Lion of the Blogosphere

Live updates on Twitter

I fixed the Twitter link in the sidebar.

So far, I think that the Dem’s have played the Republicans and beat them here. It doesn’t even matter whether Ford is telling the truth or not, only law nerds care about actual truth, it’s all about optics and how good of a performance Ford is doing.

If only Repubs had the backbone to just vote on Kavanaugh right away when Ford’s Trump-hating lawyer was playing delay delay delay.

Let’s hope I’m wrong and it turns out that this prosecutor the Repubs hired is going to crush Ford’s credibility sometime later.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 27, 2018 at 11:51 AM

Posted in Law, Politics, Uncategorized

More about the suppressed Holton-Arms yearbooks

Must read article by RealClear Investigations:

Other evidence indicates Ford, a popular cheerleader at the time, was immersed in an alcohol-fueled party culture and no stranger to “keg parties” in the D.C. area — or the “bar scene” along the Maryland and Delaware coast. In fact, Ford was known as a “party girl” on the Delaware shore during summer breaks, another source with direct knowledge of the congressional investigation said.

One report, moreover, recounts how Ford once got caught in “a romantic triangle” at Dewey Beach that ended with the two men getting into a fistfight over her.

At Holton-Arms, the source added, she was known by classmates, and even some parents, by a sexually derogatory nickname playing off her maiden name Blasey, suggesting she was promiscuous.

“She was not the wholesome Catholic girl they’re trying to portray her as,” the source said, making her claims of victimization at the hands of Kavanaugh “harder to believe.”

I’m guessing that nickname was “Easy Blasey.” Anyone else have any other ideas?

* * *

My take is that we shouldn’t be judging Kavanaugh based on prudish standards when both he and Ford belonged to an elite private school clique that was all about drinking and casual sex.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 27, 2018 at 9:24 AM

More about the suppressed Holton-Arms yearbooks

Must read article by RealClear Investigations:

Other evidence indicates Ford, a popular cheerleader at the time, was immersed in an alcohol-fueled party culture and no stranger to “keg parties” in the D.C. area — or the “bar scene” along the Maryland and Delaware coast. In fact, Ford was known as a “party girl” on the Delaware shore during summer breaks, another source with direct knowledge of the congressional investigation said.

One report, moreover, recounts how Ford once got caught in “a romantic triangle” at Dewey Beach that ended with the two men getting into a fistfight over her.

At Holton-Arms, the source added, she was known by classmates, and even some parents, by a sexually derogatory nickname playing off her maiden name Blasey, suggesting she was promiscuous.

“She was not the wholesome Catholic girl they’re trying to portray her as,” the source said, making her claims of victimization at the hands of Kavanaugh “harder to believe.”

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 27, 2018 at 9:23 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

Julie Swetnick’s ex-boyfriend speaks

Julie Swetnick is the accuser who claims that girls were routinely gang-raped at parties that Kavanaugh attended, and that she too was a victim of such a rape after going to many parties where she observed evidence that other girls were gang-raped.

The ex-boyfriend filed for a restraining order against her. (However, it should be noted that, as far as I can tell, the ex-boyfriend did not follow through with the process for obtaining an order.)

“Right after I broke up with her, she was threatening my family, threatening my wife and threatening to do harm to my baby at that time,” Vinneccy said in a telephone interview with POLITICO. “I know a lot about her.”

“She’s not credible at all,” he said. “Not at all.”

. . .

“I have a lot of facts, evidence, that what she’s saying is not true at all,” he said. “I would rather speak to my attorney first before saying more.”

The ex-boyfriend is a registered Democrat, so he’s not saying this for politically motivated reasons.

* * *

Also, I want to say in response to sleazy lawyer Avenatti trying to bolster Swetnick’s credibility by stating that she has multiple security clearances, I say BFD. In just four years in the DC area, I accumulated a Public Trust Clearance and an interim Secret Clearance. Literally millions of people have security clearances. Do you think they really have resources to do any more than the most cursory investigation of all those people? No way.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 26, 2018 at 9:39 PM

Posted in Politics

Mass hysteria?

