Lion of the Blogosphere

I can’t tell where this is going

Big victory for the mainstream liberal establishment?

Or the beginning of Trump finally dumping the GOP establishment and big business, and becoming the President of the regular people who elected him (because now that GOPe and big business have joined the enemy forces, Trump no longer has to appease them)?

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

August 16, 2017 at 7:50 PM

Posted in Politics

74 Responses

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  1. This could be a momentary set back in the same way that the “grab ’em by the pussy” video was. Otherwise it’s the same Republicans who’ve always hated him and plotted against him who have been critical.

    Mike Street Station

    August 16, 2017 at 8:04 PM

    • Richard

      August 16, 2017 at 8:27 PM

    • That said, it does seem like the Trump opposition is crossing a Rubicon, or getting very close to one. The unflinching Beltway acceptance of Antifa is a big sign that social bonds are unraveling.

      Trump will have to do some serious candidate scouting over the coming months and pick good challengers to run primary campaigns against Repubs who are working against his agenda; that’s unavoidable now. He can’t govern effectively with the disloyal lot he’s inherited. But that will require thinking about what his agenda really is. I see no evidence he himself has firmly decided; he’s drifted back and forth between different power centers in his administration, and that has to stop if he wants to manage events and not be managed by his enemies. Think of all the time wasted on health care and other bullshit……


      August 16, 2017 at 8:43 PM

      • Agree with Richard at 8:43 pm, but health care is a big deal, it is part of what got him elected. Also I would not say “social bonds” are unraveling, I would just say “the press is trying this spectacular new lie” (that Trump said nice things about Nazis), and the press has no idea if it will work or not. Remember, if you are in the press, you are too elite to know whether social bonds are unraveling. They don’t unravel first at that cocooned level, after all. And not all the press is going full falsehood on this: my bellwether paper (NY Post) has absolutely not followed the anti-Trump lies in any big way (sometimes it follows big lies, sometimes it doesn’t, it does not seem to be following this one). Anyway, Trump knows how to make the big new lie (that Trump, who is a hero to most American military members, who all hate Nazis, said anything remotely pro-Nazi) not work. I still think he probably knows what he is doing, which is not a feeling I have had for very long about any president since 1989.

        howitzer daniel

        August 16, 2017 at 10:41 PM

      • “Trump will have to do some serious candidate scouting over the coming months and pick good challengers to run primary campaigns against Repubs who are working against his agenda; that’s unavoidable now.”

        Agreed, though the problem is that Trump has never really reached out to potential Congressional choices.

        I wish someone within the broader alt-right (not just the Nazi types) would put together a list of MAGA candidates in the Republican primaries. There are a lot of Republicans who need the Eric Cantor treatment.


        August 16, 2017 at 11:45 PM

      • Trump got rope-a-doped on health care. The GOPe was never going to repeal Obamacare, but they were willing to string it out for months, eating up time that could have been spent on something achievable, like an infrastructure bill. That’s not to say it isn’t a big deal — of course it is — but McCain and several others were dealing in bad faith. We’d have been better off if we’d moved on the first time repeal was declared dead, months ago. Live and learn I guess.


        August 16, 2017 at 11:52 PM

      • “Trump will have to do some serious candidate scouting over the coming months and pick good challengers to run primary campaigns against Repubs who are working against his agenda”

        Should do. But, as you imply later on, that does not seem like the kind of thing Trump is interested in.

        Greg Pandatshang

        August 17, 2017 at 1:46 AM

      • “Trump got rope-a-doped on health care. The GOPe was never going to repeal Obamacare, but they were willing to string it out for months, eating up time that could have been spent on something achievable, like an infrastructure bill. ”

        I think the Trumpian solution to that is for Trump to create a Presidential commission on healthcare. That takes the issue away from Congress and buys some time.

        Mike Street Station

        August 17, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    • The Access Hollywood tape release wasn’t a setback — it was a crucible. And Trump came out of it stronger.

      I don’t think he’s going to wilt from this.

      This interview with Steve Bannon is encouraging re: Lion’s question.

      Dave Pinsen

      August 16, 2017 at 11:18 PM

      • Bannon also said “Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.”

