Lion of the Blogosphere

“Poor doors” in the NY Times

”Poor doors” are the latest things for liberals to be enraged about.

It’s bad enough that developers are forced to rent apartments at a loss to poor people in order to be allowed to construct the housing units that the city desperately needs, but now the liberals are complaining when the “affordable” apartments have a separate entrance.

Big deal? Why is someone paying $1000/month entitled to the same grand entrance as someone paying $10,000/month?

For that matter, what’s the benefit of a lottery in which a tiny number of poor people get really lucky and get an apartment in a new building in a good neighborhood for less than the price of renting in a crappy neighborhood in Brooklyn or Queens? What the city needs are tens of thousands of new housing units that can be built inexpensively and in neighborhoods where it makes sense to build them. That can happen if DeBlasio zones some land for a bunch of 40-story towers with thousands of apartments each, and then lets private developers do their thing. It will obstruct someone’s view, for sure, but people need a place to live.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

August 27, 2014 at 1:31 PM

Posted in New York City

49 Responses

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  1. A lot of those people in those units pay less than $1000.

    I believe the main demographic complaining about the poor door issue are no other than the black tenants, who feel slighted wherever they are. Even with a subsidized apartment and all the welfare subsidies pay to them, they feel they need to be like everyone else without working for it.


    August 27, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    • And by the way, any business that openly caters to blacks, I would consider low end. And NYC will turn into a low end town just because guys like de Blasio believe everyone needs to cave into the demands of his NAM minions.


      August 27, 2014 at 1:52 PM

  2. Building more affordable housing in NYC is definitely a NO NO. I don’t care if proles are complaining. People need to understand more affordable housing in NYC means more NAM tenants (and less proles) who contribute very little to society, other than working at menial and simple tasks that non-NAMs could do better without the attitude.

    Again, a city with 4 million non-Whites consisting of mostly blacks and Caribbean Hispanics doesn’t fare well as a world class city, and building more subsidized institutional welfare apartments certainly doesn’t make it one, in a city littered with housing projects and wants to build more of them.

    I was recently at this high end French Bakery and was completely shocked that the owner hires overweight unattractive black women with an attitude that should be found only at the lower end establishments such as McDonalds or Burger King. Paying 20 bucks for a sandwich and a croissant and then to have some fat black woman slapping your change in front of your face without saying thank you belongs in the ghetto.


    August 27, 2014 at 2:01 PM

    • I go to the Maison Kayser on the Upper East Side fairly regularly, and the serving staff are either:

      a) Gay men, or
      b) Attractive women.


      August 27, 2014 at 3:00 PM

  3. “No public funds key to building low-cost housing”

    Real life Howard Roark


    August 27, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    • I’m pretty sure by the end it shows the guy who fronted the money ended up broke because 60 years of low rent makes no sense.

      Subsidized housing is a race to the bottom.

      If Manhattan or Portland is too expensive, there is an easy cure- move!

      My apartment doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg because I don’t insist on living in the world’s fanciest cities when I don’t bring in one of the world’s fanciest incomes.


      August 27, 2014 at 3:24 PM

      • Subsidized housing is good if it houses the RIGHT KIND OF TENANTS.

        I live in a subsidized apartment in Manhattan and many people around my age (in their 30s) and younger would love to live in my place and pay about $1K in monthly rent. Of course, I’m not talking about NAMs, but a college educated demographic. When I move out of it (hopefully to Montreal), which should be a year from now, I expect building management to give it to some uneducated prole or worse, a NAM.

        This is the essence of America’s welfare problem. Providing the right kinds of people with free resources and they will go far with them. But of course, America isn’t about this. It’s all about subsidizing the undesirables at the expense of the Middle Class who don’t see a ROI with their tax dollars.

        You have to understand moving to Youngstown Ohio or Pittsburgh PA isn’t a option for many young people because there are no real jobs in those cities.