Read this article about the Halifax Slasher.

Is the same thing happening here with Kavanaugh?

* * *

Read article in Psychology Today: Why Are Females Prone to Mass Hysteria?

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 26, 2018 at 12:57 PM

Posted in Politics, Psychology

The new accuser

Allegedly, girls were routinely “train” raped (boys would wait in line for their turn) at these “house parties” that the accuser attended with boys two years younger than her, and she kept going to these parties until she became a rape victim herself. But no one ever went to the police about any of this.

* * *

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 26, 2018 at 11:58 AM

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized

Was Kavanaugh really a virgin?

There are some liberals getting off on this tweet, saying that it proves that Kavanaugh is a liar.

I say it’s a lot more likely that Kavanaugh lied when he was in the Yale dorms. Kavanaugh felt embarrassed about being a virgin, because he must have thought that all of the cool kids had already done it.

But if he was embarrassed about it, then that is evidence against the theory that he was a committed Catholic who would be proud to let people know of his religious beliefs. Of course, maybe at an atheist place like Yale, he was also embarrassed about being heavily into Catholicism.

Another explanation is that, although being a jock type, he was actually very shy around girls. His heavy drinking could actually bolster that theory. He drank to get liquid courage. I have not heard about any girlfriends that Kavanaugh had in his early years, and he got married pretty late in life, at 39.

I find it unlikely that he would lie now about being a virgin. He would need rock-solid assurance that none of the girls he had sex with would come out to call him a liar. It would be way too risky to lie about it.

* * *

Hashed writes in a comment:

His virgin comment was stupid, it didn’t change anything just made things worse, if anything people believe he is more of a rapist because women detest virgins and see them as creepy. He was smart enough to lie about it while being in university, he should have kept it to himself also now.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 26, 2018 at 11:38 AM

Brett Kavanaugh’s high school calendar!

Ha, it really exists!

Crazy that we are determining whether a 53-year-old man is qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice based on what he wrote in a calendar when he was a teenager.

Amazing that he was still hanging onto it. But still, a cool reminder of technologically simpler times when kids wrote stuff on paper calendars.

Would we have to kick Ruth Bader Ginsburg off the Court if we examined her teenage diary?

* * *

At least Kavanaugh has provided some contemporaneous physical evidence. Where is Ford’s evidence???

* * *

People will probably want to know why he was grounded several times. Should he be denied confirmation to the Supreme Court because of those previous High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Can we allow someone who was grounded by his parents when he was 17 to decide the most important issues facing the nation today?

Who is Nikki? Who is Suzanne? He had a lot of girl friends for a virgin.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 26, 2018 at 10:53 AM

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized

Anti-miscegenation message in A Spell for Chameleon

He bent his head again—and heard a rustle, too close. He jumped up, drew his knife, moved a few paces, and through the trees sighted an incredible thing. Two creatures were locked in combat: a griffin and a unicorn. One was male, the other female, and they were—they were not fighting, they—

Bink retreated, profoundly embarrassed. They were two different species! How could they!

Disgusted, he returned to the spring. …

I love how this book is so politically incorrect!

And notice how Piers Anthony slyly lets us know that they were having sex, without actually saying that’s what they were doing.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 25, 2018 at 5:43 PM

Posted in Books

Claims on the internet that Christine Blasey-Ford had 54 sexual partners before college

Plus lots of drunken partying.

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh was a virgin throughout high school and for “many years” afterwards.

* * *

Why haven’t I heard of this before? Looks to me like there has been a coordinated plan to keep this information hidden. Twitter wouldn’t let me post a link to that blog post/article.

Given her alleged reputation for drunken partying and sex with so many different boys, it’s easy to understand why some drunk boy thought he had consent to horseplay with her in the manner she claims.

Written by Lion of the Blogosphere

September 25, 2018 at 9:59 AM