        I think Bannon is looking to Putin as the model. Not ethnic or race based nationalism, but promoting a strong national ideal that includes all American citizens as a united team against all non-Americans. The same way that Putin’s “Russia” is really a big tent that is supposed to include Central Asian Muslims, Buryats, Tatars, Jews, etc. as part of the cultural Russian family. Bannon thinks he can win over a lot of the Bernie supporters by an appeal to economic nationalism that would include black and hispanic citizens. It is not clear to me that a lot of the Trump base is ready to buy into “big-tent” Bannonism.


        August 17, 2017 at 4:36 AM

      • So what can happen in a federal Republic where there are 28 officially recognized languages? There are education, books, periodicals, TV and radio programs and every nation can pursue strengthening of its national identity. Now, this should be a no brainer to the HBD aware readers of this blog. Mates, you understand, right?


        August 17, 2017 at 9:15 AM

      • Bannon also said “Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element.

        Meh. Ethno-nationalism is organic. It doesn’t come from the top down. Bannon’s or Trump’s job is not to put ethno-nationalism into place from the white house. Their job is to make the inevitable transition as peaceful as possible by enacting trade and immigration reform and crushing the media and the PC culture.

        Besides, have you heard Trump’s rhetoric on this. He says over and over he wants people coming here who love our country (and thus our history) and our people (and thus identify with us and our heroes). How many non-white people does this truly apply to? Not many. We could easily absorb those who do and tell the rest it’s time go back home.

        Andrew E.

        August 17, 2017 at 10:45 AM

      • Jon: But Russia is a shithole. Really white countries in northern and central europe aren’t. Let’s copy Norway instead of Russia


        August 17, 2017 at 11:27 AM

      • Norway is the country that awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and Obama.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 17, 2017 at 11:29 AM

      • I meant it more as a do as they do not as they say thing. But those countries have, for instance, done a lot to reduce CO2 emissions and are still way better off than the US.


        August 17, 2017 at 12:11 PM

    • These are business people that joined his commissions. How could they have always hated him?


      August 17, 2017 at 11:22 AM

  2. I love how the media treats the salesmen (who became CEO’s of their companies through blatant office politics) leaving Trump’s economic councils “over racism” as meaningful. Trumka is even more hilarious. Does he not know he manages a union?

    I see a lot of monopolies being investigates…government contracts for fraud…harder deals on anything the government buys.

    Office of inspector General should be a growth industry.


    August 16, 2017 at 8:19 PM

    • I was surprised that Trumpka was even on it. He’s a partisan Democrat. I guess he was hoping for the right opportunity to bail that he could justify to his members.

      Mike Street Station

      August 17, 2017 at 6:14 AM

    • Of course it’s a story that Trump’s allies are abandoning him in groves. And why not provide some links for your fantasy that the GOP government is cracking down on businesses.


      August 17, 2017 at 11:30 AM

  3. I would almost welcome a declaration of martial law at this point. The cr

    The fact of the matter is, this incident is showing all of the cancerous tendrils of the enemies of civilization. Government, RNC, DNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Colleges & Universities, WaPo, NYT, Amazon, Google, YouTube, BLM, Antifa, Soros — All united in a coordinated effort to turn one dumb kid’s mistake into an excuse to seize power, suffocate free speech, and plunge humanity into a millenia of idiotic tribalist warfare.

    Panther of the Blogocube

    August 16, 2017 at 8:22 PM

  4. I think it’s the latter. He sees that no matter how nice he tries to play, he’s probably not going to be president much longer, so he would rather make everyone else look like a clown instead of acting like one himself. Trump is setting an example.

    I have never seen the president as focused and lucid as he was yesterday. For the duration of that speech, he was most certainly not a bozo.


    August 16, 2017 at 8:27 PM

  5. It’s a victory for liberal establishment. The alt-right who were protesting are losers. And nobody wants to be associated with losers. Except it seems Trump.

    Christopher Cantwell is exhibit A,

    JW Bell

    August 16, 2017 at 10:22 PM

    • Trump is relatively apolitical. If his huckster vulgarian sales tactics worked against Democrats, he would label Southerners bitter losers whining over the loss of their participation monuments.


      August 17, 2017 at 2:39 AM

    • Trump unequivocally denounced the klan and nazis. He didn’t stutter. There was no ambiguity or *wink* *wink*. So what’s the problem? They’re angry because he denounced the little left wing hate groups as well. Deep down, the democrats and msm and blacks LIKE their little leftwing hate groups.


