Lion of the Blogosphere

Beta-male rage in Toronto

Shortly before the attack, a Facebook profile with the same name uploaded a post which read: ‘All hail the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger’.

The post also mentioned ‘incel’, which is a term used to refer to men who have been made ‘involuntarily celibate’ because women continually reject their sexual advances.

The post says: ‘Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161.

‘The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!’

Yup, NOT Islamic terrorism as some people who unnecessarily jump to conclusions assumed.


One classmate, who worked on a project with him at Seneca in 2015, described Mr. Minassian as someone with a significant social or mental disability who had a hard time speaking to people, difficulty under pressure, and constant physical tics where he shook his hands and tapped his head.

Alek Minassian, like Elliot Rodger whom he was emulating, suffered from severe social phobia and was underperforming in college relative to his intelligence. Minassian, 25 years old, should have been a college graduate and working in a decent-paying computer job by now.

* * *

Reminder: My previous definition of beta-male rage, written a month before Elliott Rodger became the most perfect incarnation of the concept. (“Perfect” meaning that he perfectly fits the theory and not that I admire his crime.)

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

April 24, 2018 at 7:31 AM

Posted in Crime, Uncategorized

61 Responses

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  1. “Yup, NOT Islamic terrorism as some people who unnecessarily jump to conclusions assumed.”

    It’s hardly an outrageous conclusion since these ramming attacks are a signature crime of Islamic terrorists.

    Anyway, what’s interesting to me is the difference in reaction. When ISIS followers engage in this sort of behavior, the mainstream response is always “what can we do to make these people feel more accommodated so they don’t do this again?”

    But when incels attack, there is no response along the lines of “what can we do to help these men find meaningful relationships with women?”

    And ironically, while there is nothing that can be done to appease ISIS-style terrorists, a lot could be done to address the problem of incels. Of course there are always men who cannot get girlfriends or wives, but feminism has really exacerbated this problem. Not only that, but realistic sex/companionship robots could really make a huge dent in the problem.


    April 24, 2018 at 7:57 AM

    • A feminized society will never accommodate bitter, low SMW men. Women are disgusted by them. One could argue that the whole point of feminism is so that women don’t have to enter a monogamous relationship with some beta schlub.

      Jason Liu

      April 24, 2018 at 8:14 AM

      • That may be true, but at least there was once a time when such men could still get jobs, support themselves and live with a little big of dignity. Today they not only have to grovel to get laid, but also before their women bosses (that is, if they are indeed employed).

        All this is happening according to the timetable I outlined a couple of years ago. First stage is random violence of this nature. Second stage is revenge violence against specific women who have ruined men’s lives by accusations which must always be believed. Third stage is targeted violence against women in power: feminist politicians, corporate executives, et al. It’s coming.


        April 24, 2018 at 10:35 AM

      • “Third stage is targeted violence against women in power: feminist politicians, corporate executives, et al. It’s coming.”

        Ah, the Beta Uprising.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        April 24, 2018 at 11:06 AM

      • “A feminized society will never accommodate bitter, low SMW men. Women are disgusted by them.”

        So true!

        I’ve also heard that the gay male world is characterized by disgust of effeminacy. So maybe it doesn’t get better? The poor gay kid graduates from high school, his dating pool is confined to 2% of the population – most of whom disgust him.

        ” One could argue that the whole point of feminism is so that women don’t have to enter a monogamous relationship with some beta schlub.”

        Don’t get carried away Jason. Feminism is the ideology of late Capitalism that tells women they should be happy with Powerpoint jobs and a shattered family structure, that’s all. We didn’t invent Capitalism. The Robber Barons did.


        April 24, 2018 at 1:31 PM

      • So why they do these men continue to exist? There must some hereditary component.

        As Greg Cochran (West Hunter) said about gay men, if it was even partly hereditary it would be long gone. He theorized that homosexuality might be a virus or something.

        I wonder what fraction of the male population are incels? We hears lots about MGTOWs, maybe it’s involuntary for some of them, but it sounds classier.

        Yes, prostitution would be one way of solving the problem.

        Also, in times long past a man could be monk or even a (Roman Catholic) priest. These were considered admirable.

        Frau Katze

        April 25, 2018 at 1:31 AM

      • > So why they do these men continue to exist? There must some hereditary component.

        > As Greg Cochran (West Hunter) said about gay men, if it was even partly hereditary it would be long gone.

        That’s not how evolution works


        April 25, 2018 at 12:27 PM

      • @Megasplit. “That’s not how evolution works”,Perhaps you can tell me how a condition that makes men prefer sex with men will leave the same numbed of offspring as men who prefer women.

