Lion of the Blogosphere

Obama: “my Muslim faith”

The ridiculous Washington Post article about Obama’s alleged “Christian faith” inspired me to view the video above.

I think it’s a pretty weird slip of the tongue. Who would say “my Muslim faith” by accident? I couldn’t imagine accidentally saying that. Even though I am sure Obama is an atheist, I think that maybe he considers himself a cultural Muslim. Remember that he grew up as a little kid in Muslim Indonesia with a Muslim stepfather. He didn’t leave Indonesia until he was nearly 10 years old, which is old enough for him to feel some sort of fond attachment to Islam.

I’ve never previously touched on an important aspect of Obama’s likely atheism. Living in a place where everyone believes in Islam, and then being moved to a place where everyone believes in something extremely different, this makes a smart person realize the arbitrariness of religious belief. It’s also the reason why so few Jews take Judaism seriously, it’s the juxtaposition of being taught one thing in Hebrew school but then being immersed in the Christian world of the United States where no one believes in anything they taught you in Hebrew school. The Hasidic elders understand this very well, which is why they wall the community off from the secular and Christian worlds to ensure their children are not influenced by anything except for Jewish brainwashing.

Obama, of course, realized that if he wanted a career in politics, being an atheist or a Muslim wouldn’t cut it, so he had to demonstrate that he had “Christian faith” (by attending Reverend Wright’s church) and then he no doubt discovered the usefulness of using Christian language to support his left-wing agenda.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

December 23, 2015 at 12:52 PM

Posted in Politics, Religion

33 Responses

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  1. I highly doubt Obama is really a mulatto. He appears to me as a Caribbean Hispanic type, with a racial makeup comprising of 3 races (Obama has Indonesian ancestry).


    December 23, 2015 at 1:13 PM

  2. Sixty percent of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s supporters believe President Barack Obama is Muslim and only 6 percent believe he is Christian, according to a new poll.
    evidence indicating that Obama is a Muslim's_Religion


    December 23, 2015 at 2:09 PM

  3. “Obama, of course, realized that if he wanted a career in politics, being an atheist or a Muslim wouldn’t cut it, so he had to demonstrate that he had “Christian faith” (by attending Reverend Wright’s church) and then he no doubt discovered the usefulness of using Christian language to support his left-wing agenda.”

    The paragraph above pretty much nails it. Although Black atheists are extremely rare, Obama probably is one himself. His attachment to Islam is based on the view that it is anti-colonial and linked to third-world liberation. Similarly he would regard Christianity solely in terms of liberation theology and social justice. By the way, this ideology is no different than the one espoused by the mainline Protestant churches like the Episcopal, Presbyterian, ELCA, etc.

    Lewis Medlock

    December 23, 2015 at 2:10 PM

  4. I always get a kick out of this one, especially how Snuffulupagus jumps in instantly to save the flub. I’m looking forward to about ten years from now when we finally start to learn something about this empty vessel President of ours.


    December 23, 2015 at 2:14 PM

    • Obamacare for those who can’t afford healthcare will be one of his achievements. Similarly, Bill de Blasio providing NYC IDs for illegals and affordable housing for his NAM minions, will be seal clapping moments for those who love our liberals.


      December 24, 2015 at 12:14 PM

  5. Not only was Obama smart enough to become a nominal “christian” for the benefit of his political career, he was also smart enough to know that he’d have to marry a black woman to be electable in those Southside Chicago districts where he got his start. (See the decline of Harold Ford, Jr’s political career to see what happens to a black politician who marries white) Let’s not forget him getting trounced badly in his 2000 Illinois congressional bid by Bobby Rush – a real, authentic mandingo with a more resounding “African big man” sort of countenance and demeanor.

    I see ZERO evidence that Obama was ever the least bit involved (or attracted) to black women before Michelle. And there’s ZERO former black ex-girlfriends that have ever come forward.

    It had to really pain Obama to give up white women and get with that wooookie. I guess that’s the definition of sacrifice, lol.


    December 23, 2015 at 2:57 PM

  6. He is not an atheist. Atheism took off only a couple of years ago. Liberals and progressives used to be “spiritual, but not religious” or members of liberal churches. They believed that all religions are equally true and – properly understood – teach liberalism. They believed that Jesus, Mohammed and Moses were historical persons who preached social democracy. Obama is of this older generation.

    An atheist with presidential ambitions would have to pretend to be christian. But Obama goes out of his way in accommodating religion and defending Islam in particular. He is not merely going through the necessary motions.

    What about Richard Nixon though? Was he an atheist?