        August 28, 2014 at 9:12 AM

      • “You have to understand moving to Youngstown Ohio or Pittsburgh PA isn’t a option for many young people because there are no real jobs in those cities.”

        Absolutely correct.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 28, 2014 at 9:29 AM

      • JS, Interesting point you make about society deciding who to subsidize.

        The year I entered college was the last year my school offered large merit based scholarships.

        The next and following years they all went to a Women and Minority “Leadership” fund, so I imagine a lot of nerds got screwed, and the money was wasted.


        August 28, 2014 at 12:31 PM

      • @jjbees

        Interesting comment because the exact same fact pattern occurred place at my college.

        Started at the University of Florida in 2004 on an extremely generous National Merit Scholarship, based on PSAT scores. The school’s administration had this incredible program to attract smart out-of-state kids in order to move up the US news rankings.

        They de-funded the merit scholarship program around 2006 (didn’t affect me, just the incoming classes, which had even fewer out-of-state kids) and focused that money on scholarships for “first generation” college students.


        August 28, 2014 at 1:04 PM

      • @McFly: The University of FL is relatively pretty difficult to get in to, even for NAMs. Most FL resident students at the University of FL pay close to $0 tuition. Almost all FL residents at UF are on 75% to 100% “Bright Futures” academic merit scholarships (funded by the FL lottery; though the Bright Futures program is being cut back more and more).

        I got a 50% academic merit scholarship to UF’s MBA program; and, as a FL resident, tuition cost me just $4K total for the two-year program back in the late ’90s.

        E. Rekshun

        August 28, 2014 at 7:33 PM

      • @ e reckshun

        UF is a good school and you are correct it is still dirt cheap for FL residents. Pretty sharp contrast with elite private schools where projected total 4-year cost is now in the neighborhood of 250k, just for undergrad.


        August 28, 2014 at 9:24 PM

      • Both White nerds and proles are disliked by liberals for different reasons. White nerds are very HBD aware, have the potential to do well in life, and proles are the quite the opposite but do know about the problems of blacks. However, liberals appreciate proles who come across as bottom tier losers, you know, the crybaby types that mimic black folks and their BS grievances. This goes to show you that liberals are at a race to self annihilation. Why don’t we just give them the detonation button, and that’ll take care of business right away?


        August 29, 2014 at 8:39 AM

    • ‘Snowberry apartments’

      Snowberry would be a good ice-cream flavour,


      August 27, 2014 at 5:32 PM

  4. Liberals are like women. No matter what they’re given, they’ll want more. It’s why liberalism is a female ideology.


    August 27, 2014 at 2:46 PM

  5. 1. The city does not need more 10k a month superluxury apartments

    2. It would do New York city’s super rich some good to see and interact with poor black people near to their homes

    3. these super-lux buildings could be built without “affordable” units earmarked for black people, but developers want the (massive) tax breaks

    4. “poor doors” is pretty clearly a manufactured outrage meme, convenient for the progressives to bitch about and essentially steer the conversation away from the actual problem which is that regular people, even with pretty damn high salaries, can’t afford to live in safe neighborhoods convientent to their employment

    5. In my personal opinion, the rest of te country and even the world would be orders of magnitude better off if NYC was wiped out by the next hurricane


    August 27, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    • Point #4 is so good that I will ignore the silliness of the other points.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      August 27, 2014 at 3:36 PM

      • I think point #2 is good, as I imagine–and I may be wrong about this–that wealthy people are better able to insulate themselves from dysfunctional poor people. I’m all in favor of the powers that be being confronted with reality.


        August 27, 2014 at 6:48 PM

      • “I’m all in favor of the powers that be being confronted with reality.” —————————–

        Agreed. Rich assw*pes were more than happy to let lower class and middle class whites suffer through forced school integration through the device of busing while keeping their own children insulated from the consequences of their idealism. This is why the draft must be reinstated. The rich must pay a price similar to the rest of society if they are permitted to let their idealism force social change or wars on the rest of us. Idealism kills.