        Frau Katze

        April 25, 2018 at 6:22 PM

    • You know there is a technology today that allows money to be exchanged for sex with something that looks like a woman, because it *is* a woman. And it doesn’t even require a slew of AI and robotic advancements that may never be invented!

      I don’t know that a guy like this would have been married even during the Baby Boom. Women select heavily against guys who are obviously severely defective. This is a feature, not a bug, of sexual reproduction.

      But, in the more buttoned-up past, seeing a prostitute was ironically less frowned upon, especially in working class circles. In many times and places, a majority of men lost their virginity to a prostitute. But the availability of free sex has made this act shameful, at the same time reducing demand, so that the quality of prostitutes is not what it used to be (except at the unaffordable high end). Plus the illegality scares a lot of guys off, particularly anxious guys like this one.

      The fact that prostitution is illegal is also the only reason there exists a market for “lap dances”. A lot of the sad, pathetic guys one finds at a strip club on a Tuesday morning would instead be going to a brothel and probably walking away happier.

      So I think legalizing prostitution would be a boon to incels, but it will still be worse for them than it was in the days before premarital sex was normalized, due to the shame factor. And there would still be a shame factor with sexbots. So things will remain that way unless premarital sex is de-normalized.


      April 24, 2018 at 8:50 AM

      • “I don’t know that a guy like this would have been married even during the Baby Boom”

        Like I said, there have always been men who cannot get girlfriends or wives, but the problem was a good deal smaller in the past.

        As far as I know, the problem with prostitutes is that there is no feeling of connection. Or at least that’s what I imagine. I’ve never used a prostitute but for this reason it seems pretty unappealing to me, even if the prostitute is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous.


        April 24, 2018 at 10:29 AM

      • This is why these incels are mentally weak. They have too much pride to pay to get their dick wet or are too timid to “break” the law yet they become violently resentful instead of adaptive. I suppose it’s too painful a realization to deal with their low sexual worth and try to change it. Doing murder is more therapeutic than doing chubby girls.

        A Dilettante

        April 24, 2018 at 12:32 PM

      • They have social phobia.

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        April 24, 2018 at 1:00 PM

      • I haven’t visited a prostitute either, but I’ve been to a strip club once, and I found the whole thing absurd, and kind of torturous. Why am I paying money to be teased?

        But the fact is that the talent of a stripper isn’t really in gyrating her body, or climbing on poles, it’s in trying to form some sort of connection: flattering the guy, feeding his ego, making him think that she actually likes him, even if he’s smart enough to know better, so that he keeps coming back.

        So I’d expect much the same thing from a middle-tier prostitute, except right now there’s not much of a middle tier of prostitutes, and I think this has to do with the law and the existence of strip clubs, which is a byproduct of the law.

        And the point isn’t for seeing prostitutes to be as good as a romantic relationship, but for it to be “good enough” to satisfy the incel and borderline-incel masses, in the absence of an actual correction to our culture.


        April 24, 2018 at 1:09 PM

      • I am friends with a former topless dancer. Sometimes she would have hang out at the club with her. The girls would try to hustle me by flattering me, telling me I look good, have pretty eyes etc. No women at a regular club ever talked to me like that…so it meant nothing to me. When I told them I wasn’t a customer…I was there to drive a dancer home they got angry.

        My friend, who worked at strip clubs for many years, told me many of the strippers do in fact hook on the side. They can’t resist the money.

        This Canadian guy we are talking about was definitely below a beta male. Keep in mind beta males are just your everyday, average guys. Because he had extreme anxiety issues and froze when he tried to talk to women he was an omega even if he looked beta on the surface.

        Jay Fink

        April 24, 2018 at 8:09 PM

  2. He looks pretty average, no reason to be incel. These people always underestimate their attractiveness.

    Jason Liu

    April 24, 2018 at 8:09 AM

    • Except for the fact that for women, male attractiveness is not based solely or even mainly on looks. No amount of being half decent looking will overcome extreme social awkwardness. Girls probably found him “creepy.”


      April 24, 2018 at 10:45 AM

      • “Except for the fact that for women, male attractiveness is not based solely or even mainly on looks”

        We would be seeing a lot more attractive women with sub par men in looks if this was the case. If you think ugly men get the same female reception at a party function as attractive men, all else being equal, then the world does not discriminate.


        April 24, 2018 at 12:03 PM

      • “We would be seeing a lot more attractive women with sub par men in looks if this was the case.”