    December 23, 2015 at 3:32 PM

    • You describe Universalism, which I agree is the religion of the elites who are not atheists.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      December 23, 2015 at 4:35 PM

    • ‘ It’s also the reason why so few Jews take Judaism seriously, it’s the juxtaposition of being taught one thing in Hebrew school but then being immersed in the Christian world of the United States where no one believes in anything they taught you in Hebrew school.’

      Maybe in your unfortunate Hebrew school, but not in a normal yeshiva. I think it’s common knowledge that Christians believe in the Divinity of the Jewish Bible and have a lot in common with Jews. If anything, having the ability to compare rational Judaism to mystical Christianity can only serve to strengthen one’s Judaism.

      The reason that so many Jews don’t take Judaism seriously is plain and simple ignorance due to their exaggerated concern for material welfare. All you keep advising people is how to seek status and money. Obviously, you cannot find a religion, that teaches humility and restraint of material desires attractive.

      I really want to say more, but I’ve got to finish a side job. Incidentally, with the end of the year approaching, I checked how much I’d earned last year and it’s totally scary. I can laugh at the nebachdike computer programmers in fuzzy cubicles. As Trump would have said, I shlonged them! When my boss had told me that I would be making $125,000 working for him I laughed, but I really didn’t know how much I was making with overtime and side jobs. I’m within the reach of netting this amount. He can make it happen. He is a good bussinesman, who knows what he’s talking about. We, the proles, are going to shlong the lawyers, the accountants, the programmers and even the doctors! Go prole!

      Tell me how you like the song.


      December 23, 2015 at 7:49 PM

    • Contrarian wrote
      “Atheism took off only a couple of years ago”

      I was an atheist back in the 60’s. I used to read Bertrand Russell’s Why I am not a Chistian . My dad was an atheist a long time before that. He had some old booklets written by Ingersoll.

      I tried to become a Christian by joining a liberal Protestant church. But it didn’t really take. I quit the church when I realized I couldn’t stand their liberal politics, and after they divested Israel. I would like to find another church but I don’t seem to fit in anywhere . I’m socially liberal about gays and abortion but all the liberal churches are busy condemning Israel and trying to import Muslim refugees. Can’t stomach that.

      My sister was in the same situation and she joined an Eastern Orthodox church. She says there are a lot of disaffected Anglicans there. But I don’t like their music…just chanting and such. I’ve even thought about the Catholics but the current pope is a fool. Maybe I should join some sort of more conservative Protestant church if I can find one that doesn’t talk about conservative social policies.

      In truth I’m probably still an atheist but it is nice to be part of a church community.


      December 23, 2015 at 8:43 PM

      • “I’m socially liberal about gays and abortion but all the liberal churches are busy condemning Israel and trying to import Muslim refugees.”

        “I’ve even thought about the Catholics but the current pope is a fool.”

        I’m Catholic and was very annoyed that the last time I went to Church the priest talked about immigration. Yes, sympathy for the poor and downtrodden is part of Christianity, but for centuries the Church managed to be sympathetic and still support the preservation of Western culture. Now my church’s charitable operations are resettling the same Sunni Muslim refugees in the West that are genociding the Christian minority in their own countries.


        December 24, 2015 at 12:05 AM

      • On the one hand you say you don’t want a liberal church, and then on the other hand you say that you do. Make up your mind.


        December 24, 2015 at 2:30 AM

      • @McFly

        So did you tell the priest what you think, or its not done by you?


        December 24, 2015 at 10:49 AM

      • Dan wrote
        “On the one hand you say you don’t want a liberal church, and then on the other hand you say that you do. Make up your mind.”

        It is not clear to me why wanting to import a bunch of socially very conservative Muslims is considered to a left wing value. The left / right dicotamy has been twisted around in recent years.

        For example the old CCF/NDP party in Canada was a socialist party that promoted ideas that would help working people. Today the NDP is an elitist party that is in favor of flooding the country with Muslim immigrants.

        Opening the doors to masses of third world immigration has had a terrible affect on working people. It has driven down wages and driven up property values. Why is this considered “left wing” ?

        It makes no sense. Trump is probably socially liberal but understands that there has been far too much immigration far too quickly and it is destroying the middle class . No wonder his popularity is rising.

        I just wish we had someone like Trump in Canada. Our new prime minister Trudeau II is as dumb as a box of rocks and a puppet for his muslim-loving handlers.


