Lion of the Blogosphere

Cuckservatives agree with me that abortion is eugenic

Joe Biden and the Democrats’ Racist Abortion Position

But instead of that being an argument in favor of abortion, they say that eugenics is evil and therefore abortion is evil and the Dems are the real racists. LOL.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

June 15, 2019 at 9:20 AM

Posted in Politics

54 Responses

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  1. David Horowitz says this all the time. They love to point out that Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist.


    June 15, 2019 at 9:29 AM

    • Margaret Sanger wasn’t really a eugenicist. She associated herself with the Eugenics Society to take advantage of the prestige of that institution’s name (those were different times, clearly), but the eugenics society found her a pain in the backside, because she clearly didn’t know or care about eugenics; she was actually a neo-Malthusian, obsessed with overpopulation, and wanted everyone to have fewer babies, not just the “inferior”.

      Peregrino Nuzkwamia

      June 15, 2019 at 10:10 AM

      • Thank you for that interesting tidbit.

        Yes, different times indeed. The ideal family size was six children. TR had six and Kate Hepburn’s parents had six.

        TR applauded Israel Zangwill’s play, THE MELTING POT, which Steve Sailer loathes.

        Different times. I’ll look into this. D’you mind my asking if you read about it in a particular book?


        June 15, 2019 at 2:58 PM

      • I think I got it from more than one book, but at least some of it is detailed in a history of eugenics entitled “The War Against the Weak” (can’t remember the author’s name offhand) that includes details of Sanger’s relationship with the American Eugenics Society. As the title suggests, the book is one-sidedly opposed to eugenics.

        Peregrino Nuzkwamia

        June 15, 2019 at 6:32 PM

      • “Margaret Sanger wasn’t really a eugenicist.”

        I agree. And she wasn’t really the proponent of abortion both sides have made her out to be either. Her primary cause was contraception. She believed that while abortion was sometimes justified it should generally be avoided, and she considered contraception the only practical way to avoid them. If anything she was trying to reduce abortion which was illegal and dangerous at the time.

        I think claims that she supported eugenics are mostly propaganda to discredit abortion which she wasn’t even advocating in the first place. It may be circumstantial but her life certainly suggests this. For example, her mother immigrated as a result of the Potato Famine and was pregnant 18 times in 22 years. I think it’s obvious why she would be concerned about overpopulation, famine and birth control.


        June 15, 2019 at 10:56 PM

      • True. The birth control movement turned into an abortion movement after Sanger (and, in Britain, Marie Stopes) died. Movements that have momentum tend to keep going until they reach their most extreme logical conclusions.

        Peregrino Nuzkwamia

        June 16, 2019 at 12:30 AM

  2. Biden’s bigger point is that access to health care should not depend on one’s income.



    June 15, 2019 at 9:44 AM

  3. From your linked article, “The vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics in Pennsylvania and throughout the nation are located among African-American populations. Looking strictly at Pennsylvania, the latest statistics show that 43% of abortions were to African-American women and 10% to Hispanic women. More remarkable is the sheer disproportionality: only 11% of Pennsylvania women are black and 7% are Hispanic.”

    So statistically, abortion is raccisst?

    However in the modern day Democratic Party, it’s a sacrament, so I don’t expect it to be going away.

    Mike Street Station

    June 15, 2019 at 9:49 AM

  4. They’re probably even right. I imagine most liberal whites secretly do think that fewer ghetto black babies being born is a good thing. It’s not that they have the whole thing planned as a grand scheme to erase ghetto blacks, that is just a side effect of abortion rights that liberals don’t actually mind at all.

    I think it’s ironic how much white liberalism resembles the “white ingroup” philosophy that those white nationalist alt right types keep trying to create with zero success.

    Jaakko Raipala

    June 15, 2019 at 9:52 AM

    • Liberals are incredibly white and racist. They dont care if whites are whittled down to a small ruling minority behind gated walls; because they intend to be behind those walls and richer and whiter than ever. They are essentially status seeking betrayers by nature.


