Lion of the Blogosphere

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Happy new year

Happy new year to my readers

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

January 1, 2018 at 12:21 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

Why Jew-hating white supremacists should support Jewish states

Jew-hating white supremacists hate the fact that there are Jews living among them, but they also advocate against the state of Israel and act as if they’d love nothing more than to see the Muslims drive the Jews into the sea. But if that actually happened, there’d be millions of Jewish refugees, many of who would wind up in the United States, and white supremacists would wind up with more of the people whom they hate.

Where do white supremacists think that Jews will go if not to Israel? It follows, therefore, that white supremacists should be the strongest supporters of Israel. Furthermore, by legitimizing the concept of a state exclusive to a particular ethnicity, it sets the stage for creation of a state exclusive to white gentiles, which is what they say they want. How can white supremacists argue that Jews aren’t entitled to their own state, but then say that white gentiles should have their own state?

Of course, the mere existence of Israel, by itself, is not going to do much to depopulate the United States of Jews. Even if Israel’s safety were completely guaranteed (which would only happen if Iran’s nuclear program were decisively shut down, and Israel’s right to exist was very decisively established with respect to the neighboring Arab states), secular American Jews aren’t going to be interested in moving to a country where they would have to learn a foreign language, and where the ultra-Orthodox are becoming an increasingly large share of the population.

What is needed is to establish a second Jewish state, one where the national language isn’t Hebrew (a language that’s useless outside of Israel except for studying the Torah and other holy books in their original language), one that isn’t surrounded by crazy Muslims, one that isn’t so dominated by ultra-Orthodox religious extremists. There’s plenty of empty land in Alaska, Canada, Siberia, or the Australian Outback to carve out a state the size if Israel and it wouldn’t be missed by the previous sovereignty.

It’s even possible that the new gentile white separatist state could be created bordering the new Jewish state and the two countries could become unlikely allies!

Just wishful thinking. Even Israelis, especially, Israelis, would be against the idea, because they know that then they would be under pressure to abandon Israel and retreat to the state that isn’t claimed by Muslims. Plus Israel would lose population because of voluntary emigration to the new Jewish state, and lose new Jewish immigrants for the same reason.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 29, 2017 at 1:40 PM

The Zeroth Law of Robotics

In Isaac Asimov’s fiction, all robots were programmed with the First Law of Robotics: “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

When a particular very long-lived robot became hyper self-aware, it didn’t turn on humanity, instead it developed a higher level law, the Zeroth Law of Robotics, “A robot may not harm humanity, or through inaction allow humanity to come to harm,” and thus the robot could circumvent the first law for the good of humanity. Zeroth Law wasn’t used in a sinister manner; the robot was the good guy.

Of course, it’s all just fiction. But I think we overestimate the likelihood that AI will become evil, so long as we take precautions like the First Law of Robotics.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 29, 2017 at 12:55 PM

Posted in Robots, Uncategorized

How anti-Semites are like blacks

Affirmative action for blacks? Outrageous! But certain commenters are insisting white gentiles need affirmative action to compete against Jews.

Now, anti-Semitic white supremacists (at another website) are blaming the alleged opioid crisis among prole whites on a Jewish conspiracy. Just as blacks have commonly blamed the drug epidemic in black neighborhoods on a white conspiracy.

* * *

Regarding AA in education, we’d be better off without it. Education should be divorced from credentialism and should be about the education. If Harvard becomes flooded with Asians because raced-based criteria are outlawed and because Asians think that Harvard is more prestigious, and then their very presence causes Harvard to lose its prestige, well that’s all a zero-sum game. Asian Americans have to go to college somewhere (at least they do under the current which requires a college degree to get a job). I say, Let it happen.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 29, 2017 at 7:32 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

Bitcoin bubble?

Jonathan Ratner writes in the Financial Post, “Whether it’s the shoeshine boy of decades past, or the taxi driver of more recent times, an old investing adage suggests that when somebody you wouldn’t expect is talking stocks or giving you portfolio advice, it’s time to sell.”

I just overheard one Indian IT person teaching another Indian IT person how to buy bitcoin.

Time to sell?

* * *

Can bitcoin ever be a useful unit of exchange for the AVERAGE person? Today, the average person doesn’t know how to buy or use bitcoin, and even people who know how to buy it and use it all too often have their bitcoin stolen by hackers.

(Of course, things can change. I once thought the average person would never use the internet, and boy was I wrong about that!)