        December 24, 2015 at 11:01 AM

  7. “Muslim faith” wasn’t a slip of the tongue as you can see when he corrects his media assistant for correcting him. The slip, if any, was to say “my Muslim faith” instead of “my alleged Muslim faith.” I still agree that it’s a strange slip. Can you imagine him saying “at least McCain hasn’t talked about my incompetence and failed policies”.

    Even more damning is the famous NYT interview where he gives the dog whistle message to Muslims that he is one of them by reciting the Shahada in a “first-rate accent” and saying that the call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.”

    Also, his father was a Muslim which makes him Muslim according to Islamic law and indeed his religion in grade school was listed as Islam.

    Finally, polls show that people in Muslim majority countries consider him a Muslim.

    I’d describe him as a secular Muslim or a cultural Muslim atheist.


    Mercy Vetsel (@MercyVetsel)

    December 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM

    • I did Peace Corps in Azerbaijan, and almost everyone there thought that Obama was a Muslim. (Azerbaijan is majority Shi’ite Muslim but they’re not especially fanatical given their history under the Soviet Union.)

      Their reasoning was that his father was a Muslim, which means that he himself would be Muslim, and Barack and Hussein are Muslim names. I said that Obama had a Muslim father, but he converted to Christianity and is likely an atheist. I don’t know how many people there understood how that worked.


      December 23, 2015 at 9:14 PM

      • What kind of work you did there and what do you think of Azeries?


        December 24, 2015 at 10:53 AM

  8. I learned in the yeshiva with these guys, this ain’t your Sunday school.


    December 23, 2015 at 7:54 PM

    • try to stay on topic


      December 23, 2015 at 9:34 PM

      • Try to use a little less curry.


        December 23, 2015 at 9:55 PM

      • I’m on topic:

        1. Lion is seriously cut up about the stupid Hebrew school he went to. He is traumatized, and understandably so. I’m relating to that. Anyway, talking about Jews is never to far OT.

        2. The blog and the commenters are obsessed with proles, loss of jobs and income. This is never to far OT. I’m relating to that.

        The message is simple: your life is your responsibility and your choice. Nobody will save you, you have to do it yourself. All major religions from Marxism to Judaism approve of prole occupations. In fact, in many ways they see them as being superior to non-productive business activity (the value transference). You can analyse it until the cows come home, but whichever way you look at it – this is how the man evolved from the monkey (or at least this is what they taught me in the USSR) and this is what he was doing, on a simple level of understanding, in the Garden of Eden (or at least this is what they taught me in the Yeshiva).

        What’s OTT?


        December 23, 2015 at 11:26 PM

  9. What attachments do you maintain from pre 10?


    December 23, 2015 at 10:21 PM

    • ‘ The Hasidic elders understand this very well, which is why they wall the community off from the secular and Christian worlds to ensure their children are not influenced by anything except for Jewish brainwashing.’.

      The surest way to get sick in the winter is to close all the windows and not let in fresh air. To stay healthy you keep a window to the outside open. You don’t run away from desiese, you vaccinate. Keeping a wall of separation while having a realistic understanding and fair appreciation of the outside world is the approach that I follow. For example, I have secular literature and even the New Testament at home and kids could read them and see for themselves what Jesus had to say as they grew up, as well as learn the world history and the history of science. I acknowledge that other nations are superior to the Jews in various aspects. Jews are not the greatest in everything, only in totality. ‘The hassidic elders’ present to their adherents a picture of the world and culture as it existed hundreds of years ago and even that in an inaccurate and self-serving fashion. This is the reason that their adherents are not prepared to deal with the outside world when it turnes out to be better then they were taught and not filled with prostitutes and drug addicts who only provoke Divine wrath. This is brainwashing, not the study of religion. They had the same approach in the old USSR and we know how that ended up in total collapse. You don’t have the patience to take a nuanced approach and study your people and religion, but unless you do, you will keep saying inaccurate things.


      December 24, 2015 at 7:48 AM

  10. Obama’s only religion is me me me and opportunism. He believes nothing.


    December 23, 2015 at 10:29 PM

  11. A few tangential observations:

    1. Muslims in the US tended to vote Republican through the 1990s, however voted 85 percent of US Muslims for Obama in the 2012 election. This change is probably due to the Muslim population in the US expanding from a small group of educated middle-class people to include a larger underclass segment over the last few decades Also, conservatives amped up nationalistic rhetoric after 9/11 and invaded Iraq, which turned off Muslim voters. Finally, Obama is a masterful politician (the “blank screen”) and successfully got Muslims to identify with him as a candidate, in part by statements like the one in this video.

