Lion of the Blogosphere

Indian BO is back


* * *

The smelly Indian girl has left. It’s literally a breath of fresh air to have her gone.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

June 23, 2017 at 2:44 PM

Posted in Uncategorized

78 Responses

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  1. Tell him he stinks and needs to do something about it. Repeatedly.

    I just got off a telecon and there was an Israeli under the misapprehension that he could speak English. I repeatedly interrupted and told him to repeat what he just said and speak clearly, because nobody could understand.

    We have to fight the small battles.

    With smelly mid-easterners and indians such as encountered in cabs I’ve found they have some weird psychological thing about animals. If you say “Have you maybe been around goats? It smells like goat in here,” They freak out about that.


    June 23, 2017 at 3:05 PM

    • ““Have you maybe been around goats? It smells like goat in here,” They freak out about that.”

      Maybe they think you are suggesting they have been unfaithful to their wife (wives).


      June 23, 2017 at 3:30 PM

  2. I guess that’s the ultimate sign of a prole job – your work environment stinks.


    June 23, 2017 at 3:16 PM

    • Lion’s new advice – it’s important to secure a lucrative paying job without proles and non-whites.


      June 23, 2017 at 4:38 PM

  3. I’m often dirty from head to toe and covered in compressor oil. I love it! So much better then sitting in an office. It’s so weird to have spent 20 years behind a desk. Nobody complaints about BO over here by us. A much better world.


    June 23, 2017 at 3:25 PM

  4. Lion is being scentist. This woman’s culture, no doubt patriarchal, has imposed upon her a set of norms that cause her to smell in a particular way. Lion’s white male privileged sense of smell needs to check itself and be exposed to other cultural scents. Only by being exposed to a diverse number of odors can we hope to crack the scentist preoccupation with smelling “good” or not smelling at all.


    June 23, 2017 at 3:47 PM

  5. Why do Indians insist on using cumin for deodorant?


    June 23, 2017 at 4:32 PM

    • Only when they run out of curry.


      June 23, 2017 at 4:59 PM

  6. Complain to HR?


    June 23, 2017 at 5:05 PM

    • wait, did the lion get a new job?


      June 23, 2017 at 6:39 PM

      • I believe lion got his old job back.

        MEH 0910

        June 26, 2017 at 7:19 AM

  7. Makes working from home more attractive.

    JW Bell

    June 23, 2017 at 5:52 PM

    • I used to think that the university libraries of NYU and Columbia are great places to hang out and do your thing on the computer even during the recess. Boy, was I wrong when many of the PCs are now being used by the people from the Indus valley, and some of them do reek a BO or curry smell. It appears that these individuals have made East Asians look shameful, with their studious nature into the wee hours of the night and even during the holidays. Unlike them, Pakistani and Bengali Muslims don’t celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas.


      June 24, 2017 at 10:11 AM

  8. In a merit-based world shouldn’t someone who doesn’t smell bad get hired over someone who does?

    Fact Checker

    June 23, 2017 at 6:00 PM

  9. Even though I grew up in the American South, which most people think of as just being English-American/Scotch-Irish/African American, I’ve known East Indians and Indian Americans all my life (and Bengalis too). And yes, South Asians are quite possibly the smelliest people on Earth. Blacks have bad smells after working out but they’re into personal hygiene and using colognes/perfumes. Black women are always the first to say, “Bitch, yo’ shit stanks!”. South Asians don’t seem to have knowledge of such things.

    And the South Asians always smell like food too.


    June 23, 2017 at 6:23 PM

    • “Blacks have bad smells after working out but they’re into personal hygiene and using colognes/perfumes.”

      When I was in my 20s I spent a couple of years in prison and one thing I noticed right away was how terrible the brothers smelled after they worked out. This is something that was widely acknowledged by almost all inmates, blacks included. In general, I’d say that black inmates had sightly better personal hygiene than whites and Latinos and they were quick to wash that post-workout stink off if they could.