        August 28, 2014 at 1:25 AM

    • 4. “poor doors” is pretty clearly a manufactured outrage meme, convenient for the progressives to bitch about

      Progressives have incredible amounts of free time to complain about all of these imaginary problems. One almost gets the impression they don’t have real jobs.

      The Undiscovered Jew

      August 27, 2014 at 5:57 PM

  6. If the builiding were cleverly designed such that the poor door led only to the poor apartments and the rich door led only to the rich apartments, then there would be no cause or opportunity for conflict.

    Mark Caplan

    August 27, 2014 at 3:55 PM

  7. There are already a whole bunch of affordable housing units in the works.

    A sensible affordable housing plan would be to provide it to working class people, aka proles and prole-strivers. The rules should be you have to have a steady income (proven via five years of tax returns) and ideally they would be given to married couples. But of course, both of these would be strictly forbidden because they make sense for a healthy, cohesive society and not the Blade Runner world our elites want for us.

    White people are encroaching steadily on Harlem now too. Visited someone the other day, up on 135th st. It’s a strange experience taking the subway when the car you are in gets steadily more black and the whites, Asians and Hispanics peel off along the way. I ended up one of two white people in a pretty full car.

    It was fine, though, that part of town. Loads of blacks, nobody giving me the squinty eye. I told an old lady sitting on a bench her dog was cute and she thanked me. Of course at the sight of young black males my hackles immediately rise, but no one paid me the slightest mind. I would not want to have been there after dark, however.

    You know, some of those housing projects in Harlem are being steadily renovated, apartment by apartment, and rented out at commercial rates. So full-price tenants are living side-by-side with people who are subsidized, essentially until they move or drop dead. When I walked into the steadily converting project that I walked into, there happened to be another white guy at the elevator, and he immediately started small talking with me, as if in solidarity. Probably thought I was a new tenant or something. There was even the occasional young white couple with a kid in a stroller on the streets. That’s either very nervy, of Liberally naive. That kid better go to private school, that’s all I can say. Or it’ll be a Howard Stern situation where the hopelessly Liberal parents insist there’s nothing wrong with their kid going to a mostly black school and getting beaten up all day long.


    August 27, 2014 at 4:03 PM

    • I was in Harlem once about 10 years ago with my family who were visiting me at Columbia. We had taken the ACE (blue) line to 116 street not knowing yet that it makes a huge difference which side of Morningside Heights you’re on when getting off at 116 st. As we made our way back to campus two black youths approached me on the sidewalk going the opposite way heading straight for me. Myself and one of the youths both stopped before colliding and we paused for a few seconds (my eyes facing down of course). He said “I don’t move for white people.” So I went around him and never looked back.

      I went one other time to the DMV on 125th Street and did an immediate U-turn as I came through the door. No chance in hell was I going to stay there for a second once I glimpsed the chaos.

      Andrew E.

      August 28, 2014 at 10:06 AM

      • I went one other time to the DMV on 125th Street and did an immediate U-turn as I came through the door. No chance in hell was I going to stay there for a second once I glimpsed the chaos.

        Haha. That reminds me of the time in ’87 when I walked into a central LA DMV. No blacks, but all mexicans; despite quite a bit of chaos and some discomfort, I was in & out within a hassle-free hour.

        E. Rekshun

        August 28, 2014 at 7:39 PM

      • He said “I don’t move for white people.” So I went around him and never looked back.

        In that case, probably the better solution; but oh so hard to do.

        E. Rekshun

        August 28, 2014 at 7:42 PM

  8. Curious how many of the people complaining about “Poor Doors” are a) young & struggling “hipster artists” hoping they might have a shot at a subsidized apt for themselves and b) old & established wealthy in market-rate buildings that won’t have subsidized units in them no matter what happens with new construction.

    Regarding b), what better way to protect and increase the value of one’s legacy housing stock by forcing all the new hosing stock to have a percentage of low-class NAM’s not only in the building, but in the nuevo-riche’s face.