        You see exactly this at the club on a weekend night. You see some really good looking guys with really good looking women, but you also see lot of good looking guys frozen deer-in-the-headlights at the edge of the dance holding up their beer with their couple of guy friends, and you see a decent number of average looking guys who aren’t tall, and maybe have pot bellies, with their arms around gorgeous women. They can’t all be billionaires, right?

        Jokah Macpherson

        April 24, 2018 at 6:50 PM

    • That’s what I was thinking. But I doubt their appearance is why they couldn’t get dates. It was their awkwardness, odd behavior and inability to connect. Leon describes their problems as simply “severe social phobia”. But I’m not sure that was the root cause. Not for all of them, anyway. I think that, at least for some of them, their social phobia was caused by autism or something. I’m not trying to stigmatize autism. But I can see how that could cause someone to develop social phobia.

      I can also see why women don’t want to go out with some awkward beta. Guys may think it’s just looks or that they’re not “cool” enough. And I’m sure that a lot of it is shallow, hypergamy, etc. But there’s more to it than that. If there’s no connection then there’s just no connection.


      April 24, 2018 at 10:47 AM

      • There is a reason for social phobia, high Neuroticism (as defined by H.J. Eysenk) combined with bad early social encounters, independent of autism. We are too quick to label everything “autism.”

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        April 24, 2018 at 11:12 AM

      • @destructure – he had tics and twitches and was truly f’d up. I think beta male rage is a good term of art, but he wasn’t beta, he was an outlier. The guy who shot up the church in Texas (remember him? Like 12 shootings ago) – that was a beta. But another beta brought him down.


        April 24, 2018 at 1:34 PM

      • I’m not trying to label everything as autism. I don’t even think there is a single autism. Because there isn’t a single gene that causes it but several genes working together. And most of the major mental illnesses share those same genes. For example, inherit one particular combination and it’s autism. inherit another and it’s schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, adhd, etc. Which brings me to my original point — a lot of odd people probably share some combination of those genes whether they are a classic case of autism or not.

        You think it’s just neuroticism combined with bad early social encounters. But I think you’re confusing cause and effect. People are neurotic because of genetics. And they probably had bad early social encounters because of their genes as well. Some people would be affected by those bad experiences whereas people with different genes probably wouldn’t. Of course, subject someone to enough stress and they’ll be affected regardless of genetics.


        April 24, 2018 at 3:06 PM

    • It sounds like he has something like Tourette syndrome. It doesn’t matter what he looked like if he acted really weird. That will put women right off.


      April 24, 2018 at 1:03 PM

  3. It’s because these people refuse to function on their own level. There are plenty of lonely women, but these losers want want women above their.

    Lion, there I a revolution in Armenia, which is very significant, and you are blogging about some Armenian nut case in Toronto. This is prole.


    April 24, 2018 at 8:46 AM

    • It appears more like a change or political leadership. In an unimportant country.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      April 24, 2018 at 9:17 AM

      • He tried to emulate Putin and failed. Both the protests and the fact that he resigned are very significant, if you care about people’s power and popular revolution. Where Putin cracked down, Sarkysian yielded. Armenians have shown that they have the spirit to fight for their rights. This is very impressive on the HBD level.


        April 24, 2018 at 9:45 AM

    • “It’s because these people refuse to function on their own level.”

      Women date up and men date down. For men at the bottom, there are literally no women at their level. Feminism has exacerbated this problem by encouraging women to “follow your heart,” i.e. to have short term relationships with the most attractive men they can; pushing women into independently earning money, thereby reducing the number of men they perceive to be richer/higher status than them.

      Having social anxiety or Aspergers is a huge hit to a man’s sexual marketplace value.


      April 24, 2018 at 9:22 AM

      • If the first sentence of your second paragraph is correct, which it is in some places in this world, then society should tell everyone to date *across*.

        Female 1’s should stop pining for male 5’s. Female 6’s and 7’s should stop trying to have one night stands with male 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s. If you’re a 1, then only date other 1’s. If you’re a 10, then only date other 10’s.


        April 24, 2018 at 10:20 PM

    • And so do the women. The expectations of a 3 or 4 are just as high as those of an 8 or 9.


      April 24, 2018 at 10:36 AM

      • In terms of “too high standards-itis,” women tend to be a good deal worse than men.


        April 24, 2018 at 11:37 AM

  4. The only thing I like about my president is that he managed to be the prefered head of state, with the chinese guy, of your president besides standing at 180 degrees from him in all public policies …


    April 24, 2018 at 9:24 AM

    • I wonder how Trump can stand him. He spoke like he were Hillary Clinton. Maybe it’s because he knows how to be warm. All investment bankers know how to be bitchy. In France, people say that after meeting Macron they feel they are the most interesting and important person in the world … Bizarre that the devious English didn’t succeed there with the advantage of Brexit. May must be very patheticly unskilled. And Merkel is icy and entitled .