      August 17, 2017 at 3:41 AM

      • That’s true. But they’re also mad because he said there were fine people on both sides. Now, I’m sure that’s technically true (since all it requires is that at least 2 people on each side are better than terrible). It also doesn’t matter, because the issue here is really freedom of speech, so the side that was attacked doesn’t need to be “fine” in order to have free speech rights and the president shouldn’t be pointing out positive traits of the attackers.

        But I’ve got to tell you, I started feeling really down in the dumps yesterday, when I was trying to find any evidence that there were any groups represented at Charlottesville that are not weird LARPer club. Somehow, I thought there were some edgy-but-not-so-bad types mixed in with the PR-disaster types. But in hindsight, of course there wouldn’t be. Of course those people smelled the Nazi flags coming a mile away and didn’t show up. Some of the attendees I still have a bit of a soft spot for, sure, but in that case it’s almost worse, watching their bizarre strategic cluelessness. They made a giant photo op, got a ton of attention for themselves, for what? So they could be pictured standing arm-in-arm with a Klansman and friggin’ Chris Cantwell. Anybody at Charlottesville with any redeeming qualities had a responsibility to put on a better event than this, and they failed, and then they acted like it was a great success. That’s depressing.

        But I’d be very happy to be proven wrong. Was there anybody not-embarrassing at Charlottesville? Anybody who was not an anti-Semite?

        Greg Pandatshang

        August 17, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    • Those participating in the torch light march Friday night were almost entirely clean cut, college-attending, middle class, young white men. And brave enough to show their faces for the cause of white identity, the ultimate sin in modern America

      re. Cantwell: serious anti-Semites are exterminationists. Cantwell wants woke whites to move to New Hampshire and be left alone.

      Andrew E.

      August 17, 2017 at 12:17 PM

      • No, I don’t buy that at all, they were low prole whites who were told to wear polo shirts and not wear jeans.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 17, 2017 at 1:08 PM

      • Clean cut white guys screaming “Jew will not replace us.”


        August 17, 2017 at 1:50 PM


        Not all of them:

        The guy on the left in black with his mouth open is a business owner by the name of Ted Von Nukem (what a lovely surname). The younger guy on the forefront with his menacing gape is Peter Cvjetanovic, identified as a student at the University of Nevada-Reno.


        August 17, 2017 at 2:16 PM

      • Whoever these people were they aren’t too bright if they think Jews are going to replace them. Looking at demographics they are more likely to be replaced by Muslims,


        August 17, 2017 at 6:51 PM

      • They meant that the Jewish Conspiracy is the evil mastermind behind replacing them with Muslims.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 17, 2017 at 7:20 PM

      • They meant that the Jewish Conspiracy is the evil mastermind behind replacing them with Muslims



        August 17, 2017 at 8:42 PM

      • They meant that the Jewish Conspiracy is the evil mastermind behind replacing them with Muslims.

        And something that if presented as a positive could get an ovation at almost any non ultra orthodox synagogue and be accepted as factually true with no dispute.


        August 17, 2017 at 8:45 PM

      • As it also would in any Episcopal church.

        Read this:

        That sounds extreme leftist to me.

        I love this one: “Support a welfare system that does not discriminate on the basis of marital status, age, legal immigrant status or ability to identify other parent. ”

        In other words, illegal immigrants are entitled to the same welfare as American citizens. That’s your Christian churches. Not Jews.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 17, 2017 at 9:04 PM

      • The Alt-Right is emboldened by Trump’s ascendancy and his ultimate position in the White House. However, they are troubled by the fact that his pretty daughter, Ivanka is married to Jared Kushner, who is Jewish.


        August 17, 2017 at 10:50 PM

      • Lion: Certainly cheering white displacement would get an ovation in an episcopal church. My point was that saying approvingly that white displacement was engineered by jews would get an ovation in a mainstream synagogue. I don’t know enough about Episcopalians to know how that would fly.


        August 18, 2017 at 2:40 AM

      • Implying a Jewish Conspiracy in a synagogue would get you beat up if Yakov were in attendance.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        August 18, 2017 at 6:32 AM

    • The Anglo Prole Sphere is basically a large commercial entity with no boundaries. The entire sphere is liberal in the sense that it knows no nationality or creed, since its only objective is profits over people. It’s other attribute is the lack of intellectualism, given money is its main priority.