      Have you ever heard blacks describe whites (sweating or otherwise) as smelling like wet dogs and/or bologna?

      Horace Pinker

      June 23, 2017 at 9:06 PM

      • Yes, I have personally detected a “wet dog” smell from whites before. And blacks will make jokes about whites having such an odor.


        June 24, 2017 at 8:58 AM

    • “Black women are always the first to say, “Bitch, yo’ shit stanks!”. ”

      Yes, and very loudly. I’m at present in a small southern OR town on a trip. Nothing but hippie whites and a handful of Asians. At night the cafes are quiet but busy except for yesterday when I could hear two patrons at an outside cafe yakking it up a block away. Both women. The word ‘girl’ was used a lot.


      June 23, 2017 at 9:16 PM

    • East Asians have no smell after sports. Koreans are eerily scentless. I’ve spent enough time in locker rooms to know. Both white and black people stink, but blacks have a sharper ammonia like scent while white guys develop a more “rotten wet carpet” like scent.

      Indians just stink because they’re filthy and eat garbage. They suck at sports.


      June 23, 2017 at 9:44 PM

    • An actual store in Newark, NJ:


      June 24, 2017 at 3:35 PM

      • An actual store in Newark, NJ:


        June 24, 2017 at 4:35 PM

  10. As an (East) Indian living in Vancouver, Canada, I am well aware of the Caucasian obsession with body-odor. One particular woman at my office had always gone out of her way to be rude to me, and then one friday afternoon I found out that this woman and I had been assigned to spend the following week working on a project together. Initially I was a little stressed, but I then had a brilliant idea. I decided not to bathe the weekend before we were to start working and infact didn’t bathe till next Thursday. I also went out of my way to eat as many offensive spices that week as possible. For the better part of that week, me and the rude woman were confined to a small windowless office and often sitting only inches apart. Now, I’m not a malicious man, but for months afterward I’d smirk when I passed her in the hall.


    June 23, 2017 at 6:29 PM

    • That’s disgusting. You should not be proud of that.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      June 23, 2017 at 7:21 PM

      • No, not proud at all, but did enjoy it immensely.


        June 23, 2017 at 8:16 PM

      • It is creative.


        June 24, 2017 at 10:11 AM

    • “Now, I’m not a malicious man”

      Uh huh. If this isn’t just a troll job, you’re a classic passive aggressive, back-stabbing Indian. Your people may have some high achieving castes, but you’re essentially just a bunch of low trust, petty and vicious creeps.


      June 23, 2017 at 11:40 PM

      • I would normally delete a comment like this, but not showering for days to get back at coworker, that’s so disgusting that it deserves opprobrium.

    • do you hate white people?

      Otis the Sweaty

      June 24, 2017 at 11:01 AM

    • This comment is soooo Indian it’s not even funny. I am sure this isn’t a troll job either.


      June 25, 2017 at 10:17 AM

  11. Buy a box of fancy feminine bath products and deodorant this weekend, and mail it anonymously to her attention at the office, along with a note welcoming her to the team.

    Dave Pinsen

    June 23, 2017 at 6:31 PM

  12. OT, my obsession with #HBDclues continues…


    June 23, 2017 at 6:39 PM

    • As someone asked on your twitter page, which of these two groups gets more $ and more pussy?


      June 23, 2017 at 8:55 PM

      • 1) the athletes are just a temporary conduit for the $$ going to agents, promoters of bogus business plans, women, child support payments, real estate agents, attorneys, drug dealers, car dealers, shoe peddles, etc.
        2) as a general rule all black males get more pussy than whites by an order of magnitudes regardless of income. That’s an unwinnable contest.


        June 24, 2017 at 11:33 AM

    • Mexican immigrants who used to pick grapes and are now vineyard owners.

      HBD tells us that White Hispanics and those with more White admixture are the ones who own these vineyards.

      That young guy in the black n white photo reminds me of Scott Baio. Perhaps Italian Americans should now classify themselves as Latino in order to get preferential treatment.