      April 24, 2018 at 10:05 AM

  5. Why does Lion think Islamic terrorism is NOT beta male rage? It’s the same, but with a name of god evocation.

    And this incident takes place in Anglophone Canada, another barbaric place dressed up as “capitalism”.


    April 24, 2018 at 9:52 AM

    • “Why does Lion think Islamic terrorism is NOT beta male rage?”

      Because some of the terrorists are married. The Orlando/Pulse terrorist was married. The San Bernardino attack was husband/wife. One of the Boston Marathon bombers was pretty alpha. No, Islamic terrorism is not an Islamic manifestation of beta-male rage.

      On the other hand, “white terrorism” may be beta-male rage. Dylann Roof was a beta-male loser.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      April 24, 2018 at 10:11 AM

      • The Southern Poverty Law Center agrees. They lump Elliot Rodger in with Dylann Roof as an “alt-right terrorist.”


        April 24, 2018 at 10:49 AM

      • Both Islamic terrorism and white terrorism share similar underlying causes disguised as a noble cause, “jihad” are with Muslims and “white nationalism” when it comes to whites.

        Men who feel a sense of alienation, loss of control and lowering of social status, which often not plays out in female attention are culprits of these terrorist acts.


        April 24, 2018 at 12:16 PM

    • Speaking of capitalism, today I played golf with a 90 year-old physician who said his mother was J.P. Morgan’s personal secretary.


      April 24, 2018 at 10:38 PM

      • Speaking again of Anglophones and Canadians, media sources have it that this was indeed a massacre and only to be eclipsed by the shooting at Montréal’s École Polytechnique in 1989 committed by Marc Lépine, who was also misogynist and blamed feminists for ruining his life. Lépine shot 14 women dead. This guy ran over 10 people.

        One Anglophone Canadian who happens to be Chinese lay the blame squarely on Québec’s ethnocentrism of French Canadian, where non-natives are ostracized for not being a pure laine (a descendant of the original French settlers in Québec). Detractors point out that Lépine targeted only Anglophones and not Francophones. Voilà!


        April 25, 2018 at 12:58 AM

      • @JS Lepine was half Arab and would today be seen as a Muslim. That fact is hardly ever mentioned. That name wasn’t the one he was originally called.

        His original name was “Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharb” according to Wiki.

        Frau Katze

        April 25, 2018 at 4:05 PM

  6. Isn’t it really omega male rage? Betas can get a girlfriend with enough time and effort, they just can’t walk into a nightclub and walk out with a chick on their arm. We are talking about guys who, to take Elliot Rodger’s case, had never even so much as kissed a girl once. That’s not beta, it’s omega.


    April 24, 2018 at 10:48 AM

    • “Isn’t it really omega male rage?”

      I started calling it beta-male rage, and the name stuck. It’s used eleewhere on the internet. Let’s not argue semantics.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      April 24, 2018 at 11:13 AM

      • I thought you wanted grammar Nazis to police the language!


        April 24, 2018 at 2:00 PM

      • Yes, omegas. Used to be a good beta girl would lay her traps and catch one before high school graduation. Parents in their 20s, grandparents in their 40s. The experience made a beta out of him.

        But thats when there were good jobs a guy could get right outta school.

        Mrs Stitch

        April 24, 2018 at 7:51 PM

  7. The moniker “perfect gentleman” has become a punchline.

    Oswald Spengler

    April 24, 2018 at 10:58 AM

    • Or “supreme gentleman” as Rodger referred to himself.

      Oswald Spengler

      April 24, 2018 at 10:59 AM

  8. The courts in Canada will probably find him unfit to stand trial because he is a nut case. He will be hospitalized and be out if 5 years, tops. There is something terribly wrong with the justice system in Canada.


    April 24, 2018 at 1:10 PM

  9. I think it’s much harder for a woman to find a decent man. Man are mostly dogs, as this blog keeps illustrating. It’s easier to be a woman than a man, so that’s also part of the reason, but men are dogs, definitely.


    April 24, 2018 at 1:28 PM

    • “Women pick the next generation.” anonymous quote. Men can no longer band together, conquer a country, and take their women and gold.


      April 24, 2018 at 2:00 PM

      • Women pick the next generation

        But that holds only for our society, and it’s pretty recent. Arranged marriages were the norm.

