial expression around the 11:40 mark. Is that the face of a swaggering ladies’ man at the top of his Game, or that of a dorky boy who is beating himself up over his pathetic inability to prevent yet another cruel rejection? (Or neither?)

      Throughout the video, you can see Eric talking to girls, trying to run a good game, but his social awkwardness is evident.

      Eric and Dylan’s worst year at Columbine was their junior year – the 1997/98 school year. Not coincidentally, the biggest asshole at the school that year was a state-champion wrestler who swaggered around like he owned the place. He was reportedly at the top of one of Eric’s numerous “shit lists” – probably the “Class of ’98 Should Have Died” list:

      Stan Adams

      May 8, 2019 at 5:59 PM

      • You’re right.

        You know more about Columbine Dave Cullen does, yet he has a big fat book deal and you comment on an obscure blog. What’s wrong with this picture?


        May 9, 2019 at 8:24 PM

      • It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

      • It’s not how you do your job, it’s how you do your boss.


        May 9, 2019 at 11:57 PM

      • In April 1999, Cullen was living in Denver, freelancing for Salon. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

        After a stint in the military*, he worked as a systems analyst at Arthur Andersen – the accounting firm that helped Enron cook the books. He quit his job because he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a published writer.

        To his credit, he did break one legitimately important piece of news about the massacre. He was the first reporter with the balls to admit that “She said yes” was a myth. The Denver newspapers had the story, but sat on it for fear of alienating the conservative-Christian types who dominate the Columbine area.

        (For those of you who haven’t heard the story: One of the gunmen reportedly asked one of the victims, Cassie Bernall, if she believed in God. She said yes, and received a bullet to the head. Evangelicals immediately embraced Bernall as a latter-day Christian martyr. Cullen reported that the killers had, indeed, asked another girl if she believed in God, but had allowed her to live. Evidently they said nothing to Bernall before murdering her. Interestingly enough, the surviving girl was supposedly “run out of town” by angry fundies, as was the liberal Lutheran minister who presided over Dylan Klebold’s funeral.)

        Cullen is not without talent. The book is not incompetently written. Some of the side stories are fascinating.

        I was particularly moved by Cullen’s description of the struggle of Patrick Ireland, the “boy in the window” who literally fell out of the library onto the top of a fire truck. Ireland was a top student, but his serious injuries threatened his dream of becoming an architect. For him, and for so many others, it was a long, hard road to recovery. Cullen deserves credit for bringing his story to light.

        But I cannot allow Cullen’s egregious mischaracterization of Eric Harris to go unchallenged. There is absolutely no indication that Harris was a swaggering ladies’ man, as Cullen contends. I concede that Harris may, indeed, have been a psychopath, but the overwhelming preponderance of evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that Harris died a frustrated incel.

        Cullen has admitted that, while writing the book, he came to identify strongly with Dylan. He says he came to view Eric as little more than an insect. And I can believe it. In Cullenbine, Eric is the big bad psycho running the show, while Dylan is the sad little emo practically soiling himself in fear.

        On numerous occasions Cullen tells us what the killers were thinking – not saying, or doing, but thinking – at various moments. In his (admittedly exhaustive) bibliography, Cullen provides no sources for these snippets of the shooters’ inner monologues. (Telepathy, perhaps?)

        Cullen claims that “Eric wanted to kill, while Dylan only wanted to die.” But the bottom line is that, at the bare minimum, Dylan did absolutely nothing to prevent Eric from killing anyone. If Eric and Dylan had succeeded in their original plan, their bombs would have destroyed the cafeteria during the middle of lunch period.

        Their apparent hope was that, by weakening the building’s structural support beams, they would also end up destroying the library, which was on the second floor directly above the cafeteria. There is some evidence to indicate that, during the library attack, Eric and Dylan fully anticipated that the bombs would explode at any moment, killing them and everyone else in the room. Indeed, immediately after leaving the library, they went to the cafeteria and attempted to detonate the explosives.

        If the bombs had functioned as intended, dozens if not hundreds of people would have died. Dylan knew that many if not most if not all of his friends might perish, and he did absolutely nothing to warn any of them. Nor did he seem to care that his actions would devastate his family. So excuse me if I’m not especially inclined to cut him any slack.

        (Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying that I cut Eric any slack, either. Most people would probably say, “Screw ’em both – they were both broken,” and they’d probably be right.)