      Guess who builds the mosques for the Muslim community in Upstate New York that has seen an uptick of Somalis that have become a nuisance to natives like Loretta the Prole? It ain’t them, but Bosnian Muslims.


      June 23, 2017 at 10:10 PM

      • None of the three white men shown here bears even a remote resemblance to Scott Baio. Baio is gorgeous. I’d follow this up with a comment to the effect of “naturally, it’s not surprising that he’s gorgeous, as he’s Italian!” ……but there’s no way JS would let me get away with it!

        Incidentally, the late Erin Moran commented in a Youtube clip that Scott Baio once proposed to her and she turned him down. She said he assumed it was because the size of his male organ was unusually small. But it wasn’t for that reason. She also told us that his “smallness” problem went away as he got older. I hate to criticize the dead, but I really think she shouldn’t have revealed this information. No man wants a woman revealing the size of his genitals to the general public. Even Pamela Des Barres, the world’s most famous groupie, says she refuses to comment on any man’s “size” – feeling that it crosses the line.


        June 24, 2017 at 11:49 AM

      • MaryK – I know how you feel. I think many IAs have an identity crisis with where they stand. This common interbreeding between Italian Americans and the Irish has been a disaster in terms of the social status for the former, because the Irish are more dominant and in line with the Anglo Establishment. And the 2 cultures of each respective group couldn’t be more different than night and day.

        As I have been saying all along, Anglo culture is inferior and barbaric, and Southern European/Romance Language cultures are superior and feel more natural. Many Italian Canadians feel right at home in the French Speaking part of Canada. So do many Hispanics, because it feels warm, Latin and Roman Catholic. I noticed groups like the Lebanese and Armenians seem to get along with the Italians too, because we are all “Mediterranean”. Italians and the Whiter breed of Puerto Ricans have intermarried in the past, and these unions share more commonalities than those with the Irish. I know of 2 IA guys who run a pizza shop and one of them is married to a White Ecuadorian woman where a few of her relatives are the employees. The older guy is married to an Irish gal, and his mother in law who also works in the shop intermittently, looks like she’s a drinker and a relative of Steve Bannon with her unhealthy skin and unkempt appearance. She basically does nothing, but run the cash register and card receipts.

        And poor Chachi is a low standing Hollywood actor. He hasn’t gotten much recognition since “Charles in Charge”. It could be his phenotype, which is holding him back. He’s squat in stature with his jet black hair. Not exactly White, and Italians aren’t Jewish with the Hollywood influence. He looks like he could brand himself as “Hispanic”. Quite a number of Southern Italians of his type also have this “Asiatic” appearance from Central Asia, not exactly Chinese, but sort of somewhere in that part of the world. Few years ago, a pseudo-historian called Gavin Menzies wrote a book stating that the Chinese discovered America before the Europeans and sparked the Italian Renaissance, and the Chinese also gave a few slave girls to the Italian elites as part of their family, and this is a reason why certain Italians look “Asiatic”. What phony bologna! It could be that Italians had Turkic or Hunnic ancestors coming from Attila the Hun during the Roman times.

        “White” Puerto Rican types

        Too young to know them during their heyday.


        June 24, 2017 at 6:53 PM

      • “ncidentally, the late Erin Moran commented in a Youtube clip that Scott Baio once proposed to her and she turned him down. She said he assumed it was because the size of his male organ was unusually small. But it wasn’t for that reason. She also told us that his “smallness” problem went away as he got older. I hate to criticize the dead, but I really think she shouldn’t have revealed this information. No man wants a woman revealing the size of his genitals to the general public. Even Pamela Des Barres, the world’s most famous groupie, says she refuses to comment on any man’s “size” – feeling that it crosses the line.”

        One of the most prolific but never captured serial killers is the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker (not related to Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker), who is suspected in 12 murders and more than 50 rapes in California from the mid-1970’s to the mid-1980’s.* While no one ever got a good look at him, the surviving rape victims all said that he was abnormally small, not in a height sense. If a suspect is ever caught it’ll lead to the most awkward police lineup in history.