      June 15, 2019 at 10:54 AM

      • You are confusing “liberals” with “rich GOP voters”. I have never met a liberal who lives in a gated community. Liberals are sincerely naive and really believe some day we will live in racial harmony, even if their kids need to avoid “bad” blacks today. Pro-immigrant conservatives like lording it over a large group of inferior people, makes them feel like the aristocrats they idolize.

        Peter Akuleyev

        June 16, 2019 at 2:03 AM

      • “I have never met a liberal who lives in a gated community.”

        What is a doorman building but an urban gated community?

      • yes, but they fall for the fallacy of optimism and their narcissism, only the top 0.5 % will live behind walls, 29 out of 30 will live in the hell of their own making – dragging the rest of the western world with them


        June 16, 2019 at 9:43 AM

      • Most New Yorkers who live in doorman buildings also vote GOP, at least in local elections. They all hate Trump but they are rarely leftists.

        Peter Akuleyev

        June 17, 2019 at 1:39 AM

      • Totally false. Most in Manhattan live in doorman buildings, and Manhattan is extreme “blue.”

        Lion of the Blogosphere

        June 17, 2019 at 7:23 AM

  5. People don’t like being unpopular, and being pro-life is the unpopular position in prestigious circles. So conservatives get warm, fuzzy feelings by adopting the language of progressives and focusing on the black babies who get aborted. Not that it actually helps their cause. (It is actually true that Planned Parenthood emerged from the early 20th century eugenics movement, but the left has successful purged that uncomfortable fact from their minds.)

    There’s an old joke in Republican political circles that goes “What do you call the one black guy at a Republican event? The keynote speaker.” Not long ago I was at a pro-life event where that was literally true. There were probably 250 white people in the audience listening to the black keynote speaker talk about how many black people abortion kills.


    June 15, 2019 at 9:59 AM

  6. Maybe that should tell you something?


    June 15, 2019 at 10:03 AM

  7. You don’t win by trying to outflank the left… by going even further left. But I realize what he’s really doing. He’s pandering to pro-life extremists who are so desperate to overturn abortion that they’re trying to turn it into a race issue. I first noticed that trend years ago and was not impressed. It is indeed cuckery.

    It should be noted that most pro-lifers don’t want to ban abortion and most pro-choicers don’t support unlimited abortion. Only the most extreme hold either of those positions. There’s actually quite a lot of overlap and agreement between pro-choice and pro-life people. 75% of the public supports early term abortion and 75% opposes late term abortion. When 75% of voters hold the same position then those are the policies we’re going to have. Period. It would be political suicide to go against 75% of the the public. Which only goes to show that the politicians making a major campaign issue of abortion are insincere.


    June 15, 2019 at 10:55 AM

    • That just isn’t true. 75% of the public is for the death penalty and 75% of the public opposed illegal immigration. But the 25% of the public who oppose them have kept them from getting their way by and large.


      June 15, 2019 at 11:07 AM

      • Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the United States, currently used by 29 states, the federal government, and the military. And illegal immigration is, obviously, illegal. That’s in spite of an msm dominated by people who hold the opposite opinion. Maybe the death penalty isn’t used as often and immigration laws aren’t enforced as aggressively as we’d like. But they’re still the law of the land. And our current president won an election by campaigning against lax enforcement as his signature issue. The fact is that congress has sneakily undermined border enforcement because thy can’t get what they want openly.


        June 15, 2019 at 9:10 PM

  8. As repeatedly explained: Abortion is part and parcel of the sexual revolution that has created the problem of proliferating moron bastards. In the context of our degenerated modern society it’s possible abortion has a slightly eugenic effect. But that is dwarfed by the context itself. It would be much better in so many ways to ban abortion and shame and impoverish single mothers.


    June 15, 2019 at 12:23 PM

    • “It would be much better in so many ways to ban abortion and shame and impoverish single mothers.”

      When you impoverish a single mother, you also impoverish her child, and surely the child did nothing to morally deserve impoverishment.

      And while I fully support shaming single mothers, the Christian Right is doing the opposite, holding them up as paragons of virtue for not having an abortion.

      Lion of the Blogosphere

      June 15, 2019 at 2:13 PM

      • Deserved’s got nothing to do with it. It’s case of prudent laissez-faire.