    August 27, 2014 at 6:41 PM

  9. I will assume that many of these low income residents are people of color. I can easily see why people would find a separate entrance objectionable if such is the case, as it likely is. It harkens back to Jim Crow, a time when blacks and other people of color faced the humiliation of being reminded of their disadvantaged position in society.


    August 27, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    • “of being reminded of their disadvantaged position in society.” —————————–

      Isn’t this the case regardless of Jim Crow? The South got rid of Jim Crow, blacks are in TV shows and the movies and multiple other earlier goalposts have been adopted by the larger society yet we are still led to believe that black anger is rooted in awareness of their disadvantaged position in society. Will poor blacks finally feel good about being poor when there is a proportionate number of blacks holding positions of power in society? Do poor blacks in Detroit feel better about their position in society because the city is run by blacks or are they still feeling disadvantaged?


      August 28, 2014 at 10:15 AM

      • I’ve come across blacks who are now complaining that Hispanics have taken over affordable housing in NYC, including those squalid public housing projects, which seems to be true going forward.

        When idiots like de Blasio are complaining that there are not enough affordable housing for New Yorkers, he’s really talking about blacks.


        August 28, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    • NYC’s affordable housing is mostly a NAM thing.

      Only blacks are griping about this problem of poor doors. In that article that I linked, a black woman also complains about not being able to use the gym in the building because she is a subsidized tenant.

      Do you think a White 20 something year old – college educated person living in a subsidized Manhattan apt, would complain about all these issues? No, they would brag to their friends about their living arrangements eliciting envy.


      August 28, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    • And that’s why these apartments should be given to SWPLs instead, or probably Asians, so they can feel the humiliation. Never again!


      August 28, 2014 at 2:05 PM

  10. imagine if the japanese or germans had the same victim mentality that black people have. they will still be living in a post WW2 dump, complaining about the unfairness of life. instead, the japs and the germans got down to work and are doing impressively well.


    August 27, 2014 at 11:16 PM

  11. O/T – I wonder if the Boston Bombers’ sister was threatening a NAM who lives up in Harlem. If not, it should be one of those obnoxious 2-faced liberals whom Peterike loves to talk about.

    Look like she was in trouble with another matter.

    She wouldn’t do too bad in one of those Italian neighborhoods judging by her physical attributes if she took off her hijab. Many Central Asians could pass as Italian or Southern European.


    August 28, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    • She’s cute.


      August 28, 2014 at 10:10 AM

      • Not in the least.


        August 28, 2014 at 6:35 PM

    • Geez, how many Tsaernaevs are there?


      August 28, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    • Given the fact that they’re Caucasians coming near the Caucus region, HBD would say these individuals despite being fanatical Muslims, tend to behave a lot better than their co-religionists from South Asia and many parts of the Mideast, who would have a harder time adjusting to a White society because their behavioral profiles are different, not to mention their racial attributes.


      August 28, 2014 at 2:23 PM

      • I’m going to steal a comment I saw elsewhere which is: I kind of appreciate that the Muslims attack western whites head on rather than resorting to pseudo-psychology, Gramscian rhetoric and dogmatic idealistic passive aggressive formulations we see in events such as Ferguson. Rather than hide behind the cover of masquerading scholarship, they just come out and say what they mean, that they want to kill us and that their religion is going to help them do it. I’d love to see the New York Times or the American black leadership be so bold. This is one reason I find Farrakhan easier to take than many of the others.

        Of course the Muslims really do want to kill us whereas most black leaders only want us to believe they are outraged long enough to encourage the blacks to go to the polls and keep the welfare checks coming.


        August 28, 2014 at 11:10 PM

      • Correct, WYSIWYG with Muslim fascists. They make no qualms about destroying Western societies that liberals and their NAM minions do not, who instead beat around the bush with social inequality rhetoric and welfare handouts.