        * = while that’s a long time ago, he was probably in his teens when he started, so today he’s probably not yet 60.


        June 24, 2017 at 8:04 PM

      • OK, so why DID Erin Moran turn him down? Surely she didn’t leave that out. A dumb move IMHO.


        June 24, 2017 at 10:22 PM

      • Curle, Erin said that she had come from a very dysfunctional family (her real family, not the TV one) and was afraid of marriage. Of course, it was a very dumb move for her to turn down a gorgeous IA guy. I so wish I’d been in her shoes then. Scott and I could have had us some good looking Italian babies (and I’m sure we would have had great fun making them) who grew up to be highly literate and intellectual (I’ll leave it to you to as to which traits came from which parent!)

        JS, that was an interesting post but I honestly don’t understand what your point was, If anything, interbreeding with the Irish has helped IAs improve their social standing. Being Nordic, the Irish are more accepted by Anglo-Saxon Americans and an Irish-Italian hybrid is much less likely to experience discrimination if his last name is Irish. I know this from personal experience. Also, a “half-breed” can straddle the two ethnicities if he wishes or choose which one he wants to identify with. This freedom is one of the great things about American life. The only problem is when a half-breed wishes he were born a full-breed. My Mom always use to lay on me the old “you’re not really one of us because you have an Irish last name” line. It really pissed me off. I’d think to myself “what a guidette bitch!” ………(just kidding….but it still bothers me to no end when people act surprised to learn that I’m IA due to my last name being Irish.)

        Irish-Italian intermarriage actually made a lot of sense. Both groups were Catholic. Both are temperamental. Both are family-oriented. And both have great music.


        June 24, 2017 at 11:58 PM

      • Before I begin, I want to say that I had a fellow Hispanic classmate in middle school who looked like Scott Baio and he was from Ecuador. In high school, I was shocked and I thought he changed his name and became physically matured, when I had a classmate who was an Armenian who really really look liked Scott Baio. And one of his best friends who was another Hispanic always pointed out to him that he looked “Spanish” (not from Spain, with low brow, less educated types, Spanish meant Hispanic or Latino), always asking him, are you sure you’re not Spanish, and he would get mad saying I’m Armenian. Yakov’s Tajik buddy from Central Asia could in fact have some semblance to Scott.


        June 25, 2017 at 9:00 AM

      • From a HBD standpoint, the intermarriages between Southern Italians and the Irish did Italians a favor in the personality department, since Irish are of Northern European ancestry, and their form of tribalism wasn’t as strong as the Italians, where division and association goes into region and geography. And the Irish were more predisposed to things like higher education, scholarship, and having a open mind, while Italians were a more pragmatic bunch stuck in their old world views (the perpetual stereotype that Italians are eternal proles, in Italy, they were the terroni – people that work with the soil).

        From a cultural and social status standpoint, the old school IA traditionalists felt a sense of inferiority, that IAs never got a voice like the other “oppressed” groups and were regulated with negative stereotypes. This Irish-Italian intermarriage just erases the IA identity altogether in favor of the Irish (because they were more dominant and along the lines of the mainstream WASP establishment). Those who were just IA, were stuck in the middle, and IAs aren’t considered a minority group that needs gov’t assistance/empowerment when it comes economic opportunities, upward mobility and having a voice. You have a CUNY professor who is lamenting that IAs have not reached elite status in proportion to their numbers, you have other IAs who think IAs have no culture (most IAs come from the South and their nostalgia for Italy and Italian culture is Northern Italian in flavor). Many IAs know of Columbus and Galileo, but very few know who Giordano Bruno or Thomas Campanella were. They were notable Southern Italians, but almost no one has heard of them in America.


        June 25, 2017 at 9:28 AM

      • And speaking of Indians and Italians:

        Ray Romano? How about Raj Roma?


