Lion of the Blogosphere

Universal “actor” fired for alleged “white power” symbol

The article presents no evidence at all that the “actor” (that is, a guy, or gal, dressed in a dumb costume), is a white supremacist and that the position of his or her fingers was intended to send a coded message about white power.

Of course it’s within the realm of possibility that a white-power type could live in the Orlando metropolitan area and get a job at a theme park, but without any such evidence, I’m inclined to believe that it was entirely accidental, and that the “actor” had no idea that he was making a “white power” symbol.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

October 7, 2019 at 9:44 AM

Posted in News

49 Responses

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  1. When did the “okay” hand symbol turn into a white power symbol? At the same time when gays stole the rainbow as a symbol?

    That leak sound

    October 7, 2019 at 10:03 AM

    • 4chan trolls did it.


      October 7, 2019 at 10:09 AM

      • … and the media ate it up. So all of a sudden it’s a prima facie WN symbol? According to sketchy moral authorites such as the ADL. Okay!

        That leak sound

        October 7, 2019 at 10:39 AM

      • > the media ate it up

        I cried laughing when I read some of the stuff they’d fed the media and got published. It was total nonsense like The pinky stands for nordics and the thumb and index finger joined together represent something-or-other. The details are utterly irrelevant. They spun totally ridiculous racialist nonsense about making an OK sign and got upper echelon rags and outfits like the SPLC to report it as fact.

        Then the hilarity was quadrupled when congressional staffers and politicians started deliberately appearing in photos making the OK sign. The OK sign is absolutely a thing now and I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the $13/hour kid in the photo was indeed trolling. What an entertaining age we live in.

        The establishment is mostly flailing around idiotically as illustrated above, falling for troll after troll. Which is comforting. They have power but they’re clearly too stupid to hold it for much longer.


        October 9, 2019 at 10:10 PM

    • To refer to it as a “white power” symbol is to buy into the SPLC narrative. It’s an alt right trolling technique. Accepting the “white power” descriptor is like referring to anyone who believes in the innateness of group racial differences as a “white supremacist.”


      October 7, 2019 at 3:59 PM

  2. As a black man, let me the first to condemn this act of VIOLENCE by white people. The police need to investigate these actors quickly and execute anyone with a right wing opinion as soon as possible. St Martin Luther King didn’t die for our sins for this.

    The Philosopher

    October 7, 2019 at 10:35 AM

  3. Lion:

    Do you intend to see JOKER?


    October 7, 2019 at 10:47 AM

    • Perhaps when it comes out on on Pirate’s Bay. (Just joking, I would never do anything illegal like that.)

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      October 7, 2019 at 10:58 AM

      • Why not? It’s an obsession with the alt-right.

        I don’t intend to see it; I’m too wise for that. I don’t regret spending $10 on OUATIH though. It was quite thought-provoking.


        October 7, 2019 at 12:33 PM

      • I went to comic con. Every single unaccompanied teenage boy who had a costume appeared to me to be dressed as the Joker from the new movie. Independent reviewers who I care about said it was very good. So I plan to go see it.


        October 7, 2019 at 1:05 PM

      • Teenage girls understand that the main purpose of a costume is to look sexy in it. Teenage boys sound too stupid to understand that. No wonder why girls get better grades in school.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        October 7, 2019 at 1:28 PM

      • If guys never did costumes anymore then the girls would quit and then no one would get to see the girls dressed in sexy costumes.

        not too late

        October 7, 2019 at 3:28 PM

      • As a rule of thumb, don’t use pirate torrents, because it’s peer to peer, where you immediately re-distribute copyrighted content, and one byte is enough, that’s how they get you. But if you download the same from a web site, or stream it, the same doesn’t apply! In many jurisdictions (at least in Europe) you can download or stream for personal use, as long as you don’t redistribute (BitTorrent) or do anything commercial.


        October 8, 2019 at 4:10 AM

    • Joker is excellent and not at all what I was expecting. It was a depressing character study and Joker is mentally ill in a realistic way–he’s not high functioning or very intelligent. I felt sorry for him even after he started killing people and walked out of the theater feeling sort of bad. Best movie I’ve seen so far this year.

      Horace Pinker

      October 7, 2019 at 12:56 PM

      • I’m definitely going to give it a pass. On the other hand I had no intentions of seeing once upon a Time until I saw it and was impressed. but not for the same reasons he was.