      August 17, 2017 at 2:11 PM

  6. where it’s going in what time frame?

    the truth cannot be hidden forever. but it can be hidden for a really long time.

    the truth is concealed so long as those in power have reason to conceal it.

    and so long as there is not a split of those in power.

    the powerful can change their minds OR they can be replaced.

    interesting that chomsky and hitchens hinted that watergate was a coup. not just a douchey president.

    maybe they know things. but it is true that in terms of IQ nixon is the smartest president of the 20th c. and he was the last non-crazy republican. trump isn’t a republican. thank God.

    ron burgundy

    August 16, 2017 at 10:35 PM

  7. Lion, its been sickening to see how little public support President Trump seems to receive. I don’t understand the hatred and fear his presidency inspires, or even how real it is. I frequently find myself wondering: are the vocal haters and fear-mongers morons or am I one for missing their point?

    Anyway, I just wanted to comment to express my appreciation. I don’t usually allow politics to affect my mood but have felt pretty glum seeing the president taking so much heat over an incident I felt he responded appropriately to. I totally missed the potential silver lining that you pointed out. Even if the chances of it coming to fruition are small, I smile at the thought. Many thanks.

    R. de Gier

    August 16, 2017 at 10:44 PM

    • People are being convinced that it’s futile and dangerous to support Trump. In the past, individuals who were accused of racism might have been fired from their jobs. In the near future, you might just have to worry about left-wing vigilantes beating you up (or worse). To support Trump, liberals say, is to support white supremacy. So folks who like what the president is doing, especially those who have a lot to lose, keep their mouths shut.

      Then there’s the frustration that ALL of us feel when the president does something ill-advised or stupid, which is about as frequent and consistent as the gushing waters of Old Faithful. It is very demoralizing.


      August 16, 2017 at 11:21 PM

      • Then there’s the frustration that ALL of us feel

        Don’t lump me in with the cowards.

        Andrew E.

        August 16, 2017 at 11:36 PM

      • All of what Stealth said.

        Also, smart people are well aware of the demographic changes that are baked in the cake, and they believe the tide of history is ultimately against Trump and the causes he represents. So even if he wins elections and makes some legislative headway, they figure it will all be rolled back once the minority wave hits full tide. The arc of history bends towards a future in which Trump will be universally deemed evil, so they might as well pocket up for themselves some future good press by calling Trump evil now.

        I think that explains, consciously or subconsciously, a lot of elite hostility to Trump, quite apart from the objective value of his platform.


        August 17, 2017 at 12:04 AM

    • Germany has many post-war laws which ban organizations like the Nazis. In fact, they recently arrested or fined some tourists for giving the Nazi salute. None of the organizations the progressives and establishment republicans want President Trump to condemn are illegal including the race supremacists and KKK. If McCain, Grahamnesty, and the Democrats truly want Trump to do something , they should pass a law banning the bigoted organizations they hate. Trump would sign the bill and Sessions would arrest them. Why wont Congress pass such a law?


      August 16, 2017 at 11:36 PM

    • Also, the MSM are simply gaslighting normal Americans with all this.


      August 17, 2017 at 2:00 AM

    • Do you really not get it? It has very little to do with Trump’s politics, and a lot to do with the fact that for most of Trump’s adult life – the past 30 years at least – he was seen as a clown, a kind of ridiculous figure almost parodying what wealth looks like. Most wealthy and educated people either laughed at him or scorned him. And now he’s President of the United States. Think what a shock that is to elites just on a social level.

      Imagine a loser in your high school class – the kid who lies about having a girlfriend in Canada, makes up ridiculous stories about how his Dad is friends with Tom Cruise and used to be in the CIA, wears unfashionable clothes, gets C’s in all his classes yet tells stories how about he is going to Harvard, sucks at sports in gym classes but is supposedly a martial arts expert, etc. Now imagine that kid somehow wins a martial arts contest and comes back to school with a nice car and recognition in the local paper. Do you think that kid would be popular? No, both the jocks and the nerds would hate that kid. That is what Trump is up against.


      August 17, 2017 at 4:49 AM

  8. I can’t tell where this is going

    It’s going to a 2020 Trump landslide.

    But Lion will have to free his black slaves sometime in Trump’s second term.

    The Undiscovered Jew

    August 16, 2017 at 10:57 PM

  9. A member of the Alt-Right killed someone. Since she was wearing a cross and had her funeral in a church, I doubt she was a communist or a Soros evil secret fighting force member. It’s the beginning of the end.