        Also LOL at you talking about what material standard of living a kid deserves when your position is he should be killed.


        June 15, 2019 at 2:38 PM

      • If the child did nothing wrong, then hasn’t the single mother done something virtuous, or at least not done something less than perfectly virtuous, by not consenting to abort it? And look, she does this while having, and putting, ‘skin in the game’ —body, open admission, etc.?!?


        June 15, 2019 at 3:04 PM

      • Single mothers can be seen as virtuous precisely because abortion was an option and they chose to forgo it. Ironically if abortion were banned there’d be no reason for pro-lifers to praise single mothers, because the choice to even have the abortion had been taken out of their hands. So I suppose then they just go back to being sluts.

        Of course, I guess they can always go Canada for an abortion. But if pro-lifers are correct that abortion is like a modern day sin on a par with slavery, maybe America would be justified in declaring war on Canada the same way the North declaring war on the South is seen as morally justified today.

        prolier than thou

        June 15, 2019 at 7:11 PM

      • Great stuff in these posts from Lawrence Auster on the cuckedness of the contemporary conservative movement, in the context of the Bristol Palin revelation of 2008, for “[reducing] all goods to the good of avoiding abortion”:

        Still worth reading, almost 11 years later. Wrote Auster:

        The so-called conservative movement should change its name to the anti-abortion movement, or “the cult of natalism for the sake of natalism,” or “Christians for illegitimacy.”

        MoreSigmasThanYou said it well in this recent comment. People don’t get that what motivates pro-lifers is that they love, love, love babies and childbirth. They’re basically a cult of natalism, as Auster called them. The left still delusionally believes that they want to “punish women for having sex,” or that they want to ban birth control, or that they must not really care about reducing abortion because if they did they’d promote birth control more, or that they can’t really be “pro-life” because they’re mean old tax-and-social-services cutting conservatives who want to see these kids be born yet oppose the food stamps, Medicaid, welfare, free preschool, school lunches, whatever else they allegedly need to survive. But none of that is really relevant, because pro-lifers just really, really like babies and childbirth, so as long as there are more of those things, they’re happy.


        June 16, 2019 at 10:49 PM

    • If there was no abortion the number of unwed births (and all the problems that come with it such as crime) would be a lot higher than it is now.

      Jay Fink

      June 15, 2019 at 3:08 PM

      • Incorrect. The society that came together and agreed to ban abortion and imprisoned women who got them would have lower unwed births. It’s like you people can’t consider more than one tiny first order aspect at a time.


        June 15, 2019 at 5:25 PM

      • “The society that came together and agreed to ban abortion and imprisoned women who got them”

        The socons don’t want to do that, they got all angry at Blompf when he suggested “some form of punishment.” IF banning abortion were part of a broader counter-offensive against degeneracy, it might warrant optimism. But it’s not. It’s just another crypto-Leftist universalistic crusade.


        June 15, 2019 at 10:42 PM

    • @bobbybobbob

      Absolutely not.

      In Japan, when abortion and condoms become legal and available, the bastardy rate went DOWN. When Japan first started keeping records, it was 8.8%. Now it’s 2%.

      This is a Western Civilization problem. Look at the people from Eastern lands. They have plenty of abortion, condoms, intra-uterine devices, depo-provera shots, and tubal ligations. They don’t shame young people for having sex before marriage, as long as they are in a long term relationship with someone who is a potential future fiance. They DO however, shame promiscuity: double digit lifetime partners, and/or casual sex. They DO shame frivolous divorce, bastardy, STDs, and welfare queens. In places like Taiwan, the average person has 1-3 long term relationships before they marry. But casual sex and 5+ lifetime partners is still relatively uncommon.

      Abortion and birth control didn’t make people promiscuous and stupid. Rather, Western Civilization changed for the worse. Our culture now allows people to have one night stands, friends with benefits, double digit lifetime partners, no-fault divorce, bastardy, STDs, and welfare queenery.


      June 15, 2019 at 5:24 PM

      • Exactly. I was going to bring up the case of Japan as well. abortion is legal in Japan but you can’t just go to a clinic and ask for one. First you have to go to a doctor and get approval. almost everybody gets one. It’s very sensible.