        Cullen even claims that the protagonist of a story Dylan wrote about a mysterious gunman who slaughters a group of “preps” was Eric, even though Dylan, a left-handed 6’4″-ish guy, described the perpetrator as left-handed, 6’4″, and strongly-built:

        Click to access klebold_short_story.pdf

        Of the fictional killer’s “prep” victims, Dylan reserves the most contempt for the smallest of the bunch, “a cocky, power-hungry prick” with a tendency to mouth off. The cocky guy ends up wetting himself and bawling his eyes out before the killer dispatches him with a spike through his skull.

        Dutch author Tim Krabbé, who has written his own book about the massacre, has speculated that *this* character was Dylan’s stand-in for Eric. At 5’8″, “Reb” was a head shorter than “VoDKa.”

        (The DK in VoDKa = Dylan Klebold. Get it? Klebold was practically an alcoholic.)

        Alan Prendergast, a reporter for Denver’s alternative weekly Westword, once facetiously described Eric and Dylan as “Dr. Rammstein and his monster.” (Prendergast’s underappreciated articles about the massacre are well worth reading, IMO.)

        Incidentally, the creative-writing teacher for whose class Dylan wrote the story recently claimed that Dylan’s mother lied in her book about not being warned about just how grisly and disturbing it truly was. The teacher claims that she made her concern known to Dylan’s parents in no uncertain terms, but that the Klebolds basically brushed her off:

        (It’s BuzzFeed, I know. But it is an interesting little piece.)

        As for the much-ballyhooed bullying angle, I agree that bullying most likely was not a primary cause of the massacre. NBK was not *merely* a case of revenge, at least not against specific offenses. But both boys’ sense of extreme social alienation, on the other hand, was most assuredly a primary cause. And the boys’ complaints about being bullied and humiliated and persecuted, all of which have been well-documented, most definitely fueled their feelings of alienation.

        For a class project, Harris and Klebold were required to make a commercial for a fictional product. Is it worth noting that they chose to advertise their services as “Hitmen for Hire” soliciting contracts on bullies? You tell me:

        Note that the “bully” killed in the video is wearing a white hat. White hats were something of a jock emblem at Columbine. According to multiple witnesses, immediately upon entering the library, Harris and Klebold screamed that they were coming after anyone who was wearing one.

        At various times, I have said some nasty things about Cullen, some of which I regret. But, in the main, I do not apologize for trying to draw attention to the serious errors in his book.

        Yes, I’m just another anonymous asshole with a keyboard, but I have as much right to express my opinion as he does. He does not own Columbine, any more than I do. His interpretation of the evidence is no more valid than anyone else’s.

        If the massacre “belongs” to anyone, it is to the victims, the survivors, and the relatives. It is not my tragedy; I have no legitimate claim to it. But I don’t apologize for finding it interesting, or for expressing my views about it.

        *Cullen is openly gay. His upcoming book focuses on the plight of gay soldiers during and after the era of “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

        Stan Adams

        May 9, 2019 at 9:58 PM

      • He was the first reporter with the balls to admit that “She said yes” was a myth. The Denver newspapers had the story, but sat on it for fear of alienating the conservative-Christian types who dominate the Columbine area.

        That’s a whacko conspiracy theory explaining something that doesn’t need to be explained. In the real world, liberal reporters who operate out of Denver are not worried about offending conservative Christians. The one thing that would have made them hesitate was basic human empathy. The dead girl’s parents had grabbed onto the story because it seemed to give meaning and purpose to their daughter’s death. The mother even published a biography of her daughter titled “She Said Yes”, as I recall. You don’t blow something like that up lightly unless you have complete contempt for how a mother and father handle their grief. I’m an atheist and not very sentimental, but even I can feel how painful that article must have been for the parents, no matter how gingerly the truth was presented.


        May 10, 2019 at 5:17 AM

      • Not to beat a dead horse, but some of my early anti-Cullen efforts made Vox Day’s trolling of John Scalzi look pretty tame.

        Cullen, as I mentioned earlier, is gay, and is open about that fact. (Indeed, he has made a number of videos promoting the use of everyone’s favorite anti-HIV drug, Truvada.) He has a … fruity voice and a … flamboyant disposition. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

        I once made great hay out of a blog post in which Cullen referred to his “cruising the mall at Christmastime” and going into Abercrombie & Fitch to drool over the huge homoerotic pictures of shirtless muscular guys that long adorned the walls of that storied establishment. I also made contemptuous references to his devotion for the movie Brokeback Mountain. (He maintained an exhaustive fan site about the movie.)