    August 17, 2017 at 12:40 AM

  10. lion is the lawyer.

    to what extent can anti-trust be used to force google, paypal, air bnb, etc. all these san francisco area regressive left companies NOT to censor their users.

    i heard that paypal has banned donations to VDARE.

    ron burgundy

    August 17, 2017 at 12:44 AM

  11. Antifa/alt-left believe in authoritarian racial collectivism for non-whites, authoritarian gender collectivism for women and authoritarian sexuality collectivism for gays and trans. They believe in intersectional supremacy and oppression. They are intersectional Nazis. Take the spirit of an SS officer and put it into a black man, a woman and a gay or trans man, and that is what you have. They are Nazi’s for their own race/gender/sexuality.


    August 17, 2017 at 1:23 AM

    • There are two types of fascists; the fascists and the anti-fascists.


      August 17, 2017 at 4:38 PM

  12. I was watching the BBC World News channel and just saw Morgan Freeman on this channel doing an ad for Turkish Airlines. A British channel with an ad for a Middle Eastern airline and there’s a black American actor presenting the ad. That’s just plain weird given that the Turks–along with people from the rest of the ME Muslim world, and India and China and Japan–are hugely racist to black people. But there’s the rub, black Americans and especially black American celebrities are worshipped like deities in the rest of the world and especially in the aforementioned blatantly racist, anti-black countries. And reason for this paradox you ask… well it seems on the eyes of Muslims and Asians, black American aren’t just ordinary people, they are in fact truncheons to be used to bash white America on the head for all of its racism. An amazing bit of projection and virtue signalling going on there.


    August 17, 2017 at 2:27 AM

  13. Liberal establishment won this battle, but they failed to destroy Trump. They’ve got nothing left after this. The Russian narrative has failed. They can keep try to connect Trump to white supremacy but thats going to fade too. What does the liberal establishment have left?


    August 17, 2017 at 5:18 AM

    • It’s death by a thousand cuts. It’s all adding up. He keeps breaking new records for disapproval and at some point fox news will turn on him.


      August 17, 2017 at 11:38 AM

    • Big businesses are all “liberal”, since big profits are a result of low wages and often times, 3rd world labor. So no, the establishment consists of the globalists with their Democrat and Republican minions. Lion is correct on this one. Again, the Anglo Prole Sphere is driven by universalism in the form of global commerce, and Anglo big business would want to separate themselves from anyone who is deemed “racist”, or else they will lose money.


      August 17, 2017 at 1:01 PM

    • We might get six months of a Nazi conspiracy theory, just like the 6 months of Russian conspiracy.

      Mike Street Station

      August 17, 2017 at 1:45 PM

  14. He has a chance to go back to his populist agenda : over-tax the rich and de-tax the small business owners, build the wall, tax importation from mexico-china-germany-japan unless he extracts counterpart, expand medicaid-medicare and repeal Obamacare and all incentive to insurance companies and put executives who colludes with state government and local authorities in jail, make the price of the drugs fall by puting some pharm executives in jail, terminate all positive discrimination in Universities and Jobs by making them illegal (even the one for legacies) ….

    He will never be loved nor understood by an Amy Davidson (from the NEw Yorker) who believes she “represents’ the poor and the oppress when she is marrying a general counsel of KKR who makes 10 millions a year (David Sorkin). He shouldn’t care and show everyone he will destroy the institutions as they benefit them for the sake of the great majority of decent people even the one that doesn’t understand an Amy Davidson-Sorkin doesn’t “work” for them (and I love reading Amy Davidson articles …).


    August 17, 2017 at 5:57 AM

    • Those reforms would be great but he doesn’t have the power to institute them unilaterally and he’s never indicated he believed in them. Maybe you can get to 80% of what you said by ignoring all the times he said the opposite, but the remaining 20% he never supported.


      August 17, 2017 at 11:40 AM

      • Man, Maggie is on the rag again today!

        Andrew E.

        August 17, 2017 at 12:00 PM

  15. In this audio, a journalist of the NYT explains who he contacted all CEO after Frazier resignation to say enough is enough and start to make them do something against Trump. Journalist is so cocky and dumb that he is not scared of telling that he conspires against your president :


    August 17, 2017 at 6:50 AM

    • Why would he be scared? In his milieu, it would be more dangerous to be perceived as not working against Trump.


      August 17, 2017 at 10:31 AM

  16. The public loss of the GOPe and big business CEO’s opens the door to full-throated populist class warfare. Trump already has the White working class, now he needs to go after the Black and Hispanic working classes and the lower middle classes. Propose a tax plan that bleeds the rich, and support openly socialist benefits for the working and middle class.