        Mind you, if this guy had Tourette’s or something, the parents wouldn’t want him either.

        But in general arranged marriages would have made life easier for beta males.

        Frau Katze

        April 25, 2018 at 1:56 AM

    • Do most women even want decent men any longer?

      Oswald Spengler

      April 24, 2018 at 2:06 PM

  10. I once stumbled upon the incel sub on reddit. Not the one that was banned but the new one. Anyway I couldn’t understand why, if angry over lack of female affection, they speak viciously and cruelly about women. Don’t they realize this will just alienate women further? If I exude hatred and condescension towards men do you think they would want to engage with me?

    Anyway if women are so horrible why fret over lack of their companionship? Doesn’t make sense.


    April 24, 2018 at 2:25 PM

    • The urge to mate is stronger than the psyche in some incels…until it isn’t.


      April 24, 2018 at 3:59 PM

  11. Having sex should no longer be a problem for him once he goes to prison. 🙂


    April 24, 2018 at 4:40 PM

  12. Minassian was discharged from the Armed Forces after 16 days of basic training. He may be very stupid, as well as socially inept. He apparently couldn’t figure out how to fold clothes or make a bed:

    From CBC:
    Alek Minassian, the suspect in Monday’s van attack in Toronto, joined the Canadian Forces last August and got 16 days into his 13-week basic training before he asked to leave, according to a statement from the Department of National Defence.

    But even in that short time — September to late October — Minassian made an impression at the military’s leadership and recruit school in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que.

    “He wasn’t very good at taking direction,” said fellow recruit Andrew Summerfield. “There was a lot of disciplinary action put towards Alek because he wouldn’t understand something and they’d want him to do it, and then he wouldn’t do it right.”

    Summerfield told CBC News that Minassian struggled to pass morning inspections that involved folding his clothes properly and making his bed to military standards.

    He said it appeared Minassian “had some sort of condition,” but he never shared what it was with Summerfield and other members of their platoon.
    “I spent a decent amount of time with him one on one trying to get him to be able to understand stuff, but it just seemed like he didn’t have the capacity,” said Summerfield, who has since left the military. “You could tell he was very socially inept.”

    A senior Canadian Forces official told CBC News about similar issues with Minassian, including dress, deportment and group interactions in a military setting.

    Also, he was apparently at Seneca College for 7 year, 2011 – 2018, studying something about computers.
    Seneca offers 2-year diplomas– that’s it. What the hell was he doing there for 7 years?


    April 24, 2018 at 6:07 PM

  13. For the whatever time, incels aren’t betas. They’re omegas.

    Dave Pinsen

    April 24, 2018 at 6:12 PM

  14. I am a 24 year old Incel who works as a programmer in a media company. Media company means lots of sluts. I once asked a girl who works at the company on a date and she ignored me. She probably thinks I’m a creep. Whenever we cross paths she avoids eye contact.

    Yep, I am worthless in their eyes. But I don’t have any desire to kill anyone. I have also thought of joining the army to try to make me into a man. I’m working out so that might help. Also, the girl I asked out isn’t even that hot.


    April 24, 2018 at 7:09 PM

    • You’re lucky to get off that easy. These days it wouldn’t be unusual for her to report you to HR because you made her “uncomfortable” or “traumatized”, and you would then be fired on the spot.

      In the new feminist order, best to avoid any contact with female colleagues other than that which is absolutely work-necessary.


      April 24, 2018 at 10:35 PM

    • Boxing, ju-jitsu, boxing is better to start off, get punched in the face a few times beats years of trying to learn “game”


      April 25, 2018 at 8:54 AM

  15. Am I the only one who noticed that when Minassian was arrested, it was in front of a big black-on-yellow sign in Arabic? Now that we know he’s a beta rage killer, I guess that turns out to be a coincidence. When I saw it, I thought maybe he had deliberately returned to some place that was known to him.

    Greg Pandatshang

    April 24, 2018 at 10:08 PM

  16. Btw, one of his victims who got the most “airtime” is a guidette by the name of Anne Marie D’Amico.


    April 24, 2018 at 10:20 PM

  17. What are Chads and Stacys? I watched a video today in which (a rather unappealing) man went on a rant about some other Youtuber p*ssing him off.

    He kept calling himself a Chad. But he’d not only been married in the past, but his reputation had been destroyed by seducing a young autistic woman.

    Maybe it was that he couldn’t find anyone else. But her parents got a guardianship and took her back.

    Well, that’s one way for someone to find sex and perhaps an appreciative parent. But most people find him disgraceful.

    Frau Katze

    April 25, 2018 at 1:12 AM

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