        He once said something to the effect of, “For someone who supposedly hates bullies so much, you certainly do a good imitation of a gay-bashing meathead jock.” I resent that statement, if only because I’m far more verbally facile than the average meathead jock. But, yeah, some of the things I wrote were simply a more-sophisticated rendition of the “Ha, ha, you’re a fag” jokes so beloved by the Biff Tannens of the world. (That being said, Eric and Dylan weren’t exactly shy about tossing the f-word around themselves.)

        Over the years, I have exhausted nearly every single possible corruption of the word Cullen – and that’s not counting the Twilight references. I didn’t coin Cullenbine, but I can take credit for Cullenista, Cullen the herd, Der Cullenator, and Cullenoscopy.

        I’m especially proud of the last one. On more than one occasion, I have compared the experience of reading his book to being probed anally. “And, unlike Dave, I don’t enjoy it.”

        The following is the magnum opus of my (one-sided) literary feud. I wrote it nine years ago.

        [beginning of 2010 post 1]

        “Eric Harris got chicks. Lots and lots of chicks.” – Dave Cullen

        I’m working on a new book, about an author named Evan who decides to make a name for himself by writing a totally misleading account of one of the most compelling stories of our time.

        It’s called Blind Ambition: How a Writer Managed to Screw Up Royally and Still Make a Shitload of Money.

        Here’s an excerpt:

        “Evan got chicks – lots and lots of chicks. He had more chicks in his little black book than the captain of the wrestling team had pimples on his back.

        “But he wasn’t into chicks.

        “And the captain of the wrestling team was. And the captain of the wrestling team had a great ass. And the tight end on the football team had an even better ass. And when the captain of the wrestling team smiled and waved at the tight end on the football team, and when the tight end on the football team ran his big, veiny hands through his waxy, strawberry-blonde hair, Evan felt very excited.

        “But the tight end on the football team had a girlfriend. She was blonde and she wore jangly earrings.

        “If Evan had been into chicks, he would have spent more time looking at the girlfriend than at her boyfriend.

        “But he wasn’t.

        “So he felt like shit.

        “Many years later, when Evan found himself standing in front of a traumatized high school writing a story for some dippy Web site, he thought to himself, “These kids didn’t have it that bad. I had it a lot worse than them. God, if the captain of the wrestling team had pushed me around – if he’d even deigned to *touch* me – I would have been in ecstasy. So they must not have been bullied. They must have been crazy. Well, maybe one was crazy, and one was emo.”

        “When his book got published ten years later, he still felt like shit, but now he had a lot of money.

        “And he liked money.”

        My book is mean-spirited, isn’t it? Still, I think it should be a best-seller. And it shouldn’t be too hard to write. Why bother doing research when you can make stuff up, right? If I have to, I’ll just go through some records and cherry-pick the evidence that supports my conclusions.

        It would be very easy for me to make dubious assumptions (“Evan” is a gay guy who gets his rocks off by perving on Abercrombie & Fitch models; therefore, he must have lusted after the jocks in school) and mutate those assumptions into wildly off-base conclusions:

        “Evan” lusted after jocks at school;
        therefore, he idolized them;
        therefore, he could not bring himself to believe that jock bullying had anything to do with the massacre;
        therefore, he came to believe that the attack was caused by factors internal to the killers;
        therefore, through a process of selectively confirming his innate biases, he chose to believe that Eric was psychopathic and Dylan was depressed.

        And where did I get the assumption that “Evan” was lusting after jocks? I just grabbed it from this article:

        Dave Cullen wrote: “‘They’re anti-everything,’ said [a Columbine senior], a strapping 6-foot-2-inch rugby player and tight end on the football team.”

        I assumed that a gay guy who would describe another man (this guy *was* a senior, so he was probably close to 18) as “strapping” has a sexual obsession with young, firm-bodied athletes.

        Those are my assumptions and I’m sticking to them. And I’m going to tell them straight to Oprah’s face.

        I’m not trying to explore Cullen’s motivations, per se – although I guess we could do that if you really want to. I’m merely applying Cullen’s flawed process of reasoning (make a dubious assumption + cherry-pick evidence to support that assumption = draw an off-base conclusion) to come up with a flawed analysis, which I am selling in my pretend book as a “true”, myth-busting account of an author euphemistically named “Evan” and his storied career.