        August 29, 2014 at 8:43 AM

  12. The whole situation is hilarious: so you have 1 sides, the “poor door” residents and the developers. The poor door residents are people making less than 50k and the developers are passing their tax abatement to the luxury apartment owners (2 mil for the smallest apartments) The luxury apartment buyers are in proportion currently about 70% foreigners, who don’t pay income tax. To this 70% add the Americans who really live somewhere else, and don’t pay NY state and city taxes. The city raises a lot of taxes thru the income tax and not thru property. With this tax abatement some taxes are getting to ridiculous levels, reaching 1-10k per year for multi-million dollar apartments! So in reality you have 2 sides: the “poor door” people and the luxury door people, and both groups are subsidized by the taxes paid by the working New Yorkers. These working New Yorkers are also hated, since a lot work in finance, but now also tech is starting to get a more hate.

    In any case, if you’re a working NYer who makes 50k-300k, you’re fucked, because you don’t benefit from this policy, and even worse, you’re footing the bill. With 300k, you pay 150k in taxes, then say you pay 2.5k per month renting, so that’s 120k remaining. 1k for food per month, 108k remaining. Maxing out 401k, and you have 90k left. Clothes, going out, dating, transportation, vacation and other expenses and say you’re down to around 70k. To put down for a luxury apartment, take the smallest 2 mil one, you need 400k, so that’s 6 years just for the down payment. With 300k you can do it, at the limit, but on less than 300k, you’re screwed. Young people in their 20’s make less, much less, even in banking, law and medicine. But then add paying up that 200k loan you have for undergrad+JD/MBA/MD and you get that you need 10+ years for the down payment, which is highly unreasonable for the 20-40 year olds in the city footing the bill for the foreigners and the ghetto to live in a luxury building.

    It’s the working NYers who are getting screwed here, and this includes banking, law and medicine and everybody else who makes 50k-300k.


    August 29, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    • …you need 10+ years for the down payment…

      And, of course, those nice, new luxury buildings aren’t so nice & new in ten years, but the market value has probably doubled in value and, in turn, the down payment requirement (and property taxes + maintenance fees). It looks like an endless, unreachable, upward spiral.

      E. Rekshun

      August 29, 2014 at 2:14 PM

      • I believe working a college town is feasible, plus you get to ogle all those prime college girls. You won’t get the amenities of a big city, but the liveliness of the youth makes up for that.


        August 30, 2014 at 9:11 AM

      • @JS: I believe working a college town is feasible, plus you get to ogle all those prime college girls. You won’t get the amenities of a big city, but the liveliness of the youth makes up for that.

        Yep. Five years after finishing my MBA at the University of FL, I accepted a decent job offer and found myself back in Gainesville, FL in my mid-30s. It was a lot of fun and the cost of living was relatively lower than the bigger FL cities. After a couple of years, I relocated back to the coast; just in time as my Gainesville position was ultimately downsized, but I still have some regrets about leaving Gainesville.

        E. Rekshun

        August 30, 2014 at 8:55 PM

    • 150K from your paycheck in taxes just hurts when you are talking about it.

      20K is not enough for all those aforementioned leisurely activities in NYC. I would say 40K is more like it.

      Again, America is a shitty place because NYC is one of the few vibrant cities that many people want to be in, when it comes to living and working arrangements. In other developed non-Anglo countries, there is a smaller disparity between a capital city and the lesser towns.


      August 30, 2014 at 9:20 AM

  13. We need to put an end to these tax breaks. Who supports them? The rich don’t want these people living in their building. The developer can make more by selling all units to the rich, I imagine.


    August 29, 2014 at 2:40 PM

  14. […] answer Lion’s question, “Why is someone paying $1000/month entitled to the same grand entrance as someone paying […]

    Poor Doors | Hit Coffee

    September 3, 2014 at 9:15 AM

    • They’re not, but left wing nuts want to believe injustice is being committed by segregating the rich and poor in those buildings.

      Don’t laugh so hard, and don’t be surprised that de Blasio will end the segregation by bringing up the Civil Rights movement to make his case.


      September 3, 2014 at 12:08 PM

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