        October 7, 2019 at 4:33 PM

      • One of my sons saw it with a bunch of high school friends. He said it was great.


        October 7, 2019 at 6:40 PM

      • With it being set in 1981 and involving a plot about Joker being the victim of cuts to mental health services I’m assuming that it has a typical left wing anti-Reagan, pro big government plotline. Every film set in 1980’s Britain had a similar ‘Thatcher’s Britain plotline.
        Comic books certainly lend themselves to right wing themes, but in practice that never seems to be the case. I remember there was some alt-right interest in the Christian Bale Batman films but I didn’t see anything interesting in it.
        But how many films have anything approaching a right wing theme? The only film that really springs to mind is Lars Von Trier’s ‘Antichrist’ which has such a shockingly anti pc theme I was amazed that it could be made.

        prolier than thou

        October 7, 2019 at 6:56 PM

      • @prolier than thou — Sort of. If Todd Phillips had come out and said that Joker was anti-capitalist and meant to draw attention to the necessity of a strong welfare state, you’d see it in the movie. But it wasn’t overtly political. Anything that’s being perceived as anti-woke in the movie is completely overblown because of things Phillips has said in interviews about political correctness.

        Like I said, it’s a dark and depressing character study and I don’t think it’s meant to be much more than that. It does touch lightly on current year stuff but like the capitalist stuff, it’s noise in the background.

        It also doesn’t glorify violence in any way and I can’t imagine it inspiring someone to commit a violent act. Joker is so pathetic that even incels wouldn’t see him as a hero.

        The movie seems to be creating controversy because the left is now basically insisting that any sort of art that’s meant for mass consumption is didactic from a social justice perspective. The guy who wrote and directed Ad Astra said that the Tommy Lee Jones character represented the last vestige of patriarchy, and that he was happy to see it die. I didn’t see Ad Astra so I don’t know what he meant, but the idea is that if you write and direct a movie that’s going to have a wide release, you should be saying stuff like that.

        I’ve never seen Antichrist. The penis mutilation stuff I’d read about kept me away.

        Horace Pinker

        October 7, 2019 at 8:16 PM

      • I had no interest but might see it entirely on your recommendation here. Ad Astra got many good reviews and it was a steaming pile of garbage. I felt robbed of my ticket price and was annoyed most of the viewing. The marketing hype machine is so well oiled, it’s extremely difficult to find out whether or not a movie sucks or is interesting outside an anonymous web mentions with no stake.

        I feel like they’ve mostly stopped making interesting movies for adults. The writers all got shifted over to TV series, but I don’t watch TV. I just want to see a decent movie in a theater roughly every other month, but there are only about two American movies worth watching a year anymore. It’s annoying.


        October 7, 2019 at 11:15 PM

      • “The guy who wrote and directed Ad Astra said that the Tommy Lee Jones character represented the last vestige of patriarchy, and that he was happy to see it die.”

        I saw Ad Astra and didn’t get that at all. On the other hand, it was a rather slow, not-that-interesting movie so what do I know about “art?”

        Mike Street Station

        October 8, 2019 at 8:04 PM

      • @ prolier than thou

        The Nolan Batman films at least the first two (Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) are excellent. While the third film in the trilogy has a lot of problems (it would have been better off split into two parts) I feel still has some redeeming qualities.

        Nolan has been accused of being rightwing and even neoconservative but a better reading of the films is that he’s center left. The failure of democracy is surely on display with the masses shown to be weak, stupid, apathetic, and cowardly. The institutions of society are also corrupt, decadent, legalistic, and failures.
        In Batman Begins the hero has to peel away the layers of Gotham’s problems be they mass poverty, drug addiction, high crime, corrupt cops, the mafia, scarecrow, and a powerful secret society. It takes a minor nobleman to train, believe, reform, and reconquer his city donning on the armor of a medieval knight to make things right. This film has a great mix of realism, action, stealth, and horror elements making it a unique origin story.

        In the sequel things scale down or scale up depending on how you view it. In The Dark Knight Gotham is improving but escalation is the major theme. The film has a strong crime thriller feel like the action crime classic Heat. Despite major progress we see the failures of the legal system again when the hero travels to Hong Kong to seize the mob’s banker. The mafia then gives a madman its money, resources, manpower, and connections to drive the city into the ground in a terrorist campaign. The Dark Knight is the only major film today to have a major character kill negros frequently be they criminals and cops which might be a large part of the appeal of Heath Ledger’s Joker. His origins remain unknown but some speculate he was an Iraq combat veteran much like how the Batmobile was a vehicle designed for desert warfare. The Nolan Batman films provide a great window into the politics and worldviews of the 2000s. Peace is won but based on a lie.