        The idea is that I could very easily write a book about this author, using the same techniques that he used to write a book about Eric and Dylan. But my book would probably be as full of bullshit as his is, so what would be the point?

        (Unless I thought I could make a pile of money on it, that is.)

        Quote: “I don’t know if Cullen was ever openly gay in school, he seems to describe himself as a nerdy guy that had trouble fitting in”

        From a news article: “Cullen, 48, is openly gay now but was in the closet at the time he went to [school]. He said he felt like a misfit then and contemplated killing himself.”

        For the uninitiated, I should mention that there is a *ton* of gay fiction about high-school jock bullies and their victims. It’s practically a cliché. Sometimes the stories are revenge fantasies where the jock bullies are sexually humiliated (with *nothing* left to the imagination); others are syrupy love stories.

        Perhaps “Evan” would be willing to post on this board if I provided examples of such stories for his … stimulation. It’s worth a shot, isn’t it?

        [end of 2010 post 1]

        Then I topped it off with this quotation from “Evan’s” inner monologue:

        [beginning of 2010 post 2]

        “You know, it’s a shame they had to pixellate the faces in that video of the jocks shoving Eric around – those were some mighty yummy athletes.

        “Especially that one in the middle … you know, the one wearing the sweatshirt with the too-long sleeves.

        “He was wearing sandals, showing off his big, manly feet … oh, yeah. That’s what I like. I don’t like big butts; I like big feet.

        “I like men who wear too-long sleeves … it makes me think about tying the sleeves to the bedpost, so they can’t get away.

        “Those jocks think they’re so tough, don’t they? Well, wait until they see what I’ve got planned for them. They’re bad boys – very bad boys who need to be punished.

        “Seriously, Eric and Dylan had it made – if hot steamy jocks had shoved me around back in my high-school days, I’d have spent an awful lot of time in the bathroom, alone.

        “Everyone laughed when I got a Wii. They never even imagined that I’d find new and interesting uses for the *controller*.”

        Are you getting off on this, Da… uh, Evan? Or do you need me to post some pictures from the Abercrombie & Fitch spring catalog?

        [end of 2010 post 2]

        Then I found out that his birthday was right around the corner. I “celebrated” the occasion by posting some pictures of muscle-bound jocks, complete with further quotations from the facetious “inner monologue”:

        [beginning of 2010 post 3]

        Picture of Patrick Kerney, a football player with a … round ass

        “Ooh – I *do* like big butts!”

        Picture of Gabe Kapler, a muscular baseball player holding his bat

        “How’d you know I have a *firm* appreciation of long, thick pieces of wood?”

        YouTube clip of Denis Sergovskiy, a Russian bodybuilder

        “Oh, yes! Yes! Uuuggghhh! Whew!

        “Uh … maybe I should wash my hands before I check my e-mail. Yeah … don’t want the ol’ keyboard feeling all sticky and smelling all funky-like.”

        Well, Dave, it is now your birthday, at least in the Eastern time zone.

        I have tried my best to entice you to the board by offering you pictures of muscle jocks to drool over. In your infinite gratitude, feel free to shower me with love and admiration.

        I actually think this thread went horribly awry – it started out as a sarcastic joke, and mutated into an epic parade of steroid-bloated flesh. I’ve probably scared half the regular members away for good. And I have only myself to blame.

        At any rate, Dave, I make you this promise: I shall endeavor not to criticize you today.

        Peace out, hom … -ey.

        [end of 2010 post 3]

        So, yeah, I was kind of a prick.

        It’s a good thing I never ended up as a meathead jock, because I probably would have come up with some pretty vicious insults to toss at the flaming theater types.

        Stan Adams

        May 10, 2019 at 8:22 AM

  5. I’m not assuming they were bullied, because they attended a stem school, which being somewhat selective, might select out bully type people.


    May 8, 2019 at 2:55 PM

    • Schools will always have cliques and levels of status. Andrew Cunnanen was not ostracized, but became a spree killer. These two could have been disagreeable people who earned everything they got.

      Half Canadian

      May 8, 2019 at 3:42 PM

    • I wouldn’t be so sure. I’ve known some nerd-bullies.


      May 8, 2019 at 4:09 PM

    • No. I graduated from a very selective Science and Math high school. We had a boy that was not quite normal (overweight, immature but kind behavior, also his parents were much older then average) in our classroom. After a month or so he had to transition to a different home classroom (student cohort) because everyone was bullying him. After about one more month he left because of the same reason. STEM can be vicious bullies.