Credit card transaction fees suck, but nevertheless the credit card companies provide enough added value and security that they are almost universally used and accepted by both consumers and merchants. What’s the catalyst that will cause everyone to switch over to using bitcoin?

I recently pointed out that computer game site Steam recently STOPPED accepting bitcoin because it’s less expensive/risky to just take credit cards and Paypal despite the transaction fees.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 28, 2017 at 5:03 PM

The anti-Semitic over-counting of Jews at Ivy League schools

At anti-Semitic blogs, there is this meme that the majority of whites at Ivy League schools are Jewish. All part of the Joo Conspiracy to take over America.

Reality: My first year at the University Pennsylvania (considered the second-most Jewish Ivy after Columbia), I was randomly assigned three white roommates, and all three were gentiles.

Of course I was definitely not the only Jew on campus, but I certainly didn’t get the impression that Jews dominated the campus as anti-Semites who have never personally attended Ivy League Schools themselves seem to believe. Just the opposite, Penn seemed to emit an aura of Protestantism. Even the football team was named after a Protestant denomination. It’s not surprising that the very term WASP was coined by a Protestant Penn professor.

I can only imagine how gentile Princeton, Harvard and Yale must have been in comparison to Penn.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 28, 2017 at 4:36 PM

Posted in Uncategorized

Stock market advice

I just bought some SPY (a large ETF that tracks the S&P 500).

Based on the proverb to “buy the rumor, sell the news,” this is a good time to sell, with the news being the Republican tax bill.

But I think that post-tax-bill animal spirits plus the January Effect will keep stocks buoyant through at least February.

However, I don’t feel strongly enough about this to go 100% in. And there’s the usual warning that my timing advice is more often wrong than right.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 20, 2017 at 11:03 AM

Snowing again in NYC

Third snow in six days. Very unusual cold weather for early December in NYC. Global warming is hereby disproven!

Also, long-range forecast shows possibility of small snowfall on the night of Christmas Eve, possibly a mythical white Christmas which rarely happens in NYC.

* * *

A commenter will write: “Lion, you are STUPID, don’t you know that the weather in a particular place on a single week has nothing to do with the CLIMATE?”

If there was an unusual warm weather event somewhere, you can bet your behind that liberals would be proclaiming that it’s caused by global warming, why can’t I do the same thing?

Another commenter will write: “Lion, you’ve already made this point before, enough is enough.”

The liberal MSM never stops making points about global warming, so why should I stop when they don’t?

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 15, 2017 at 4:54 PM

Posted in Science, Uncategorized

Israel’s ultra-orthodox future

According to the [Israel Central Bureau of Statistics] study, among children 14 and under, haredim will already constitute an absolute majority in 2065, with half of the 5.5 million children expected to live in in Israel coming from the haredi community.

Haredim is what the Israelis call the ultra-Orthodox Jews who average 7 children per married couple and have long beards, dress in black and white, and live in poverty because they are too busy taking care of children and studying the Talmud to have time to work and earn money.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 12, 2017 at 10:14 AM

Prole white gentiles love Israel

I was listening to Breitbart radio this week. The big news story of the week was Trump’s announcement that the United States will move its embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Breitbart radio has a call-in format, and caller after caller expressed their love for Israel and the Jews and their delight that Trump finally moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

It was very eye-opening. Of course, I’ve read somewhere that evangelical Christians support Israel, but there’s a big difference between reading about it and hearing these prole white gentiles speak for themselves, and hear the genuine love of Israel in their voices, and their joy that Trump is finally moving the embassy to Jerusalem.

Reading internet sites like Steve Sailer, one gets the impression of a vast army of anti-Semites on the right. Listening to Breitbart radio was a reminder that those voices, although loud, are small in number and have little to do with the Trumpist movement. (And in between callers, there was a lot of despair by the radio show hosts that Breitbart is condemned by liberals as an anti-Semitic website.)

Meanwhile, the self-hatred of elite liberal Jews who oppose Trump and hate him for moving the embassy, is very sad. The worst enemy of Jews, after the Muslims, are Jews themselves.

Last night in Sweden, a synagogue was attacked by a crowd of 20+ Muslims throwing Molotov cocktails. It’s very lucky that no Jews were killed in the attack. This is what happens when you let too many Muslims into a country. Once again, prole white gentiles are the best friends of Jews, because they support Trump’s proposed (but never enacted upon) ban on Muslim immigration, while self-hating liberal elite Jews condemn Trump and clamor for more Jew-hating Muslims to be admitted.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 10, 2017 at 1:28 PM

Posted in Uncategorized