        The weakest entry into the trilogy The Dark Knight Rises discusses Occupy Wall Street. It starts strong with the opening of a CIA rendition operation that goes wrong. The bad guys can also play that game which they spectacularly demonstrate. The overthrow of the capitalist system is led by a secret society which has returned to seek revenge and to complete their mission which is the destruction of Gotham. Despite the peace and prosperity of the era built on a Patriot Act type law the rich and powerful plant the seeds of the city’s demise in their constant scheming for wealth/status. The hero is older and disillusioned but still a hero at his core though a fallen one. It is a rival billionaire who enables the antagonists to set their plan into motion and bring the city to heel. The terror unleashed by a false revolution done in the name of the people is central to the plot. This film has great ambition but it starts to go downhill at the midway point and never recovers it only gets worse. The final thirty minutes of the movie is atrocious with lots of goofy movie type logic and saves which are incoherent to what was previously established in a serious/realistic universe.

        All three movies are very red pilled on women who either decline the hero’s advances, dump him, betray him or all three. The only successful relationships with women are based openly on the hero’s looks, money, and status (LMS). The others fail because familiarity, sentimentality, love, and warmth breed contempt instead.


        October 12, 2019 at 6:36 AM

  4. It’s not even an “OK” symbol. It’s an upside down “OK” symbol. It’s more like an “MO” symbol; whatever that is.

    E. Rekshun

    October 7, 2019 at 11:26 AM

  5. And the “actor” is holding a banana in his/her left hand. That’s more racist than the upside down “OK” symbol!

    E. Rekshun

    October 7, 2019 at 11:29 AM

    • Should we condemn the dancing banana man now?

      That leak sound

      October 7, 2019 at 12:53 PM

    • In Italy yes.


      October 7, 2019 at 1:05 PM

  6. Allow me to vent about the ineffable stupidity of the alt-right.

    They are now orgasming about a movie. They hate the US, they hate liberal capitalist democracy but they are obsessed with pop culture. I will go further: They are psychologically dependent on pop culture.

    The movie is directed by a Jew, and its star is a halakhic Jew. Joaquin Phoenix’s mom was a Jew. In the alt right if you have a Jewish great great great grandfather who was a Jew but you were raised Episcopalian, you are a Jew. (I even read on an alt-right website that Hitler “cucked” on the Jews, because he allowed half-Jews to serve in the German Army!)

    Then the newest thing is their obsession with “socialism” It’s good. That’s because they need it now. Of course the US will never have socialism, just a bit more equity in distributing the goods, but that’s not my point.

    They are all gibbering about Joel Kotkin, a Jew, who wrote something about inter-generational equity.

    Here’s the thing: most Jews have ALWAYS been in favor of social welfare policies that equalize distribution. In the past, the Buchananites hated us for it. I can accept that; at least it was internally consistent.

    But when alt-right shits decide to steal ideas from SOME Jews, while attributing malevolence to ALL Jews because of the words of fringe figures like Barbara Spector, I call bullshit.

    The alt-right is made up of psychologically disturbed loser-loners, hence their identification with Joker.


    October 7, 2019 at 12:41 PM

    • “they hate liberal capitalist democracy”

      is there anyone here who doesn’t think “liberal capitalist democracy” is a sham?


      October 7, 2019 at 6:44 PM

      • I recall when destructure was such a cuck for bourgeois democracy and crapitalism. Hey buddy the communists had it right more than a century ago. Progress is always good even if it comes slowly. It never pays to be too far ahead in politics.


        October 9, 2019 at 2:36 AM

      • If you hate liberal capitalist democracy don’t gorge on its products.

        As usual, you didn’t read what I actually wrote, you just popped off like a bozo adolescent.


        October 10, 2019 at 6:10 PM

      • “Hey buddy the communists had it right more than a century ago.“

        The ‘commies’ a century ago were both multiculturalists and internationalists. They also were moving towards disbelief in Darwinism because of equality. Exactly what did they get right for our purposes?