    Trump, himself, and most of his family have leftist tendencies to begin with. Treat the GOPe as the enemy they are.

    bob sykes

    August 17, 2017 at 6:57 AM

    • Trump-Sanders 2020?


      August 17, 2017 at 9:50 AM

    • I don’t know know who you are referring to but Ivanka has the most bland libertarian-lite elite centrist views imaginable. It’s the same ideology that has been poisoning this country since at least Reagan and won’t solve anything.


      August 17, 2017 at 11:43 AM

  17. We’re now at full-on “parents must disown their children for WrongThink” .. after Charlottesville. And normies are buying it. Parents have to “issue statements” about their children who have been spotted at the rally. Just heard a talk show host say, “would you hire someone at that rally? I dont think so!”. Alt-Right people are now facing a pariah status that not even paroled murderers have had to face: being completely unemployable and unable to sustain themselves. Even those giving them food will be subject to sanctions.


    August 17, 2017 at 12:06 PM

    • Alt-Right people are now facing a pariah status that not even paroled murderers have had to face

      The panic to show you hate racism much more than the guy standing next to you is leading to some bizarre double standards. Some SJWs recently tried to dig up Nathan Bedford Forrest’s grave because he’s just too evil to be allowed to rest in peace, but if he goes, why aren’t we also digging up John Dillinger and Billy the Kid? The irrationality and malice is so high that you wonder where this ends before it finally becomes too much to stomach.

      I’ve noticed that Jimmy Carter, who ran for president while being deacon in a church that barred black people from membership, has been keeping a low profile since this all broke up.


      August 17, 2017 at 2:06 PM

  18. I’d be interested to know whether Leftists would consider the same level of violence used by antifa against ‘Nazis’ would be justified for people in the West opposing a march by Islamic or Muslim theocrats.

    The thing that amazes me about these now regular periods of hysterics is that they are often railing against opinions or simply cultural artifacts that until today had been seen as quite reasonable and respectable. And so, on todays BBC news, I hear how horrifying it is that Trump has justified the continued existence of Confederate statues–pieces of public property that until this week millions of Americans must have walked amongst with barely a second glance–as being something so utterly beyond the pale, and so obviously wrong; yet this is only a point of view that most of it’s wild-eyed adherents have suddenly discovered this week.

    For liberal whites, I suppose a lot of this has to do with the growth of nonwhite ethno-nationalisms; which to spare their blushes over the betrayal of the peaceful, post-racial Martin Luther King wet dream they had hazily imagined, are packaged as ‘civil rights groups’ and the factionalism that conservatives had long ago foreseen is reimagined as ‘identity’ and ‘multiculturalism’. Whereas only the worst motives are imputed to right-wing whites, who are never accorded the respect of being civil rights activists, only the best motives can ever be imputed to blacks and others on the left when they are screaming for white statues to be toppled, and every vestifge of our civilisation–or ‘white privilige’ to be torn down.

    The left wing embrace of these demands is rooted in a fear of confrontation followed by capitulation and a hysterical need to identity all the stronger with their people’s enemies and to blame all the harder those whites who refuse to submit as being the true cause of nonwhite anger and growing militancy.

    prolier than thou

    August 17, 2017 at 4:30 PM

  19. >>Or the beginning of Trump finally dumping the GOP establishment and big business, and becoming the President of the regular people who elected him (because now that GOPe and big business have joined the enemy forces, Trump no longer has to appease them)?

    Sure hope so. And I would not be surprised if people who have access to Trump’s ear read your blog. Go after Wall Street. Destroy them. National health care for all Americans, funded by “Windfall profits” tax on 30+ years of Wall Street excess. Regulate the big internet companies. Make them serve as public utilities. Get the fuck out of Afghanistan, now. Leave Venezuela alone – they will implode on their own in short order. Fine employees who hire illegals. This list goes on.


    August 17, 2017 at 4:32 PM

    • National health care for all Americans, funded by “Windfall profits” tax on 30+ years of Wall Street excess.

      Actually the government already spends enough on health care to cover 100% of the population if we were able to get per capita costs down to first world averages. Just bringing up how crazily expensive our health care is on a societal level would mark a encouraging break from left and right ideologies.


      August 17, 2017 at 8:30 PM

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