    2. Cultural elites like Obama are soft on Islam but repulsed by more traditional forms of Christianity, even though both faiths espouse similar views on gays, women, abortion, free speech and many Muslims have viewpoints that are extremely antithetical to liberal values on many topics that Christians don’t even, such as about anti-semitism, capital punishment, polygamy. This is another example of the hypocrisy of our liberal elites.

    3. I recently saw a wedding video on social media of some acquaintances who had a traditional Muslim wedding ceremony. I thought, as messed up as Islam is, at least it helps people build intact families and functioning communities, while the values preached by our deviant, degenerate nihilistic media do not. I think it sucks that Europe and North America will become more Islamic in the 21st Century, but at least Islam as it is understood by most Muslims has some of the basic values undergirding a civilization.


    December 24, 2015 at 12:36 AM

    • Basic values like marrying 4 wives and killing your daughter if she dates someone you don’t like.

      I suppose they are not actually engaged in ritual human sacrifice like the Aztecs . But they do invoke their god when they kill people. Allah snack bar.


      December 24, 2015 at 10:41 AM

    • “Muslims in the US tended to vote Republican through the 1990s, however voted 85 percent of US Muslims for Obama in the 2012 election. This change is probably due to the Muslim population in the US expanding from a small group of educated middle-class people to include a larger underclass segment over the last few decades Also, conservatives amped up nationalistic rhetoric after 9/11 and invaded Iraq, which turned off Muslim voters.”

      George Bush, in 2000, was the last Republican to win a majority of Muslims. During one of the debates with Al Gore, he spoke up against Arab profiling. It was probably a preplanned Karl Rove line that he worked into the debate, but it worked. Of course post 9/11, Muslims had to go with the party that was on their side and that wasn’t the Republicans.

      Mike Street Station

      December 26, 2015 at 11:39 AM

  12. Prole is cool. Changed inducer fan motor, the snail was full of water and that’s what killed the fan. Chimney has no cap so water gets into the flue thru the chimney because the flue isn’t done right. I’m doing the chimney cap. Caching! $300 plus the cost of 24×30 cap. I’m gonna add 50% to the price of the cap. I mean, this is pretty amazing. So an Indian wants to do portfolio accounting? He can have it. I don’t want it. I’m doing the cap.

    Back to religion. Take a sacrifice, a burnt offering in the Temple, say for example. Instead of deriving personal benefit from this animal, you sacrifice it! The whole thing! This is your practical expression and manifestation of acknowledging that everything in this world belongs to Him! This developes and strengthens in you all the beautiful qualities of modesty, humility, charity, compassion etc. This is real Judaism and not what they taught you in the Sunday school. And this is just one sacrifice out of many different ones. All are the true way to the Divine service and moral perfection.
    Status? Only how you look in the eyes of the Almighty matters. Everything else is completely meaningless. Person’s real achievement isn’t, but status? Haha, a man earns his own status by his achievement and efforts – it’s internal to him, not extetnal. Who cares what a man thinks? Only God’s opinion matters. A man full of good deeds is a man of high status in the eyes of God.

    Did Jesus teach anything different? So what will a Jew find so different about he moral teaching of Christianity? Nothing really. We have very similar morality. Now, it’s true that Christian morality could be superior to the nonsense taught in the Hebrew Sunday schools of the type you had attended, but an orthodox Jew and a Christian get alone fine. I had great Italian neighbours on both sides of my house. I liked and respected them, good people TV le. So because Christians are good Judaism is false? The logic is absurd, mate.

    Got to go to sleep working in the Bronx tomorrow.


    December 24, 2015 at 1:54 AM

  13. I often wonder what Obama will be like as an ex-president. I have a feeling he’ll be constantly “coming out” as this-or-that to improve his lefty-cred in retirement. I can easily imagine a 70-year-old former president Obama dominating the news cycle for a few weeks with a casual Charlie Rose comment that “Actually, I’ve always been an atheist.”


    December 24, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    • Supreme Court.


      December 24, 2015 at 2:07 PM

  14. I don’t see any lapsus linguae here. As Barack Hussein Obama has a high verbal IQ, he naturally use the third person syntax (speaking of oneself through the eyes of a third person). When he perceives that his interlocutor mistakingly thinks the sentence was a first-person sentence, he corrects himself. He didn’t say it was a third-sentence speak, probably because it’s hard to explain in the flux of conversation, and above all, that justifying oneself would had more doubt to the matter.

    That doesn’t mean he doesn’t perceive himself as a muslim in fact …. only that it wasn’t a slip of the tongue in this case.

    Bruno from Paris

    December 28, 2015 at 5:57 AM

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