        October 10, 2019 at 8:33 PM

      • @ Curle

        The communists weren’t black and white. They weighed the scales of justice evenly. They got a lot right. They were also fighting high crime, elite degeneracy, open borders, and the globalist mafia a long time before you were even aware that these problems existed. This guy does a better job of explaining it than me.


        October 12, 2019 at 7:04 AM

    • Where are you going to get the definitive views of the alt-right?


      October 7, 2019 at 7:25 PM

    • I’m with you on this. I don’t like the alt-right either, and would welcome socialism in the form of a social democracy. The government should serve the people, not the wealthy, not the elite, not the corporations, and certainly not foreign powers. I’m all for steeply progressive taxation, the elimination of corporate tax loopholes alongside tax credits for “hiring American”, a smaller military (and less involvement, FAR less involvement, in foreign quagmires we have no chance of resolving), universal healthcare, expanded social security, more and better social services of all kinds. DO NOT ASSUME THAT EVERYONE WHO COMMENTS ON THIS BLOG BELONGS TO THE ALT-RIGHT! If you think that, you are not as astute as you think. For all its obvious flaws, this is (or occasionally can be) one of the most interesting blogs around and that’s why people come here.

      Mister Triple 800

      October 10, 2019 at 2:04 PM


        I certainly don’t.

        I was just venting. I know that a lot of alt right people lurk here, though, and it was my way of giving them the finger.

        In fact, I think some of ’em get ideas from this blog.

        Safe spaces aren’t just for lefties!


        October 10, 2019 at 6:08 PM

      • Mencius Moldbug is classic alt-right. Mencius Moldbug is a national treasure. The alt-right is good not bad.


        October 10, 2019 at 8:38 PM

  7. Fake media is manufacturing racism.

    My 2¢

    October 7, 2019 at 1:20 PM

    • yep

      not too late

      October 7, 2019 at 3:31 PM

  8. This is beyond stupid. Their “biracial” son is making the same gesture in the photo! This is from the circle game kids play. Just google “the circle game.” The media has got to know this. They really want to push manufactured white supremacy stories.


    October 7, 2019 at 2:35 PM

    • Rosenmops

      October 7, 2019 at 4:28 PM

      • Ah the circle game I really thought it would catch on more than it actually did.


        October 9, 2019 at 2:39 AM

    • ‘The Circle Game’ is a song by Joni Mitchell a blonde lady from Canada a very white country ergo the gesture must be an symbol of white hatred and exclusion. Want to hear more of my thoughts about white supremacy? Just sign up for my classes at your local state flagship university.


      October 7, 2019 at 5:27 PM

      • Canada isn’t such a white country any more. Whites are a minority in Vancouver. Probably in Toronto, too.


        October 8, 2019 at 2:47 AM

  9. The actor was fired, because he was dressed up as a degenerate Disney character known as Gru from the Despicable Me franchise, while holding a banana and posing himself with a few mulattoes, and then making a White power symbol.

    It can’t better than this, if you want something symbolic of Meriprolestan’s HMS (Hollywood Multicult Syndrome).

    Ok, what, who's this again?

    October 7, 2019 at 2:42 PM

  10. The actor who really needs to be fired is the mom. She didn’t deliver a believable scene. A banana, black child, and fake WN symbol all in one? Too convenient. “Hey you. Hold a banana and make an Okay symbol on my daughter’s shoulder so I can take a picture of it. Wink, wink. Then we can send it to the fake stream media so they can manufacturer controversy.”

    Fake news

    Square peg, round hole

    October 7, 2019 at 4:10 PM

  11. Note that the actor in question (in the Gru costume) is making the “OK” or “Circle Game” hand signal. He is standing next to a young black girl.

    Beside this pair is an actor in a Minion costume standing next to a young black boy. The black boy is also making the “OK” or “Circle Game” hand signal. (

    I hope this actor sues not only Universal, for their cowardice and bowing to the mob, but every news outlet that deceptively ran the story with photographs intentionally cropped to remove the nearby young boy, which provides rather relevant context to understanding what was actually going on in the photo.

    Panther of the Blogocube

    October 7, 2019 at 6:46 PM

  12. Is an “actor” a person who went to “college” for acting?


    October 7, 2019 at 7:22 PM

  13. oh, shit, all SCUBA divers are white supremacists. And how convinient that vast majority of them are white.


    October 21, 2019 at 11:10 AM

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