        June 15, 2019 at 10:58 PM

      • I know more about Japan than you ineptly pretend to. Japan never properly had a sexual/feminist revolution. You’re simply re-enforcing my point that people who get excited about abortion rights aren’t capable of watching two balls at the same time; too mentally challenging, apparently.

        Japan would be an even better place if abortion were banned and everyone agreed it were unacceptable.


        June 15, 2019 at 10:59 PM

      • Not to mention drag queen queenery.


        June 15, 2019 at 10:59 PM

      • @bobbybobbob

        Cultural change and lavish welfare are the only things that dragged down Western society.

        If you made Japan ban abortion their bastardy rate would go back up to near 8.8%. Although, you didn’t mention banning condoms, so maybe it would only go back up to 5 or 6%.

        White people need to stop being so damn conceited. This is why I hate the “alt-right” “white nationalists” just as much as I hate liberals. White people are so conceited that most whites think they have nothing at all to learn from colored people. Well I think that we have a ton to learn from the Asians:

        1. Ban no-fault divorce
        2. Shame promiscuity, bastardy, STDs, and welfare queens
        3. Don’t shame young couples who have sex, as long as they are in a long term relationship that has a high probability of leading to marriage.
        4. Have a culture where 1-3 lifetime partners is seen as ideal. 0-1 is unrealistic and too Christian/Muslim. 1-3 is ideal and realistic. 5+ should be shamed and looked down upon. 10+ should be ostracized. This is the reality in Taiwan.
        5. Contraceptives and abortion should be legal and available. Encourage low IQ proles to use them.
        6. Don’t waste time and energy on being mad at LGBT people. Ignore them instead.


        June 16, 2019 at 8:29 AM

      • Since you and your boyfriend have such a low sex drive, why couldn’t you wait?


        June 16, 2019 at 9:21 AM

  9. The determination of some Republicans to ban abortion is probably a big reason why heavy hitting billionaires like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates don’t feel they can back the Republican party.

    Other than that, I think the Republicans are closest to how the world actually needs to be governed.


    June 15, 2019 at 5:48 PM

  10. Marriage is eugenic. Mormonism is eugenic. Judaism is eugenic. Christianity is eugenic. Criminal law is eugenic. Vigilantism is eugenic. War is eugenic.


    June 15, 2019 at 6:01 PM

    • Good point, Curle. Almost everybody who mocks men who are against abortion as “cucks” is on the spectrum (sad!), and people on the spectrum have no idea what I know: what it is like to have many hot women love you, and feel a deep and passionate desire to have you as the father of their children.

      People like me are the people who are going to have descendants, losers who mock people who know that abortion is evil will have many fewer descendants. Think about it ….

      I can’t begin to tell you how difficult the memory of past abortions are for old women who are no longer attractive, and of course I can’t claim that the children who were aborted were happy about it either.

      Wake up sheeple!

      Do not, my friends, do not ever agree with a woman who says that poor Ruth Bader Ginsburg is right about the issue of abortion,

      Just don’t.

      You are a sad loser if you think abortion is ok, and you deserve a wife who looks like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

      howitzer Daniel

      June 15, 2019 at 10:46 PM

      • “People like me are the people who are going to have descendants, losers who mock people who know that abortion is evil will have many fewer descendants. Think about it ….”

        And Mohamed the Afghan peasant is going to have many more descendants than you. Doesn’t mean his lifestyle or worldview is superior. I get this tradcuck “lol you’re gonna be a genetic dead end” argument a lot since I’m a never-married man approaching age 40. I’ll tell you what I tell them: when your wife divorces you and takes your stuff, I’ll be the guy not caring.


        June 16, 2019 at 1:11 PM

    • Both Christiantiy and Islam are dysgenic. War is dysgenic, because only able-bodied and non-retard young men get drafted. All the retards and the gimpy men stay home.


      June 16, 2019 at 8:31 AM

  11. Conservatives are morons. What else is new? The right needs to secularise; this is possible in Europe but not in US thanks to Evangelical fecundity. Those Christian morons will be the death of us all.