        June 25, 2017 at 9:44 AM

  13. I feel sorry for the smelly Indians, in a way. They are probably exploited H1bs (wouldn’t be surprised if somehow their “sponsor” is squeezing out of them a significant portion of their income), living in a single room in a shared house in Parsippany, NJ with 10 other adults and sundry children crammed in. Probably very hard to get access to the bathroom.

    They should join one of the good gyms in NYC (New York Sports Club comes to mind) where they can take a shower everyday.


    June 23, 2017 at 7:17 PM

    • Twist: This is still an improvement for them compared to living in India, AND you get to lose your job to them.


      June 23, 2017 at 8:35 PM

    • > I feel sorry for the smelly Indians, in a way. They are probably exploited H1bs

      They are not exploited at all. The whole game is that they are here trying to get a green card so they can bring their families over and stay permanently. Ostensibly the point of the system is to be a guest worker program, but that’s not what it is at all. Private companies are selling and profiting from a shot at a green card and citizenship, with no real say from the American citizenry. The bindis know exactly what they are doing and I am very comfortable with rounding them up and shoving them on ships. All green cards issued to H1Bs should be revoked.


      June 23, 2017 at 9:03 PM

    • I keep hearing this “sharing apartment with 10 other people” when it comes to h1bs or other immigrants. Maybe these h1bs are here short term (from a few months to 2- 3 years). No point in paying for an apartment for ur self when u can save enough money in 3 years so u are set for life when u go back home.
      But h1bs who are planning on staying here (either green card processing initiated or planning to) usually find better places to stay especially if they have kids.

      None of the Indians I work in my team or in our division live in crammed apartments. They actually live in houses in nice expensive neighborhood, great schools. I probably live in crappiest neighborhood among all of them to be honest bur only because I want to pay it off in less than 10 years. Maybe that’s not the norm and lots of Indians live in crammed apartment in big cities, but I work in California (.big city suburb) I don’t see that in my company.


      June 23, 2017 at 9:06 PM

      • Indian families live together even when the children are in their 30s. I actually don’t think this is a bad thing in principle, but it encourages enclaves of Indians and less integration. All of the Indian IT guys I’ve known have done this, living as adults with their parents, in relatively prosperous neighborhoods because you have 3-4 (or more) adult income earners paying for the house.

        Panther of the Blogocube

        June 24, 2017 at 12:53 AM

  14. Lion, I think that you have a stupid job. I mean, me after a day’s work, I have interesting stuff to tell about my day, or at least that’s what I think. You just keep bitching about bad order and this and that. It’s a bad job you have, mate. Pretty bad job.

    Check it out, say today, first thing I did was to wash my ladders after a crazy service call in a butcher store from the day before, then I did service in my boss’ new house. So I checked out what books he has in his library while my worker was cleaning and changing filters, how his kids are doing, made his wife think that I’m cat’s wiskers because we finished in an hour and didn’t make a mess. So far so good. Had an avocado and a grapefruit for lunch. Nothing bad so far. Checked the pressure in a system that had a leak. The leak was tiny, so I put on a vacuum, charged by superheat since it had an orifice metering device. Perfect charge, superheat of 8° F. Added a sealer to fix the leak and was done by 2:30. Pretty nice. What’s not to like? While all this was going on had a couple of zero calories ice drinks, checked out the market and your blog. Posted a comment or two. Nice. Meanwhile side jobs are piling up and there are thousands of dollars in the pipe for Sunday and whenever. Very nice job. I’m tanned like a spike already and the air that I breath isn’t bad for NYC. This is a pretty good job, man. I feel sorry for chaps like you.


    June 23, 2017 at 7:29 PM

    • Lion will never work a prole job like yours.


      June 23, 2017 at 8:36 PM

    • what about ryazan?

      made his wife think that I’m cat’s wiskers


      Beverly Hills Ninja

      June 23, 2017 at 10:14 PM

      • Ninja, you had asked this before. What are you talking about, mate?


        June 24, 2017 at 11:24 PM

    • “Lion, I think that you have a stupid job. I mean, me after a day’s work, I have interesting stuff to tell about my day, or at least that’s what I think.”