      My 2¢

      May 8, 2019 at 4:36 PM

    • I went to computer camp one summer. The dorkiest, most annoying kid there was bullied worse than anything I ever saw in regular school; after one incident some of the bullies had to be expelled.


      May 8, 2019 at 4:52 PM

    • Bullying takes many forms, not just physical. Nerd male bullies, tend to act like high school girl bullies, they spread gossip, write note, etc. Now (in the 2000s) due to no tolerance policies on violence, that has encouraged this type of bullying, but on social media, which is worse. I was in high school in the 90s and attended a stem high school.


      May 9, 2019 at 7:25 AM

  6. Re a “transgender” girl “transitioning” to being a boy:

    A transgender girl is type a girl, one who used to be a boy. I doubt she’s transitioning back to being a boy. “Transgender boy” is a clearer characterization of the shooter.


    May 8, 2019 at 2:56 PM

    • None of this stuff is clear.


      May 8, 2019 at 4:13 PM

      • Understatement of the year.

        I say a “transgender girl” means a GIRL, i.e. born a girl, will always irrevocably be a girl, but has a weird mental disorder where she claims to be a boy.

        S.J., Esquire

        May 8, 2019 at 5:10 PM

    • Is transition a step function or a mixture of two quantum states?

      My 2¢

      May 8, 2019 at 4:21 PM

      • According to Eddie Izzard a mixture of two quantum states. He essentially says that, sometimes he operate’s in boy mode and sometimes he operate’s in girl mode.


        May 9, 2019 at 1:52 AM

      • If it is a condition with quantum states, then it may be similar to bipolar.

        My 2¢

        May 9, 2019 at 1:55 PM

    • “Clear” is the wrong word, but you are correct and Lion is wrong about the parlance used in the media and other leftist circles.

      For clarity’s sake, I believe that those who reject transgender insanity should use the terms “MtF” or “FtM” (male-to-female or female-to-male). The unnamed suspect in this case appears to be FtM.


      May 8, 2019 at 4:47 PM

  7. The good thing about a story like this is how it can confirm everybody’s views.

    -You see how fucked-up transgenders are!

    -You see how fucked-up transphobia makes transgenders!

    prolier than thou

    May 8, 2019 at 5:24 PM

  8. I wonder if they beat Stephen King in updating his school shooting story from the 70s, “Rage.” King updates his past material, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has a revised school shooting story with a trans freak, that of course is correct in dispatching its subhuman white male hetero tormenters.

    Victim of cows

    May 8, 2019 at 7:07 PM

    • I’m not a stephen king fan but the bachman books were quite good. King no longer allows ‘rage’ to be printed.


      May 9, 2019 at 6:46 AM

  9. Maybe SJW rage. We need to ban gender studies from colleges now. Think of the children!


    May 9, 2019 at 1:26 AM

  10. Ot- Can someone provide context for this article?

    I hate FB as much as anyone, but I’m perplexed by the demonization of Cambridge Analytica given that social media and FB in particular were heralded as instrumental background players in both of Obama’s wins.


    May 9, 2019 at 8:36 AM

    • Social media helps Obama win: Good for social media!
      Social media helps Trump win: OMG! Social media is evil! We must do something about this.

    • Disgruntled startup worker who is jealous and complains that Zuckerberg owns 60% of Facebook and he has squat.


      May 9, 2019 at 11:45 AM

      • What is wrong with being disgruntled? I believe it is one of the fundamental features of the “winner takes all society”. If Facebook is nationalized, it would solve most problems it causes.

        My 2¢

        May 9, 2019 at 2:00 PM

  11. Courtesy of the New York Post, we now have pictures of both perps. Not exactly your wholesome all-American types:

    The tranny is the one on the bottom.

    Stan Adams

    May 9, 2019 at 7:55 PM

    • They look like the kind of kids who would be bullied.

    • Cheap Trick shirt? Killer’s favorite band is a ‘70s band with three big songs, Surrender, I Want You to Want Me and Dream Police?


      May 10, 2019 at 8:21 AM

      • They’re treated like the Beatles in Japan, though.


        May 10, 2019 at 9:48 AM

      • Anyone wearing a Cheap Trick shirt is going to love the deep cuts, like “Gonna Raise Hell”.


        May 10, 2019 at 10:39 AM

      • To be fair, those are all great songs.

        Mike Street Station

        May 11, 2019 at 8:49 AM

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