    June 15, 2019 at 7:10 PM

    • You don’t think the right is secularizing? That’s been a slow, but steady trend since the Moral Majority went out of business. Evangelicals have far less power in the GOP now then they did 30 years ago.Weekly Church attendance has dropped not just in the country, but in the GOP too.

      The party of Trump is secular right.

      Mike Street Station

      June 16, 2019 at 6:28 AM

      • The right has only secularised in as much as it has also liberalised, as seen by the infestation of socially liberal, fiscally conservative types. It may be more secular but it’s also less right-wing too.

        Billy Bob

        June 17, 2019 at 12:57 PM

    • Of course.

      The only way you can be both conservative and eugenic is if you are secular.

      The religious right have managed to be even more dysgenic than the secular left.

      Secular right is the only ideology that can be totally eugenic. People that don’t believe me can look at Easterners’ cultures.


      June 16, 2019 at 8:33 AM

    • Christianity seems to have served America – and Europe – pretty well. Secularists are doing everything in their power to destroy both places. Secularism, particularly atheism, has been a disaster everywhere it’s taken hold.


      June 16, 2019 at 10:57 AM

      • That’s because secularism in the Western mind is synonymous with leftism and was born from anti-Christian sentiment. If we decouple atheism from politics, I don’t see why we couldn’t create a productive secularism.

        Billy Bob

        June 17, 2019 at 7:44 AM

      • Religion is only useful for low IQ people because they need a sky daddy telling them them what to do all of the time.

        Japan and Singapore are mostly secular. They don’t look like disasters to me.


        June 17, 2019 at 9:29 AM

  12. I guess so. A thing born out of wedlock symbolizes all that is dysgenic. A product of pure hedonistic, pre-marital sex. A product of low future time orientation. A product of poor life decisions. Essentially, this being is a bastard. The NAM hoodies and barrios are ridden with bastards.

    Ok, what, who's this again?

    June 15, 2019 at 10:33 PM

    • Only a bad decision if society doesn’t subsidize it.

      The R-selected are in heaven in a k-selected society that pays for their reproductive strategy.

      The middle class k-selected are in hell.

      I want a society that subsidizes k-selected people to marry YOUNG (like man is 19 and girl is 14) and have 4 kids at least.


      June 16, 2019 at 11:38 AM

      • “I want a society that subsidizes k-selected people to marry YOUNG (like man is 19 and girl is 14) and have 4 kids at least” – that’s statutory rabe.

        Might be thats what floats your boat or other conservative folks in the forum (not judging at all), but cannot be good or acceptable for society in general. But you do you.


        June 17, 2019 at 2:46 AM

      • All a “k-selected society” has to do is stop paying for the r-selected.

        Get rid of all welfare programs. It’s that simple.


        June 17, 2019 at 9:30 AM

  13. Abortion was legalized because of the ethical problems associated with forced sterilization. The end of that program after WW2 for good and bad caused a massive spike in crime beginning in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the underclass exploded and finally came of age into adulthood. The more abortion the better.


    June 16, 2019 at 5:57 PM

  14. I know three women who got abortions in their 20’s, and none of them could get pregnant when they wanted to, in their 30’s.

    I’m not saying that abortion caused the infertility. I am saying that young women should be very careful about getting an abortion. It may be their only chance to have a baby. Which most women want.

    And these were all well-educated white women. I suspect that happens a lot. I feel like for the last 40 years, abortion for young white women in their 20’s has been the expected thing — sort of a rite of passage. That is deeply sad.

    Amused Observer

    June 16, 2019 at 7:58 PM

  15. Cuckservatives are stupid. That goes without saying.

    Yet, here we are again. The Democrats are in some double-plus secret plan to erase black babies with abortion, yet they are sincere about wanting to pay more taxes.

    These absurdities need to go. Liberals support abortion because they know it gets rid of white people. If abortion had the effect on black bodies that you guys think they do, then abortion would have been banned. Likewise, liberals don’t want high taxes, judging by their reaction to the removal of federal deductions for SALT.

    Again, no “fast ones” are being pulled on democrats.


    June 17, 2019 at 12:55 AM

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