      Doubtful. Almost nobody has an interesting job, and your second-paragraph vignette confirms your job is tedious and boring. Even people with interesting jobs have only a handful of compelling and novel stories in their repertory.


      June 24, 2017 at 10:06 AM

      • The second paragraph vignette refers to a procedure that took me 2.5 hours to complete and while routine in my case isn’t entirely devoid of interest for me. So your conclusion is wrong, mate. As a relatively low IQ and education individual, I haven’t lost the delight at seeing the laws of physics and chemistry at work when an AC unit operates. Besides that other things happened at that site, but I’m not gonna overload you with those details. Trust me, this was a little bit out of the ordinary.

        In general I concur, though.


        June 25, 2017 at 4:30 AM

  15. is she hot? if a woman is attractive, i find her natural scent very arousing. even when she’s skipped bathing for a few days. i could understand being grossed out if you dont like her face though


    June 23, 2017 at 11:30 PM

    • If she’s using kefir to style her hair, and the sun is out…. there’s nothing natural about that rotten milk smell.


      June 25, 2017 at 8:37 AM

  16. Lion, I have the best Indian tech company b.o. story ever. Seriously. It’s so good I’m saving it.


    June 24, 2017 at 1:44 AM

  17. BO is 100% cultural. In the 19th century, generals would write to their wife dont bathe , i m coming. French society is being anglosaxonized beczuse more and more people use deldorant : it was something for gays and pimp. I began using it when i was 17 yo, during a trip in the USA, in a San Diego family.

    Bruno from Paris

    June 24, 2017 at 3:53 AM

    • I do feel a little bit of odor is more masculine.


      June 24, 2017 at 5:37 PM

    • Bruno, is it true that the French wore high heels because their streets were full of excrement and this is how the fashion began?


      June 24, 2017 at 11:00 PM

  18. O/T – This guido who grew up in a “Tony Soprano neighborhood”, with Ivy League credentials might be reading your blog and my comments to create his PBS narrative:

    First off, he says America is not only unequal economically, its geography is unequal (remember my comments about basic income not coming into fruition in relation to the red states and the liberal centers). Liberal centers provide better amenities like better schools. He also mentions having the right parents in order to create a safe space for “self actualization”.

    Although he doesn’t mention “SWPL” “value transference”, he calls these wealthy people who live in Manhattan, the creative class. His narrative also mentions the city during his glory guido days with the other 3Gs, grit, grime and garbage where it now evolves into a playground for gluttony.

    At least, he marvels at globalization, another G-word, which most guidos dislike.

    Despite all of this, he’s still parochial by my standards, like most Staten Island of types. America sucks, because this parasitic class don’t create or encourage cultural production. Just look at all the books and the different editions sold in our beloved Barnes n Nobles and now Amazon Brick n Mortars stores, with their bland covers and unremarkable design.


    June 24, 2017 at 9:54 AM

    • The man who was being interviewed in that article is a typical striver who tried to confirm stereotypes about his ethnic group in order to fit in with and impress the SWPL class. He claims to come from “a Tony Soprano type neighborhood” and that at his Catholic school “you had to hide the fact that you were smart.” These are both absurd comments and only someone operating out of opportunism or neurosis would make them. Thinking people would be ashamed to say such nonsense. At least if you’re going to look down at where you came from, do an honest critique. Try some criticism that’s unique. Not to be conceited, but I think my own critiques of the IA community are much more accurate and interesting. And I didn’t even have to go to an Ivy League university to write them!


      June 24, 2017 at 12:12 PM

      • ” at his Catholic school “you had to hide the fact that you were smart.” These are both absurd comments and only someone operating out of opportunism or neurosis would make them. ”

        Having grown up in a prole Italian-Irish neighborhood, the comment is the opposite of absurd, it’s an honest and truthful observation.

      • Lion, correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you Jewish? How would you know what goes on inside a Catholic school? Naturally, if a person is going to hang around with street corner types he’s going to have to hide what used to be called “book smarts.” If he gravitates toward other types he won’t have to hide them.

        Sorry, Lion, but I outrank you on this one. I know more about the IA community than you do because I’m part of it and I know more about Catholic schools because I attended one. Now if you want to talk about what goes on in Yeshivas or synagogues I’ll defer to you.


        June 24, 2017 at 12:40 PM

      • I know guidos.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        June 24, 2017 at 4:09 PM

      • I went to Catholic school with Irish and Italians but nobody hid they were smart. Nobody really had an identity of being Irish or Italian either. It was an upper middle class area . My friend’s dads were engineers, doctors, dentists, management types.

        I doubt there are any “prole” Irish and Italian neighborhoods left.


        June 24, 2017 at 3:50 PM

      • “I went to Catholic school with Irish and Italians but nobody hid they were smart. Nobody really had an identity of being Irish or Italian either. It was an upper middle class area.”

        So you know nothing about Catholic schools in prole areas.

        “I doubt there are any “prole” Irish and Italian neighborhoods left.”

        You obviously haven’t been to Staten Island.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        June 24, 2017 at 4:12 PM

      • I think it’s how you carry yourself. I lived in a working class neighborhood in Russia and was the sharpest pencil around, but I never thought of hiding it. Why would I need to? Dunno. Same in the boxing training camp in the summer – I would spend most of my free time reading and nobody bothered me. So why do you have to hide that you are smart in a Catholic school? What happens if you don’t? This is bizzare.


        June 25, 2017 at 4:49 AM

      • There’s IA sociologist, Michael Barone, who wrote a piece about America’s burgeoning non-Whites who are very much like the working class ethnic proles of the past. Hispanics are the New Italians, East Asians are the Jews of the modern era and blacks are the Irish. I would disagree with him on the Asian and the black comparisons.


        June 25, 2017 at 10:35 AM

  19. In regards to one of my earlier comments Lion wrote:

    “I would normally delete a comment like this, but not showering for days to get back at coworker, that’s so disgusting that it deserves opprobrium.”

    Seriously disappointed, up till now I’d believed LOTB comments page to be a genuinely open and tolerant place. Oh well, I guess Santa Clause really doesn’t exist.


    June 24, 2017 at 12:00 PM

    • We are not tolerant of BO caused by lack of hygiene.

      • I was speaking about tolerance of dissenting opinion, not of BO. You know that full well and are deliberately conflating the two.


        June 24, 2017 at 2:13 PM

      • I gave to say that when it comes to tolerance, Lion has struck a good balance.


        June 24, 2017 at 11:03 PM

      • Lion’s tolerance has it’s moments.


        June 24, 2017 at 11:38 PM

    • Again, this Indian is acting true to form.


      June 25, 2017 at 10:31 AM

  20. ‘Back’? ‘Left’? Where do they come and go so quickly?


    June 25, 2017 at 1:16 AM

  21. In my 20 years in IT I’d never met a smelly Indian. Maybe nowadays the are getting them from the bottom of the barrel? Who knows. In ‘The Way to the Wigan Pier’ George Orwell writes that the working class was considered to be smelly by the higher classes. Most of the miners that he writes about could only manage a proper bath once a week. They simply had no way to have it more often and that was in 1937. The lack of cleanliness was a function of poverty at that time. Maybe it’s the same with Indians? Anyway, I never had a problem. In fact coming to think about it don’t they worship Ganges and bath in it all the time time?


    June 25, 2017 at 4:41 AM

    • I once asked an Indian, who is originally from Ozzie land and what he thought about the Anglo Sphere. You know, my negative rants about it and he had no insight. And he wasn’t a guy with an accent. Spoke fluent Aussie like Yakov, with “mate”. He did complain about not being able to fit in with the White Aussies and there were too many immigrants, and he had to work long hours in the land down under, which is similar to America. So what made him come to America, which has the same kind of environment. More tech jobs…

      And you know why Western Continentals don’t immigrate into these sh#tholes to replace the White demography?


      June 25, 2017 at 10:56 AM

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